Tuesday, September 13, 2016

satanism, moralism, (non-existent) "good," hubris, and death-worship: it all goes together, suckers....

satanism, Moralism, Warfare, Hubris, And Death-Worship: It All Goes Together
(Apollonian, 13 Sep 16)

Satanism, of course, is extreme subjectivism as noted, and root of this satanism and subjectivism is inferiority-complex and the obsession to pretend to non-existent (in an objective, determined reality, at least) good-evil taught to the young and obsessively retained by so many.

Lately, we see "climate-change" is pretext for pretended "good" excuse for dictatorship, and the satanists want to blame humanity. Note also, lots of things, including terrorism, like 9/11 can be blamed on "evil, the excuse then for police-state, the struggle against such "evil" being pretext for war, war the pretext for dictatorship, satanists/subjectivists the masters of this police-state system in perpetual war for perpetual peace.

Thus satanism is involved in DEATH-WORSHIP, dicatatorship always having to be involved in such perpetual war, the latest "climate-change" psy-ops being blamed on humanity, humanity now having to be managed for population-control, sustainability, and the latest agenda-30 dictatorship, following agenda-21.

So just as in Stalinist Russia (USSR), perpetual war requires evermore oppressive police-state and -policies and ever-greater reduction of population under all the various pretexts, latest being "climate-change," humanity now having to be reduced for purpose of something other than humanity, like the planet earth and its climate. Some humans must be sacrificed and exterminated for the good of others, but always for supposed and pretended "good" of the planet, otherwise an inanimate object, masking dictatorship of a few humans at the top.

There can never be any letting-up or curtailment of the ever-greater police-state and totally structured society serving the "greater good," always anti-human. Thus "good" is anti-human; good is DEATH--all for the good of the "planet" and it's climate.

And note further, this un-remitting, un-ceasing death-worship parallels the ever-greater grasping of power for the police-state, the anti-human instrument, the satanic servant of death, the topmost powers at ever-greater odds w. one-another, suspicions against the others always foremost consideration. Thus ultimately the police-state must exterminate itself as the human population is destroyed, the leaders finally, necessarily working against one-another even if at first they pretend to co-operating.

Thus the Platonic "Republic," built upon false ideal of "good" and subjectivism is doomed, as we see presently, and as we see satanism is built upon irrationality (subjectivism), serving only death, the people lost within hubris and madness, the delusion of moralism and non-existent "good," built upon inferiority-complex

But note then in the inexorable degeneration of the previously productive society (as in USA and West fm the 20th cent.) there will be a period when, as in Soviet Russia, the delusion is maintained for a while among the fools who are yet steadily exterminated, that the "good" (as the "Great society" of LBJ in US history) actually exists, this hubristic delusion fueling the great, horrific carnage, warfare, and activity, all this within the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Such then is the inevitable course of satanism following upon Platonic "good" and subjectivism, the resulting police-state, and perpetual war for perpetual peace, satanism fostering death worship, as in Agenda-21 population reduction and "sustainability."

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