Sunday, March 29, 2015

What is this dread thing called, "usury"?--it couldn't be mere charging-interest....

Below-copied essay/ltr was submitted at comments,

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Hoffman's Fraud Must Be Confronted
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 15)

Hello Mr. Pinay: I thought I'd send along this info about M.A. Hoffman II ( and especially his book, "Usury in Christendom," which is a serious and gross fraud upon Christianity, the culture, and the people--and which I've informed Hoffman himself, he nonetheless ignoring my detailed expo (as I give u below-copied), not even giving a counter-argument or rebuttal of any kind.

(I tried to look for ur e-mail address, but couldn't find it, it not showing-up when I clicked at ur "about me" page.)

For there's serious problem which honest people and Christians MUST consider: very simply, there's no clear definition of "usury" fm the ancient sources, (a), and (b), simple logic makes it CLEAR that "usury" COULD NOT NOT NOT simply just be charging of interest--which proposition is what Hoffman is pushing in his self-righteous and Pharisaic manner.

For note, charging of interest is mere matter of free-contract btwn/among the individual citizens, and dear Christianity could-not and would-not debar the citizens of freedom and free-enterprise.

The problem to which "usury" refers is actually fractional-reserve money and banking by which a gov. enforces the legalized COUNTERFEITING of money-supply, by means of such as fiat-money (non-commodity -based) and legal tender laws, FORCING the people to accept this worthless money.

Charging-of-interest then is a complication which is often added-on to this fiat-money issue, BUT, it is important to note, this charging-of-interest is not basic problem, and NOT of itself the "fatal flaw."

Note then the criminals behind the fiat-money system DO indeed attempt to attribute the basic problem to this charging-of-interest--for obvious reasons of "red-herring" nature, attempting to divert the people's attn.  Hoffman then simply feeds this diversionary and satanic deception of the criminals.

For here's real, essential problem of fiat-money system, regardless of charging-interest: it's (a) COUNTERFEITING, merely legalized, and (b) thus causes what's known as "inflation" of the prices.

(c) Thus as the phony money is entered within the general economic system, causing the inevitable price-inflation, the added money is used in further loans.  In fact, this is usual manner of the inflated "currency" (no longer real money) being circulated and introduced--by means of loans, which is the method of present situation in USA, for example.

(d) Eventually however, the inflation MUST be curtailed and ceased, due to the ever-increasing RATE of inflation which inevitably approaches "run-away" rates.

(e) This cessation of "inflation" is called "de-flation," and as the currency disappears and reduces, the loans which have been contracted now cannot be paid, and the debtors lose their collateral, becoming ruined, bankrupted, and impoverished

(f) Note then, the charging-of-interest is NOT the main, essential problem, though it is certainly an aggravation and complication--but which is now used as a diversion for the real cause of problems which is the original COUNTERFEITING, and hence inflation of the money supply.

(g) Note further, the economic/currency collapse of the fiat-system would happen REGARDLESS of charging-of-interest which is not and could not be the real, fundamental problem.

CONCLUSION: So one sees the gross, horrendous problem which is Hoffman's book, "Usury...," it being product of hubris, Pharisaism, and mis-information, only serving the satanic "banker" criminals, denying the righteous freedom of contract of and for the people regarding charging-interest.  It's essential this simple information is made public in interest of truth, Christian honesty, and welfare of the people.  Thanks for all ur attn. to this important matter.


  1. Wishin you would come back to BB. That place would greatly benefit from your spirited confrontational technique. Good to see you're still hangin in there.

  2. Thanks much for ur comments. In general, I'd say things are rapidly getting worse in Jew S A, the US Dollar's collapse imminent. Notice ZOG is preparing for collapse, too, ho ho ho ho--as w. present "Jade Helm" military drill which will go live as things are expedient, and if not in this drill, in another a little later. ZOG is desperate--seems to me they MUST remove I-net at all costs, but how?--people are on to them, ho ho ho ho. And note those queers in Indiana sure are uppity, aren't they? Hoh o ho ho ho. Things are getting evermore interesting. Take care. A.

    1. I forgot to note for readers: "BB," fm above, refers to (I presume, ho ho ho), but those weaklings too much resemble Jews, couldn't stand my criticism, enforced rules selectively, and banned me, even when I'd already been banished to a restricted forum, ho ho hoh oho--that's how desperate they were. Ho ho ho ho ho

    2. Rediscover your nitche at the barrel. You have some support and are not banned as you say.

    3. Too bad u don't understand English: I was banned, and it's useless to posting at that forum as I'll just be banned again. And banning wasn't the only problem at BB, don't forget.

    4. How could one forget your constant chimpin? Maybe if you weren't such a dickhead to everyone 100% of the time, you'd get positive responses to some of your infrequent thought-provoking diatribes but you seem to lack common sense or self-control, or maybe you dont care what anyone else has to say or what they think? Hostility will be met with hostility never forget ol' piP.

      I don't think you ever wanted to reach anyone with your urgent message. You seem much more interested in abusive, often corny condemnation of everyone around you. You more resemble a little chickenshit chihuahua snappin at the heels of anyone who comes within range of your short internet leash.

      Maybe fess up and see a jew shrink? I hear they have financing available and vouchers for the homeless if you're not white. I think you got at least that much covered. ho ho ho... and leave Mr. Hoffman, a good white man unlike yourself alone. He is successful at spreading much truth whereas you only troll the world 24/7


    5. Honestly, I don't think anything too much matters as there's going to be horrific economic crash soon, soon--prices sky-rocketing. Welfare system will break-down then, food-shortages, civil un-rest. We're all going to be lucky to survive.

      Hoffman is Pharisaic, pretending to "good-evil" Pelagianism, and u don't even address specific issue of "usury" which was subject-matter at hand, this blog.

      "Urgent msg"?--well, I guess that's "get ready for sky-falling"--which doesn't impress anyone as they've hrd it sooo many times now. I and lots others have been predicting serious economic crash now for long time, but sure looks imminent, US Dollar (and "petro-dollar") now hanging by mere thread, powers evidently confident, in all their insanity, they still have things under "control," willing to start wars.

      Hrd about the Russian plane crashing in Egypt?--might have been shot-down w. shoulder-fired stingers given to terrorists fm Libya by hitlery. Soon they'll be shooting down American airliners here in USA--kikes won't hesitate to do it--they did 9/11, right?

      Catastrophe is soooo certain, I don't mind wishing u and others good luck, 'cause it really doesn't seem to matter, things are soooo bad, folks not realizing.

      Lowest blow was suggesting seeing kike shrink, but like I say, doesn't matter--horror is coming soon, and I'm sure u'll have ur fair share, ho ho ho ho.

    6. You are entirely correct that it is coming down soon and we all are going to reap the whirlwind. Low blow was only in jest. jew usery is a crime and they should all be hung for it. Did not read hoffmans new book but just see you going after this guy. Do you think that Hoffman has done more good than bad in his life trying to warn others of the jews? Do you think that you personally have done more good than bad?

  3. Remember: I make philosophic pt. that everything is determined--there is no "good" or "bad"--we all do our best. There's insanity, but that's fairly subjective or relative, not same as "bad." I still got to get the pope to sign my saint's certificate to show St. Peter at Pearly gates--probably have to slip him a few bucks.

    I read Hoffman's book--it's really bad--and I wrote-up review that's on NNN--all u gotta do is sign up to get on the site. Otherwise, I've got a bunch of recent blogs on Hoffman, esp. at "DefenderOfPreciousTruth."

  4. I'll check out NNN. thanks.
