Sunday, September 23, 2018

Such is satanic situation/conditions--too many "idiots," morons, scum, filth, etc....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Over-Population Of "Idiots" Leads To Disaster, Wars, Etc., Need For Removal Of Such Idiots, Idiocy--CYCLIC Historical Process
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 18)

Yes, we humans are sinners, for sure--"idiots" too, too much of the time, just as Palacek indicates--and it seems to be a CYCLIC process, given inductive evidence.

And the great problem, of course, is when a culture (or "civilization," such as it may be) becomes SOOOOOOOO "successful," "victorious," and "prosperous" that it now produces an OVER-population of such "idiots."

Thus w. too many, over-populated idiots--also fools, scum, filth, and puke, never forget--the culture goes into and suffers "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Note the culture was earlier strong, genuinely victorious, productive, and prosperous due to the original generations who were brave and courageous, but also HONEST (more oriented to an OBJECTIVE reality)--unlike the scum and following generations who arose and now bring the former culture into the present Spenglerian "decline."

So what happened?--well, the corrupt following and later generations obviously suffer HUBRIS, the idea they've become like God, w. genuinely "free" will capable of changing reality, these corrupt generations now capable of becoming "good"--as opposed to "evil."

So in terms of philosophy, the original generations of that basic HONESTY, as of the Romans, for example, becomes the corrupt following generations of SUBJECTIVISM (notion that consciousness/mentality creates reality), fooling themselves, totally losing that precious quality of honesty--all in the vain quest for (non-existent) "good-evil" and especially moralism--as we see today w. idiot emphasis upon "tolerance" and "diversity"--because it's "good," u see.

And now outright criminals and murderers take-over the so-called "culture"--as we see today, the murderers being the enforcers, well-paid by the top criminals and frauds, esp. of central-banking (see for expo; use the site search-engine for specific terms).

Thus fm the original founders and heroes who began the civilization/culture, the CYCLIC historical process brings things through hubris and "decline" to the present satanistic (extreme subjectivism) pass--as during the Roman Empire which was briefly revived in early 4th century by Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, Christianity providing the antidote to the prevailing satanism/subjectivism of the time.

Of course, that rationalist Christian impulse didn't last long, and Christianity itself became submerged within gross horrendous mysticism, as we see in this very day, the "Vatican" being now overwhelmed and submerged by pedophilia and masonry, heavily controlled by Jews and satanism.

So what will happen now?--well, there's too many morons, scum, filth, and puke--too much satanism, etc., so we'll have to go through "tribulations" as of Book of Revelations "end-times"--but only "end-time" for present corrupt phase and CYCLE of hist.

We need to reduce population of Jews and satanists, Jews being foremost satanists, Jews most collectivist, organized, cohesive, and connected among satanists, w. most effective "group-think," etc.--see,, and

Thus we need states-rights, nullification, and secession, and REAL MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver. And never forget Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, means it is necessarily anti-semitic, anti-satanic (JOHN 8:44). Face-up to facts, u stupid scum; get a brain, and be honest for once in ur worthless lives.

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