Thursday, April 30, 2015

Present Baltimore riots diversion for "Jade helm" psy-ops preparation for martial-law....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Jeremiah Is More Accurate Than He Suspects
(Apollonian, 30 Apr 15)

Jeremiah: u're not only right/correct--u're more so than u realize, I suspect.  Do u observe Baltimore riots?--it's already going on--get it?--continuation of the Bost. marathon bombing false-flag psy-ops and martial-law outrage.  Balt. riots is diversion as well as justification for Jade-helm psy-ops, and up-coming Jade-helm is diversion for increasing rioting going on all over and everywhere.  And it's all diversion for on-going TPP betrayal by our "representatives" in that snake-pit known as Congress.

For note we're at war--w. ZOG dictatorship and world gov.--Christian TRUTH vs. satanic lies.  Alex JOnes ( is quite accurate, far as he goes (which isn't far enough, though it's far as possible--far as ZOG will allow).

Immediate answer is NULLIFICATION of satanism and dictatorship, as practical measure, and, covering this in ABSTRACT, it's Christian truth (hence objectivity) vs. satanic lies (subjectivism)--we're fighting satanism quite literally, irrationality for its own sake, esp. narcissism, in way of destruction of law founded upon reason.  Ayn Rand was profoundly correct in her way--though her Pharisaist conceit was major contradiction, there being no "good-evil."

-------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------

Jeremiah51 replied on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 21:20 Permalink
This seems strange to me  new

Imagine this "drill" starts and something goes wrong. I'm seeing hundreds if not thousands of possibilities here. All it would take to escalate this into something terrible is a simple miscommunication between the military and local agencies for shots to be fired. Or if some unsuspecting property owner stumbles upon armed military personnel on their property and shots get fired.

 The biggest concern I have is of special forces dressed in plain clothes but carrying weapons are mistaken by local agencies as something else. The scenarios where this goes wrong are endless. If such a thing were to happen what would the consequences be? Could this be our Reichstag event? What are everyone's thoughts on this?

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