Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Judaism = satanism = Talmudism = midrash ("interpretation")....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Zionism Not Essentially Different From Judaism
(Apollonian, 20 May 15)

I strongly urge folks to grasp and understand the basic nature of Judaism which is satanism:  For note Jews and Judaism follows Talmud ("midrash"), by definition--ck any authorities on the subject (I recommend and, also  "Midrash" then refers to "interpretation," this following the "oral law" tradition (of the "Elders," mentioned by Christ in original New Test.) of the Pharisees.

And satanism is simply the hubris of extreme subjectivism and making oneself God, insisting all reality is merely what one wants it to be--denial of objective reality (Aristotle).

True, the "Reform" Jews pretend to "criticize" the formal Talmud, but never forget, this "criticism" is itself just more "interpretation."

And the pt. is "Zionism" isn't essentially diff. fm original, basic Talmud of Babylon, the "official" basis/foundation of Judaism, finally written-out by 500 BC--"Zionism" being merely a late or recent "interpretation" in itself, fm 19th cent.

And remember: basis of Judaism is NOT NOT NOT Torah, but rather Talmud--the "oral law" and "midrash" of the rabbies. 

Thus Judaism is satanism and the polar opposite of Christianity, worship of TRUTH (truth dependent upon the God-given, OBJECTIVE reality) above all/any other tenet (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6); Zionism is not essentially diff. fm basic Judaism/Talmudism.

Thus Talmud and midrash of "Oral law tradition" purports to guiding Jews according to a collectivist subjectivism which serves Jews for supremacy--"truth" is simply what rabbies say it is which Jews (and everyone else too) are required to follow.

So I caution folks to note there are no "good" Jews anymore than there are good satanists--one only needs to grasp what Talmud, "midrash," and Talmudism (subjectivism) are really all about--opposed to Christian TRUTH above all, TRUTH (= Christ), the ONLY way to Godly happiness.

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