Monday, August 29, 2016

Analysis of satanism, roots, seeds, main components for psychology, to philosophy, to sociology....

satanism Founded Upon Subjectivism, Rooted In Inferiority-Complex
(Apollonian, 29 Aug 16)

The sublime simplicity of satanism must merely be grasped by more people who now suffer only fm idea there's anything particularly complex involved. For note, at root, satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, that's all, subjectivism being idea reality proceeds merely fm one's own mind/consciousness.

The only twist or "complication" is that practical satanism is COLLECTIVE--a subjective view that's shared among various individuals, esp. CRIMINALS, and then most notably among politicians and bureaucrats. These most practical subjectivists then are Jews and those who consort or sympathize w. them, esp. masons (or "free-masons"), but also "Judeo-Christians" (JCs, see and for expo).

So philosophically, it's easy to analyze the satanic network, but never forget or doubt, the practical leadership will always be Jews and close supporters/sympathizers. For the top of the satanic network is ALWAYS criminality, and the crux to the organized criminal network is the central-banking scam/criminal-enterprise.

So the analysis for the satanic network is easily understood for sociology, politics, and economics, the crux being Jews and banking and then everything/anything leading to and serving this source of livelihood, the legalized counterfeiting system feeding and controlling everything else. To confirm these simple facts here analyzed one merely needs consult the basic works of Jews, Talmud and Zohar, at,, and For central-banking, see, and the "Austrian" economic school analyses of central-banking, fiat-currency, etc.

But again, never forget or doubt the sublime simplicity for analysis of satanism, always beginning w. that principle of subjectivism, the pretext for it nearly always being moralism, Pharisaist "good-evil," the perfectly "free" human will, pretending to Godliness and ability of creating reality, and Pelagianism, all rooted, psychologically, ultimately in inferiority-complex (including guilt-complex) by which poor people desperately strive to appear "good" in eyes of others. These are the necessary seeds and components of satanism and satanic society.

1 comment:

  1. Ck
