Saturday, April 18, 2015

Alexei Jones ( is money-grubbing sucker/shill for Jews, BUT he isn't satanist....

Below-copied essay, dialectic, and comments first published at

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Is Alexei Jones ( satanist?--No, Though He's Money-Grubbing Fool
(Apollonian, 18 Apr 15)

I can see what u "know" by the idiot statements u make: (a) Alexei didn't promote the "official story," moron--he only went along w. some of it.  (b) Alexei didn't have to do anything w. Wolfgang, but he did, and he deserves credit.

Get a clue, shit-for-brains: Kikes have won, but there are factions, as I noted, and patriots' only chance is to promote in-fighting among various factions, again as I note.  Alexei is a fool, but so are lots of people--u not least, smug punk. 

US Dollar will collapse soon, perhaps this year--then welfare system will collapse, there being food shortages, thus serious civil un-rest--u need be more accurate for ur assessments--people are fools as we all are at some time or another.  Alexei likes that Jew money, but otherwise he tries to be Christian, though he has great difficulty.

Note the satanists, hence Jews, are the prime enemy of humanity--then comes the willing, knowing satanists among gentiles--NOT Alexei, though he is a fool who sucks along too much as perhaps u want to indicate.  U go too far to pretend he's satanist, which he isn't.

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6:58 AM

How about you not assume what I know or don't know for starters? At any rate, InfoWars DID promote the official story of Sandy Hook for awhile and it wasn't until Halbig began his investigation that they had to present the controversial point of view due to the evidence by independent researchers that concluded it was a staged media event. He was in on it until he had to compete with the swell of public opinion that sided with the alternate point of view. He's just another media whore out to sell his snake oil to a willfully ignorant public.

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+fictitiousarts U're the moron btwn two of us, I suspect, though we're all sinners and subject to error.  Alex is an honest puke-head--he's become addicted to the kike-money--the only game in town--which tempts all of us.

Get a clue: kikes have won the wars--haven't u noticed?  Our only chance now is to get the various factions among them at the top to in-fighting--the "leftists" for "climate-change" against the "rightist neo-cons" pushing Israel-first, and these two against the third large faction, the "libertarian" flavored like Rand Paul, Jesse Ventura, and Alex.  U need to get more serious, fool--it's no laughing matter, and things are getting rather late in the game.

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4:19 AM

Are you defending AJ? Hahaha. Who is the real moron?

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apollonian apollonius
Yesterday 10:42 PM

+fictitiousarts Moron: Alex has come-around on Sandy Hook and has had Wolfgang Halbig on his show couple times now.

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commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 6:28 AM
AJ exposed his allegiance to the msm with the Sandy Hook hoax and has been exposing his hairy buttcrack ever since.

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