Sunday, April 5, 2015

Christianity must be properly understood, in accord w. under-lying philosophy, opposing satanic, hence SUBJECTIVISTIC, Jews, reality being objective, hence determined, humans SINNERS....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Humans Are Sinners, Which NO Human Will Can Change
(Apollonian, 5 Apr 15)

Maurice: ur problem (see below by "Maurice") is philosophic and metaphysical, and goes to the heart of what Christianity is fundamentally all about.

Note then Christ is TRUTH, according to Gosp. JOHN 14:6, standing against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).  Hence Christ effectively affirms the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, created by God, necessary basis of all/any TRUTH, this against Jew subjectivism ("midrash"), foundation of their lies and worship thereof, whence Jews insist ONLY what they say, esp. as pronounced in their satanic Talmud, is "truth."

Hence, as reality is OBJECTIVE (God-created) there is no will but God's will, no perfectly "free" human will, humans incapable of Godliness--WE'RE ALL SINNERS, as Christianity fundamentally teaches, doomed to fiery flames of heck, and ONLY God's grace and mercy can save us.

Thus God creates and has created human-kind subject to sin and monstrosity which then and now is ACTIVATED, u might say, the "potential" now made actual in form of Jews who MAKE THEMSELVES CO-EQUAL W. GOD, God merely their slave (according to them), who worships Jews, this God's only purpose having been to have created these Jew monsters, etc., which God commands Jews to murder and which actually goes and kills for its Jew-masters, as on Pass-over, etc., according to their monstrous "midrash."

So in a way, u're both right--Jew monsters HAVE indeed been "conditioned," as u state, BUT it's also in accord w. a pre-determined potential which is and has been actualized, so to speak, all of it in accord w. God's absolute and almighty will.

And it's erring "Christians" like u, making excuses for Jew monsters who are much responsible for all the problems the Jews have actuated and master-minded.  And "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo) are necessarily the first targets or objects who/which must be dealt with, culturally, in order to solve this satanic Jew problem, JCs serving as enablers and "Praetorian guard" to Jew and satanic leadership.

Humans DO NOT HAVE perfectly "free" will, we being sinners, Mr. Pinay--ONLY God's will exists, PERIOD--and this is fundamental Christian teaching which u need to grasp.

--------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------------

Maurice Pinay said...
I cannot agree with this quote. These people are conditioned from birth to act the way they do because of their tribal religion/ideology not because of any biologically predetermined trait.
 April 5, 2015 at 11:23 AM

-------------------------------------above by "Maurice" in response to below-copied----------------------------------

Christian said...
Thank you Maurice and i want to add a quote
“All of the other people have committed crimes, the Jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them. They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people[The Jews] would not some day become deadly to the human race.
Lettres de Memmius a Cicéron (1771).
 April 5, 2015 at 6:59 AM

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