Saturday, March 28, 2015

Talmud, Talmudism (subjectivism) is satanism, never doubt, never forget....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Christian Reason Opposes Talmudic Madness, Hubris, Mysticism
(Apollonian, 28 Mar 15)

This vid (see above ref.) was quite good and expository upon Talmud and its religion of anti-humanity, hence of CRIMINALS; war against humanity and reason.

The vid rather seems to demonstrate and confirm Talmudism is satanism.

But Talmud is merely a specific "interpretation" ("midrash") or SYSTEM thereof, and as Reform Judaism has its own manner of "interpretation" (of something, if not Talmud, then of Reality, God's will, etc.), it also must be Talmudical--or Talmudicalistic.

Thus Christianity opposes all these Talmudicalisms ("midrash," "interpretations," etc.), upholding TRUTH (= Christ), hence then the objective reality, the Talmudists upholding rather "interpretation" or "midrash," hence SUJECTIVISM and Hubris (madness, irrationality, etc.).

So it can truly be said Christianity upholds (a) TRUTH vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), (b) the objective reality against subjectivism, and (c) REASON against mysticism (deliberate un-reason or anti-reason), basis of lies.

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