Friday, April 24, 2015

satanism/Judaism deserve hatred, though hatred should be seen in proper context....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Judaism Is satanism, Scourge Of Humanity, Christianity The Antidote
(Apollonian, 24 Apr 15)

I'm glad to see the above blog-article was put back up; it was/is worthwhile topic of discussion.

And we see Jack Rabbit can't seem to get away fm the very satanist-inspired excuses which serve the Jews, most organized and -committed of satanists, even if some of them aren't really so smart and just suck-along like so many of the goyim they hate. Fact remains the lower-level Jews will always follow what their master-mind Jews tell them.

Hatred may indeed be "foolish" under certain circumstances, but it's an emotion which must exist for certain purposes, love and hate being analogues to attraction and repulsion--Jews and Judaism (satanism) deserve repulsion, after all. And real question is hatred (repulsion) in the large scheme of things--CONTEXT.

For if u can't hate, then u can't love--they're necessarily reciprocal emotions--if u remove one then u necessarily remove the other. I always say hatred should simply be kept within proper context and perspective.

So JR, u need to get off it--hatred is useful and valuable. Further, hatred of Jews is not only useful, but necessary for human survival. Why do u soooo conveniently overlook CONTINUING Jew mass-murder of Palestinians?

And remember, it's u who fails for context and perspective. I never fail to note the problem of satanism and how Christianity was/is meant to oppose it. U're the one who fails to understand the concepts, beginning w. satanism, what Christianity is and is supposed to be, the large scheme of things and then how Jews and Judaism fits.

U merely need face-up to subjectivism vs. objectivity, THEN how religious allegory fits/applies. For most people cannot grasp strictest philosophy and logic--they're children, mentally, and need and want "religious" allegory by way of trying to grasp things--that's purpose of Christianity, against which u became sooooooooooo horrifically prejudiced, this in accord w. the Jew/satanist design/purpose.

How is it u became so sublime tool of Jew satanism?--did u ever wonder about that?

Thus we know things are determined, in accord w. objectivity, and there's no perfectly "free" will--regardless, we still don't know EXACTLY how it all works and will work out, thus we make use of will, as if it all matters--that's how I understand things as Christian soldier. Thus, for example, we carefully guide the steering of the car we "drive." Things may be determined, but we still have to take certain responsibility for actual tasks.

U have to do better, I submit, than relying on cheap platitudes by cheap philosophers like B. Russell--and doing some real, serious thinking.

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