Thursday, April 30, 2015

Present Baltimore riots diversion for "Jade helm" psy-ops preparation for martial-law....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Jeremiah Is More Accurate Than He Suspects
(Apollonian, 30 Apr 15)

Jeremiah: u're not only right/correct--u're more so than u realize, I suspect.  Do u observe Baltimore riots?--it's already going on--get it?--continuation of the Bost. marathon bombing false-flag psy-ops and martial-law outrage.  Balt. riots is diversion as well as justification for Jade-helm psy-ops, and up-coming Jade-helm is diversion for increasing rioting going on all over and everywhere.  And it's all diversion for on-going TPP betrayal by our "representatives" in that snake-pit known as Congress.

For note we're at war--w. ZOG dictatorship and world gov.--Christian TRUTH vs. satanic lies.  Alex JOnes ( is quite accurate, far as he goes (which isn't far enough, though it's far as possible--far as ZOG will allow).

Immediate answer is NULLIFICATION of satanism and dictatorship, as practical measure, and, covering this in ABSTRACT, it's Christian truth (hence objectivity) vs. satanic lies (subjectivism)--we're fighting satanism quite literally, irrationality for its own sake, esp. narcissism, in way of destruction of law founded upon reason.  Ayn Rand was profoundly correct in her way--though her Pharisaist conceit was major contradiction, there being no "good-evil."

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Jeremiah51 replied on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 21:20 Permalink
This seems strange to me  new

Imagine this "drill" starts and something goes wrong. I'm seeing hundreds if not thousands of possibilities here. All it would take to escalate this into something terrible is a simple miscommunication between the military and local agencies for shots to be fired. Or if some unsuspecting property owner stumbles upon armed military personnel on their property and shots get fired.

 The biggest concern I have is of special forces dressed in plain clothes but carrying weapons are mistaken by local agencies as something else. The scenarios where this goes wrong are endless. If such a thing were to happen what would the consequences be? Could this be our Reichstag event? What are everyone's thoughts on this?

Well, it's no trouble for HONEST folk to see who rules....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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To See The Truth Only Requires Holy Spirit--Honesty, Reason: Courage Then Speaks, Concludes
(Apollonian, 30 Apr 15)

All u gotta do is analyze things--u're un-questionably on right track.  Simply remember the pyramidal sociologic network of control--WHO WORKS FOR WHO?  Thus u can eliminate blacks as rulers, though some of them are used as enforcers, no doubt.

And observe it's Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), criminals, traitors, psychopaths, and murderers--so, who leads the satanists? (like they led and still lead the bolshies)--who are most anti-Christ, according to their very satanic religion which GLOATS over having killed Christ?

Are gays anything more than narcissists addicted to sense-gratification who want access to children?--are these really leadership -types?--I don't think so.

And what's most POWERFUL position in sociologic/economic scheme of things?--isn't it "banker" criminals who are allowed to legally COUNTERFEIT the money-supply?--isn't it OBVIOUS?

Do u notice the politicians, Rep., Dem., and "independent," sucking-up so abjectly and pathetically to the "money-men"?--they (who control the funds) ain't Christian are they?  So by means of process of elimination EVERYONE KNOWS who u can't criticize--and who rules.

Aside fm the top banking and financial positions, who is it who notoriously owns and controls the "mainstream" media?  Who's GROSSLY over-represented on US Supreme court?--it ain't Christians, is it?  Who ABSOLUTELY dominates porn industry, snuff-films, and child-sacrifice?

These satanists even dominate, control, and intimidate establishment Christianity, so absolute is their control.

Truth is, the more one considers, the more one sees the sad and frustrating truth, and never forget the Holy Spirit which entails COURAGE, along w. honesty and reason by which one grasps TRUTH (= Christ) which ultimately sets us free.

So even though it's not healthy to outrightly speak the OBVIOUS truth for conclusion to ur excellent questions, at least we can analyze things and ponder our sad predicament by which we're absolutely TERRORIZED by these devilish psychopaths who are always pretending and whining they're sooooooooooooooooo "persecuted," boo hoo hoo hoo hooo

Friday, April 24, 2015

satanism/Judaism deserve hatred, though hatred should be seen in proper context....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Judaism Is satanism, Scourge Of Humanity, Christianity The Antidote
(Apollonian, 24 Apr 15)

I'm glad to see the above blog-article was put back up; it was/is worthwhile topic of discussion.

And we see Jack Rabbit can't seem to get away fm the very satanist-inspired excuses which serve the Jews, most organized and -committed of satanists, even if some of them aren't really so smart and just suck-along like so many of the goyim they hate. Fact remains the lower-level Jews will always follow what their master-mind Jews tell them.

Hatred may indeed be "foolish" under certain circumstances, but it's an emotion which must exist for certain purposes, love and hate being analogues to attraction and repulsion--Jews and Judaism (satanism) deserve repulsion, after all. And real question is hatred (repulsion) in the large scheme of things--CONTEXT.

For if u can't hate, then u can't love--they're necessarily reciprocal emotions--if u remove one then u necessarily remove the other. I always say hatred should simply be kept within proper context and perspective.

So JR, u need to get off it--hatred is useful and valuable. Further, hatred of Jews is not only useful, but necessary for human survival. Why do u soooo conveniently overlook CONTINUING Jew mass-murder of Palestinians?

And remember, it's u who fails for context and perspective. I never fail to note the problem of satanism and how Christianity was/is meant to oppose it. U're the one who fails to understand the concepts, beginning w. satanism, what Christianity is and is supposed to be, the large scheme of things and then how Jews and Judaism fits.

U merely need face-up to subjectivism vs. objectivity, THEN how religious allegory fits/applies. For most people cannot grasp strictest philosophy and logic--they're children, mentally, and need and want "religious" allegory by way of trying to grasp things--that's purpose of Christianity, against which u became sooooooooooo horrifically prejudiced, this in accord w. the Jew/satanist design/purpose.

How is it u became so sublime tool of Jew satanism?--did u ever wonder about that?

Thus we know things are determined, in accord w. objectivity, and there's no perfectly "free" will--regardless, we still don't know EXACTLY how it all works and will work out, thus we make use of will, as if it all matters--that's how I understand things as Christian soldier. Thus, for example, we carefully guide the steering of the car we "drive." Things may be determined, but we still have to take certain responsibility for actual tasks.

U have to do better, I submit, than relying on cheap platitudes by cheap philosophers like B. Russell--and doing some real, serious thinking.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Alex Jones ( is simply part of larger Jew/satanic take-over/dominance of culture, mass-psychology....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Dutch" Overlooks satanic Movement, Cultural Hegemony, And Take-Over, Jew Leadership Thereof
(Apollonian, 21 Apr 15)

Can't u see Alexei Jones ( profits and thrives as HE PUFFS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS?

Thus u see Jews TOTALLY control things fm not only "left" (Jew Bolshevik and "climate-change" lies) and "right" (esp. Israel-first "neo-cons"), BUT ALSO fm Alexei's "independent"-type section, along w. Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura--this is the game, all founded upon the funding of the legalized COUNTERFEITING scam of "central-banking" (US Federal Reserve).

The real issue, underlying everything is satanism vs. human reason, hence the real Christianity.  Thus Judaism is satanism--just ck their Talmud which teaches war against gentiles, that Christ was righteously executed for heresy and blasphemy, and it's ok to lie to and murder gentiles.  For best Talmud expo, see and

Most of all Jews want to confuse and spread dis-info, esp. about Christianity, pretending Christianity is simply mysticism (a), and that (b) only "good" Christians are those who support Israel and/or Jews.

Thus satanism is actually ultimate HUBRIS, pretending to perfectly "free" human will--subjectivism--AGAINST Christian TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), Jews inveigling the goyim by means of Pharisaist "good-evil," hence that it's "good" to tolerate, defend, and sympathize w. Jews.

So u see "Dutch," u utterly, totally miss it all if u over-look Jew problem, esp. the Jew leadership/dominance of the satanic movement/establishment which entails ALL present "Christian" establishment.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

satanists DO NOT RELENT (they can't afford to, see)--false flag is their object, don't doubt....

Originally Posted by ytkm View Post

Breaking: Obama Just Announced That He Will Be Forcing You To Compensate Blacks For Slavery....
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People Need To See Satanic Powers (Hence Jews) Pushing Things Towards Catastrophe, Absolute Destruction
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 15)

This taking money fm one set of people to be paid to another (see is just more satanist (hence Jew, never doubt) working to foment every/any sort of fighting, strife, turmoil, unrest, dis-satisfaction and conflict among gentiles.

And note, this IS NOT Obola's idea as much as that of satanic powers behind him, who u'll note, have waited till Obola's "approval" rating has gone down, down, down so that resentment against him generally is high as possible on eve of this LATEST satanic stunt. It's actually BRILLIANT move by the satanists, setting-up an up-coming false-flag.

For satanists will stage another false-flag, this time by supposed "white" "nationalists" or "racialists." And it all goes perfectly w. the "Jade Helm" martial law "exercises" on-going and scheduled, all of this following a satanic, inexorable logic, never doubt.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Christ un-questionably taught "precepts," without a doubt--against lies of the "sons of satan," even though he used style of parable....

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Christ Un-Questionably Taught "Precepts"
(Apollonian, 17 Apr 15)

Maryjo: u're soooooooo wrong, it actually constitutes a LIE--when u say Christ taught no precepts--even though it is true that he often taught by means of parable for STYLE.  It goes without saying that God is exemplary, but not only for action--why else would the Son have come down to clarify the law of Moses if not to oppose and correct the "sons of satan," foremost liars?--and the "precepts" of the Pharisees are named explicitly, the "Traditions of Elders," now known as Talmud and "midrash."

Perhaps most of all, aside fm ur babble, Christ (effectively) AFFIRMED the OBJECTIVE (hence Aristotelian) reality, necessary basis of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH--this AGAINST the Pharisees, who were and are primarily responsible for killing Christ (NOT the Romans) and their monstrous Talmud which teaches Christ was righteously executed for heresy and blasphemy and that only what THEY SAY is true--subjectivism.

"Fatherhood of God . . . produces brotherhood...."--this is just worthless, meaningless crap and pap, cliche' and platitude--u should be ashamed.

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maryjo606 apollonian 2 days ago
Well, that "something" he taught was that God is our Father, and that by faith, we can daily realize that fact in our personal experience. And the Fatherhood of God naturally produces the brotherhood of all humanity. By loving and serving God and loving and serving one another, we can create a world of idealistic beauty - the realization of the kingdom in the hearts of humanity because of improvement in morals and higher ethics resulting from the reign of God’s spirit in the hearts of individual believers.. Jesus did not teach by precept; he taught by example He often said: "He who has seen me has seen the Father," and he practiced what he preached.

Alexei Jones ( is money-grubbing sucker/shill for Jews, BUT he isn't satanist....

Below-copied essay, dialectic, and comments first published at

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Is Alexei Jones ( satanist?--No, Though He's Money-Grubbing Fool
(Apollonian, 18 Apr 15)

I can see what u "know" by the idiot statements u make: (a) Alexei didn't promote the "official story," moron--he only went along w. some of it.  (b) Alexei didn't have to do anything w. Wolfgang, but he did, and he deserves credit.

Get a clue, shit-for-brains: Kikes have won, but there are factions, as I noted, and patriots' only chance is to promote in-fighting among various factions, again as I note.  Alexei is a fool, but so are lots of people--u not least, smug punk. 

US Dollar will collapse soon, perhaps this year--then welfare system will collapse, there being food shortages, thus serious civil un-rest--u need be more accurate for ur assessments--people are fools as we all are at some time or another.  Alexei likes that Jew money, but otherwise he tries to be Christian, though he has great difficulty.

Note the satanists, hence Jews, are the prime enemy of humanity--then comes the willing, knowing satanists among gentiles--NOT Alexei, though he is a fool who sucks along too much as perhaps u want to indicate.  U go too far to pretend he's satanist, which he isn't.

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6:58 AM

How about you not assume what I know or don't know for starters? At any rate, InfoWars DID promote the official story of Sandy Hook for awhile and it wasn't until Halbig began his investigation that they had to present the controversial point of view due to the evidence by independent researchers that concluded it was a staged media event. He was in on it until he had to compete with the swell of public opinion that sided with the alternate point of view. He's just another media whore out to sell his snake oil to a willfully ignorant public.

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+fictitiousarts U're the moron btwn two of us, I suspect, though we're all sinners and subject to error.  Alex is an honest puke-head--he's become addicted to the kike-money--the only game in town--which tempts all of us.

Get a clue: kikes have won the wars--haven't u noticed?  Our only chance now is to get the various factions among them at the top to in-fighting--the "leftists" for "climate-change" against the "rightist neo-cons" pushing Israel-first, and these two against the third large faction, the "libertarian" flavored like Rand Paul, Jesse Ventura, and Alex.  U need to get more serious, fool--it's no laughing matter, and things are getting rather late in the game.

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4:19 AM

Are you defending AJ? Hahaha. Who is the real moron?

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apollonian apollonius
Yesterday 10:42 PM

+fictitiousarts Moron: Alex has come-around on Sandy Hook and has had Wolfgang Halbig on his show couple times now.

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commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 6:28 AM
AJ exposed his allegiance to the msm with the Sandy Hook hoax and has been exposing his hairy buttcrack ever since.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

satanists oppress world w. lies, built upon subjectivism, entailing (a) "good-evil" and (b) false "faith" of "beleeeeeeeevin'" in general, but specifically by scams like central-banking....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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satanists Oppress World With Lies, Lying, Subjectivism, Hubris
(Apollonian, 16 Apr 15)

"Wave...," quit ur devilish spamming for goodness sakes--u say nothing and then pretend u back it up w. quotations.  Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity is worship of such truth--against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), pure and simple.

satanists then and now work to displace truth by means of fallacious, non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy), lies and scams like present US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING which funds ISIS terrorists and homosexuals who want to corrupt the children.

Another most horrific lie is that "faith" is not properly just LOYALTY, but rather "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," pretending truth and reality can be manufactured by human will.  For all the beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin' in the world doesn't create reality or truth, merely that satanic hubris by which one pretends to being God who creates.

And note satanists are powerful--who cannot even be named--for they strove to kill Christ (= TRUTH), and now blame Romans, among all their other lies and lying.  And their satanic mignons call themselves "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see for expo) as if there is such a thing, who now control all establishment Christianity.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Were WTC bldgs brought down by nukes or DEW?--regardless, Jews HAD to have been at center and bottom of it, un-questionably--they're top criminals, after all--Talmudists, satanists....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Facts, Whatever They Are, Are NOT Friendly To Jews–No Wonder They Hate Truth
(Apollonian, 11 Apr 15)

By golly, but that was interesting expo u presented, and I’m impressed w. the confidence u have for ur account, u considering ur case is quite substantial for ur evidence–and for all I know it does seem formidable, indeed, me being mere hist. major.

And I see how u say ur evidence fits the nuke theory much better than Judy Wood’s DEW–BUT, can u decisively rule-out her conclusion (which she insists is NOT “theory”)?

Note Judy Wood brings up the interesting case of Bankers Trust bldg. which had to be dis-mantled even after they’d gone to great effort to repair it–she, of course, indicates this is good evidence for DEW.

So I guess my conclusion is Judy Wood needs to rebut ur excellent observations, which would seem to be as good as hers for ur respective conclusions. I think Wood would make serious scientific mistake to ridicule or deny ur evidence. Wood says the “heat” was just glowing.

I remember Wood showing the vid and pt-ing out the debris as it fell leaving a heavy dust-trail and finally disappearing altogether as it neared the ground–and there were the pictures of beams first visible and still standing up, but then quickly dis-integrating into nothing, as she records and displays in her book.

One has to respect ur scientific presentation and organization of the details and facts as quite substantial and compelling no less than Wood’s. U both do most crushing job refuting the nano-thermite theory of the A & E people.

I think given all the (inductive) evidence we have, Jews and MOSSAD must PROVE they should not be suspects number one, the evidence discussed by u and Wood merely provide the HOW it was all done. Don’t forget Chris Bollyn’s arguments (–aside fm the nano-thermite nonsense–which generates tremendous case against Jews, neo-cons, and Zionists, placing them at every strategic pt. of all possible plots.

Thus there seem to be at least two and perhaps 3 factions of Jews–(a) the truly blood-thirsty and ruthless “leftists” who are serious about genocide in favor of “green” environmentalism; (b) the “neo-con” “rightists” who want to preserve goyim to keep them as slaves, and (c) the lower-level, more middle-class sort (who are still extremely wealthy, comparatively) who back Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and Alex Jones.

Most vulnerable and dangerous are surely the “leftists” Jews who are pushing GMOs, toxic vaccines, and the glyphosate poisonous weed-killers, etc.–they’re surely behind the up-coming “Jade Helm” drills for martial-law, and removal of free I-net.

To me, fact that Rand Paul sucks-up so abjectly, as we see, to the Jews for their money only proves the fact we’re TOTALLY captives of these Jews, and our ONLY hope is they now falling-out w. one-another, there being “no honor among thieves.” Idea that “Vatican” and Jesuits control Jews is just such a putrid, moronic joke–though they (Jesuits, et al.) are truly corrupt as any Jews–Jesuits still don’t control banking and possess nukes.

Fetzer’s problem is he thinks there are “good” Jews–like there are “good” Talmudists (“good” satanists), wherein such Talmud they gloat over having killed Christ.

Thanks tremendously for all ur effort of presentation of facts leading to conclusion, which conclusion is inductive, hence a “theory” (abstraction) by definition–all one needs do is to ck dictionary; Judy Wood, and everyone, must acknowledge the virtue and substance of ur arguments and facts–AND ur theory.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Christianity must be properly understood, in accord w. under-lying philosophy, opposing satanic, hence SUBJECTIVISTIC, Jews, reality being objective, hence determined, humans SINNERS....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Humans Are Sinners, Which NO Human Will Can Change
(Apollonian, 5 Apr 15)

Maurice: ur problem (see below by "Maurice") is philosophic and metaphysical, and goes to the heart of what Christianity is fundamentally all about.

Note then Christ is TRUTH, according to Gosp. JOHN 14:6, standing against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).  Hence Christ effectively affirms the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, created by God, necessary basis of all/any TRUTH, this against Jew subjectivism ("midrash"), foundation of their lies and worship thereof, whence Jews insist ONLY what they say, esp. as pronounced in their satanic Talmud, is "truth."

Hence, as reality is OBJECTIVE (God-created) there is no will but God's will, no perfectly "free" human will, humans incapable of Godliness--WE'RE ALL SINNERS, as Christianity fundamentally teaches, doomed to fiery flames of heck, and ONLY God's grace and mercy can save us.

Thus God creates and has created human-kind subject to sin and monstrosity which then and now is ACTIVATED, u might say, the "potential" now made actual in form of Jews who MAKE THEMSELVES CO-EQUAL W. GOD, God merely their slave (according to them), who worships Jews, this God's only purpose having been to have created these Jew monsters, etc., which God commands Jews to murder and which actually goes and kills for its Jew-masters, as on Pass-over, etc., according to their monstrous "midrash."

So in a way, u're both right--Jew monsters HAVE indeed been "conditioned," as u state, BUT it's also in accord w. a pre-determined potential which is and has been actualized, so to speak, all of it in accord w. God's absolute and almighty will.

And it's erring "Christians" like u, making excuses for Jew monsters who are much responsible for all the problems the Jews have actuated and master-minded.  And "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo) are necessarily the first targets or objects who/which must be dealt with, culturally, in order to solve this satanic Jew problem, JCs serving as enablers and "Praetorian guard" to Jew and satanic leadership.

Humans DO NOT HAVE perfectly "free" will, we being sinners, Mr. Pinay--ONLY God's will exists, PERIOD--and this is fundamental Christian teaching which u need to grasp.

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Maurice Pinay said...
I cannot agree with this quote. These people are conditioned from birth to act the way they do because of their tribal religion/ideology not because of any biologically predetermined trait.
 April 5, 2015 at 11:23 AM

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Christian said...
Thank you Maurice and i want to add a quote
“All of the other people have committed crimes, the Jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them. They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people[The Jews] would not some day become deadly to the human race.
Lettres de Memmius a Cicéron (1771).
 April 5, 2015 at 6:59 AM