Saturday, April 18, 2015

Christ un-questionably taught "precepts," without a doubt--against lies of the "sons of satan," even though he used style of parable....

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Christ Un-Questionably Taught "Precepts"
(Apollonian, 17 Apr 15)

Maryjo: u're soooooooo wrong, it actually constitutes a LIE--when u say Christ taught no precepts--even though it is true that he often taught by means of parable for STYLE.  It goes without saying that God is exemplary, but not only for action--why else would the Son have come down to clarify the law of Moses if not to oppose and correct the "sons of satan," foremost liars?--and the "precepts" of the Pharisees are named explicitly, the "Traditions of Elders," now known as Talmud and "midrash."

Perhaps most of all, aside fm ur babble, Christ (effectively) AFFIRMED the OBJECTIVE (hence Aristotelian) reality, necessary basis of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH--this AGAINST the Pharisees, who were and are primarily responsible for killing Christ (NOT the Romans) and their monstrous Talmud which teaches Christ was righteously executed for heresy and blasphemy and that only what THEY SAY is true--subjectivism.

"Fatherhood of God . . . produces brotherhood...."--this is just worthless, meaningless crap and pap, cliche' and platitude--u should be ashamed.

-------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

maryjo606 apollonian 2 days ago
Well, that "something" he taught was that God is our Father, and that by faith, we can daily realize that fact in our personal experience. And the Fatherhood of God naturally produces the brotherhood of all humanity. By loving and serving God and loving and serving one another, we can create a world of idealistic beauty - the realization of the kingdom in the hearts of humanity because of improvement in morals and higher ethics resulting from the reign of God’s spirit in the hearts of individual believers.. Jesus did not teach by precept; he taught by example He often said: "He who has seen me has seen the Father," and he practiced what he preached.

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