Sunday, June 3, 2018

The "deep-state" within the satanic culture of death, all founded upon central-banking, suckers....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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The Devilish, Clever satanic System, And "Deep State" Operating Like Clock-Work In Culture Of Death
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)

So u see how the scam of central-banking works--legalized counterfeiting (literally)--it's not only a criminal enterprise, but it's a MONOPOLY--only this one entity, a privately-owned corp., the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve (also the Bank of Int. Settlements, the IMF, etc.), can legally do this, effectively issuing the "currency" (NOT real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver, which is necessarily limited in quantity and finite).

(a) For every new wave of currency now that is issued by this criminal enterprise devalues that currency already existing, hence effectively TAXES the wealth of the entire economy.

(b) Thus it's the "gift" that keeps on giving as "currency" is theoretically INFINITE in amount, and one can issue more and evermore, taxing more and evermore--till the people behind it all own EVERYTHING and everybody--including esp. all the assassins and enforcers who necessarily grow evermore oppressive.

(c) Thus these criminal monopolists at the top own and control the mass corp. "media" (the "Jews-media") who keep the lies about central-banking going, telling the people they're so lucky to have such central-bank and an "elastic currency," etc. (d) They own and control the "edjumacation" system, the "teachers" all belonging to a union which eliminates and agitates against any rival system, like home-schooling.

(e) They own and monopolize the medical and "big-Pharma" corp.s who kill and sicken the people, the people encouraged then to buying more and other poison drugs.

(f) They own and control the agricultural corp.s which use the glyphosates and other poisons to keeping the people sick, including the GMO (genetically-modified) food substitutes which they force upon the people as it's all one gigantic monopolistic system, u see.

(g) And by means of such infinite funding and "currency" they're able to buy, own, and control all the politicians, lawyers, and judges who all work for the powers around the central-bank--anyone who dissents is eliminated one way or another.

Thus the central-bank is the KEY to the utterly corrupt society, run by criminals at the top who own all the monopolies, controlling the entire society.

And they maintain control by further means of constant warfare for the sake of warfare btwn and among contrived enemies, as we see now btwn "Muslims" and "Christians," whose "leaders" are controlled, bought, and paid-for by these powers at the top.

So now we see who's the "deep-state"--the powers behind and around this basic institution of central-banking, everything else dependent, feeding, and serving this basic, central, monopolist criminal enterprise issuing that secret weapon and instrument, the "currency."

To cap it all, the gov. follows an explicit program of GENOCIDE as in form of "Agenda-21" and -2030 addendum.

Thus the people are impoverished, sickened, mis-informed, and busy fighting one another so that there's no possible solution as long as the masterminds play their cards right.

And it's all absolutely fool-proof, this utterly corrupt society, as "money" is an abstract subject, don't forget, and far too many cannot figure out what such money properly is and must be--the small minority that can understand what money really is and must be is easily dealt-with, truth-tellers like Ron Paul neatly marginalized.

The entire scam and criminal enterprise then will continue until practically all the people are DEAD, dying fm sickness and disease, having killed one another, the only ones to possibly survive being those master-minds at the top who are left unto themselves, ultimately, and now must suspect one another--for "THERE'S NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES," and that's only thing that eventually brings the system down, people being the stupid scum ("sinners") they naturally are.

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