Thursday, September 15, 2016

Jew-friendly subjectivist (moralist) demonstrates problem of satanism dominating degenerate culture of Jew S A....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Struggles To Figuring-Out About "Nano-Thermite"
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 16)

"Why has no one been able to prove where the nanothermate came from - and start there?" -Mr. Goody, fm above, Sep 14, 2016, 8:16:00 PM

Like it's all some huge mystery, eh? Ho ho ho oho ho, Mr. Goody, who OWNED WTC bldgs. in first place, eh?--who controlled the Port Authority which made the sale in first place? So what "security" corp. did he hire?--aren't these the necessary, presumptive starting places? U have to have this all explained to u? And the only "nano-tech" "nano-thermite" co.s are CIA and MOSSAD -connected, right? shows us all who was total master of every operational aspect of 9/11--MOSSAD and no one else, not even CIA who merely suck-along--going back to the 70s they (MOSSAD) were planning and plotting it all.

And don't forget P-Tech (see which inserted the soft-ware for the air-control systems for the Fed Aviation Admin, which inserted all the fake blips for where the planes were supposed to be--MOSSAD all the way.

Good gravy, but u're amazingly, so conveniently dumb, aren't u?--like u think this bit about the "nano-thermite" is some kind of rocket-science to figure-out, eh? GTFO, sucker. Everything about u is always sooooo Jew-friendly, -serving, and -sympathetic--WHY?--HOW? Is it because u're subjectivist, moralist, hence given and susceptible to satanism?--dumbass sucker thereto?

And ur Jew-friendliness and susceptibility to satanism also follows naturally fm ur psychotic anti-Christianity, doesn't it?--aside fm fact u don't and can't even say what Christianity really is all about, u poor, brainless s.o.b., sucker for satanism, traitor and enemy of the real USA, now the Jew S A, as there are actually quite a few people like u, eh Mr. Goody?

So u see, Mr. Goody, in merely and simply examining u urself, ur mentality and "philosophy," such as it is (subjectivism), we see what the real problem is, not only for urself but for all Jew S A too, eh? Ho ho ho ho

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