Friday, September 16, 2016

Never forget: subjectivism is core, essence, basis of satanism, perfectly reflected by Jew, Talmud and all history....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanic Cultural Complex Founded By Such As Mr. Goody
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 16)

What's problem w. Jew S A?--satanism in general (extreme subjectivism) which has so much taken over Jew S A and West in general, which satanism then is led by Jews (see and founded upon the political-correct Jew-friendliness and anti-Christianity of such as Mr. Goody.

Observe Mr. Goody's satanic obsession for Jew-sympathy, along w. anti-Christianity, and insane insistence upon subjectivism and "good-evil," all essential part-parcel for the satanic complex which thrives and rules in West and Jew S A. How did 9/11 happen?--over-population of people like Mr. Goody.

------------below-copied by Mr. Goody in response to above-------------------

Anonymous Sep 16, 2016, 8:05:00 PM

Apsterian: Do you share this definition? We can get to your addition of "extreme" later...

From wiki:"Subjectivism is the philosophical tenet that "our own mental activity is the only unquestionable fact of our experience""

I, JR, do NOT agree with the statement.

Perhaps you think my actions speak louder than my words - maybe I am writing specific words that lead you to believe this incorrect analysis of me.

---------------------below-copied by ap in response to above--------------------

apsterian Sep 16, 2016, 8:54:00 PM

(Apollonian, 16 Sep 16)

Then why do u uphold delusionary "good-evil"? For there is no "good-evil" in an objective, hence determinist (absolute cause-effect) reality. "Good-evil" is SUBJECTIVISM. And the active, most practical satanists (extreme subjectivists) are simply COLLECTIVIST subjectivists who collude in their typical criminal enterprises as in case of central-banking and then all the derived criminal activities dependent thereupon.

And subjectivism is the very CORE of Judaism (Talmud) by which they are "chosen" and thus entitled to exterminate, murder, cheat, and lie to the rest of humanity who are considered to being legitimate victims and targets--BY THE EXPLICIT TENETS OF THEIR FILTHY Talmudic religion.


apsterian Sep 16, 2016, 10:54:00 PM

Judaism = Talmudism = Subjectivism = "Interpretation" = Satanism
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 16)

Hence then, it is rightly, accurately said Judaism is satanism, criminality, and sociopathy, a literal war-plan against humanity, and there's no "good" Jew anymore than there's "good psychopath" or sociopath. No decent person calls himself "Jew."

And this EXPLICIT subjectivism and literal WAR AGAINST HUMANITY is perfectly verified fm their filthy Talmud, Zohar, etc., and then confirmed fm all history, including present-day as we see their mass-murder of Palestinians, Arabs, et al. See And as sponsors and supporters of UN Agenda-21 they (Jews) work for extermination of world population. And note G. Soros the main force behind "black lies matter," fomenting war btwn/among the races, etc.

Thus Judaism/Talmud holds God's very purpose was to create the most precious thing of existence, kikes, the "apple" of God's eye. Thus the Jew Holy Days are days of mass-murder, as Passover and Purim (look them up), Hannukah is another. Judaism is a religion of WAR.

Thus Jews preach God gave Moses the "Oral law" by which Jews "interpret" (midrash) the Torah by which to serve Jews in best way. And that's why Torah is NOT NOT NOT the controlling rule of Judaism, but rather the Talmud midrash (interpretation), which midrash Christ rejected and repudiated (Gosp.s MATT ch. 15; Mark ch. 7)

The SUBJECTIVIST nature of Judaism and Talmud is so gross, emphatic, and blatant that Talmud is divided into two main sections, (a) Mishnah by which Torah is interpreted, and then (b) Gemara by which the Mishnah interpretation is further interpreted--the literal interpretation of the interpretation, in case there's any mistake. Thus Torah is ONLY what rabbis, through Talmud midrash, says it means, SUBJECTIVISM, whence Jews make themselves God, rabbis the leaders/masters, which Christ repudiated, why Jews say Christ was rightfully executed for heresy and blasphemy.

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