Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Alex Jones ( is simply part of larger Jew/satanic take-over/dominance of culture, mass-psychology....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Dutch" Overlooks satanic Movement, Cultural Hegemony, And Take-Over, Jew Leadership Thereof
(Apollonian, 21 Apr 15)

Can't u see Alexei Jones ( profits and thrives as HE PUFFS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS?

Thus u see Jews TOTALLY control things fm not only "left" (Jew Bolshevik and "climate-change" lies) and "right" (esp. Israel-first "neo-cons"), BUT ALSO fm Alexei's "independent"-type section, along w. Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura--this is the game, all founded upon the funding of the legalized COUNTERFEITING scam of "central-banking" (US Federal Reserve).

The real issue, underlying everything is satanism vs. human reason, hence the real Christianity.  Thus Judaism is satanism--just ck their Talmud which teaches war against gentiles, that Christ was righteously executed for heresy and blasphemy, and it's ok to lie to and murder gentiles.  For best Talmud expo, see and

Most of all Jews want to confuse and spread dis-info, esp. about Christianity, pretending Christianity is simply mysticism (a), and that (b) only "good" Christians are those who support Israel and/or Jews.

Thus satanism is actually ultimate HUBRIS, pretending to perfectly "free" human will--subjectivism--AGAINST Christian TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), Jews inveigling the goyim by means of Pharisaist "good-evil," hence that it's "good" to tolerate, defend, and sympathize w. Jews.

So u see "Dutch," u utterly, totally miss it all if u over-look Jew problem, esp. the Jew leadership/dominance of the satanic movement/establishment which entails ALL present "Christian" establishment.

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