Saturday, April 11, 2015

Were WTC bldgs brought down by nukes or DEW?--regardless, Jews HAD to have been at center and bottom of it, un-questionably--they're top criminals, after all--Talmudists, satanists....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Facts, Whatever They Are, Are NOT Friendly To Jews–No Wonder They Hate Truth
(Apollonian, 11 Apr 15)

By golly, but that was interesting expo u presented, and I’m impressed w. the confidence u have for ur account, u considering ur case is quite substantial for ur evidence–and for all I know it does seem formidable, indeed, me being mere hist. major.

And I see how u say ur evidence fits the nuke theory much better than Judy Wood’s DEW–BUT, can u decisively rule-out her conclusion (which she insists is NOT “theory”)?

Note Judy Wood brings up the interesting case of Bankers Trust bldg. which had to be dis-mantled even after they’d gone to great effort to repair it–she, of course, indicates this is good evidence for DEW.

So I guess my conclusion is Judy Wood needs to rebut ur excellent observations, which would seem to be as good as hers for ur respective conclusions. I think Wood would make serious scientific mistake to ridicule or deny ur evidence. Wood says the “heat” was just glowing.

I remember Wood showing the vid and pt-ing out the debris as it fell leaving a heavy dust-trail and finally disappearing altogether as it neared the ground–and there were the pictures of beams first visible and still standing up, but then quickly dis-integrating into nothing, as she records and displays in her book.

One has to respect ur scientific presentation and organization of the details and facts as quite substantial and compelling no less than Wood’s. U both do most crushing job refuting the nano-thermite theory of the A & E people.

I think given all the (inductive) evidence we have, Jews and MOSSAD must PROVE they should not be suspects number one, the evidence discussed by u and Wood merely provide the HOW it was all done. Don’t forget Chris Bollyn’s arguments (–aside fm the nano-thermite nonsense–which generates tremendous case against Jews, neo-cons, and Zionists, placing them at every strategic pt. of all possible plots.

Thus there seem to be at least two and perhaps 3 factions of Jews–(a) the truly blood-thirsty and ruthless “leftists” who are serious about genocide in favor of “green” environmentalism; (b) the “neo-con” “rightists” who want to preserve goyim to keep them as slaves, and (c) the lower-level, more middle-class sort (who are still extremely wealthy, comparatively) who back Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and Alex Jones.

Most vulnerable and dangerous are surely the “leftists” Jews who are pushing GMOs, toxic vaccines, and the glyphosate poisonous weed-killers, etc.–they’re surely behind the up-coming “Jade Helm” drills for martial-law, and removal of free I-net.

To me, fact that Rand Paul sucks-up so abjectly, as we see, to the Jews for their money only proves the fact we’re TOTALLY captives of these Jews, and our ONLY hope is they now falling-out w. one-another, there being “no honor among thieves.” Idea that “Vatican” and Jesuits control Jews is just such a putrid, moronic joke–though they (Jesuits, et al.) are truly corrupt as any Jews–Jesuits still don’t control banking and possess nukes.

Fetzer’s problem is he thinks there are “good” Jews–like there are “good” Talmudists (“good” satanists), wherein such Talmud they gloat over having killed Christ.

Thanks tremendously for all ur effort of presentation of facts leading to conclusion, which conclusion is inductive, hence a “theory” (abstraction) by definition–all one needs do is to ck dictionary; Judy Wood, and everyone, must acknowledge the virtue and substance of ur arguments and facts–AND ur theory.

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