Sunday, April 19, 2015

satanists DO NOT RELENT (they can't afford to, see)--false flag is their object, don't doubt....

Originally Posted by ytkm View Post

Breaking: Obama Just Announced That He Will Be Forcing You To Compensate Blacks For Slavery....
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People Need To See Satanic Powers (Hence Jews) Pushing Things Towards Catastrophe, Absolute Destruction
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 15)

This taking money fm one set of people to be paid to another (see is just more satanist (hence Jew, never doubt) working to foment every/any sort of fighting, strife, turmoil, unrest, dis-satisfaction and conflict among gentiles.

And note, this IS NOT Obola's idea as much as that of satanic powers behind him, who u'll note, have waited till Obola's "approval" rating has gone down, down, down so that resentment against him generally is high as possible on eve of this LATEST satanic stunt. It's actually BRILLIANT move by the satanists, setting-up an up-coming false-flag.

For satanists will stage another false-flag, this time by supposed "white" "nationalists" or "racialists." And it all goes perfectly w. the "Jade Helm" martial law "exercises" on-going and scheduled, all of this following a satanic, inexorable logic, never doubt.

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