Thursday, April 16, 2015

satanists oppress world w. lies, built upon subjectivism, entailing (a) "good-evil" and (b) false "faith" of "beleeeeeeeevin'" in general, but specifically by scams like central-banking....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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satanists Oppress World With Lies, Lying, Subjectivism, Hubris
(Apollonian, 16 Apr 15)

"Wave...," quit ur devilish spamming for goodness sakes--u say nothing and then pretend u back it up w. quotations.  Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity is worship of such truth--against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), pure and simple.

satanists then and now work to displace truth by means of fallacious, non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy), lies and scams like present US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING which funds ISIS terrorists and homosexuals who want to corrupt the children.

Another most horrific lie is that "faith" is not properly just LOYALTY, but rather "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," pretending truth and reality can be manufactured by human will.  For all the beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin' in the world doesn't create reality or truth, merely that satanic hubris by which one pretends to being God who creates.

And note satanists are powerful--who cannot even be named--for they strove to kill Christ (= TRUTH), and now blame Romans, among all their other lies and lying.  And their satanic mignons call themselves "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see for expo) as if there is such a thing, who now control all establishment Christianity.

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