Thursday, May 17, 2018

satanism advances as "leadership" of West is subverted, corrupted, intimidated so well, sooo easily....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Darkmoon (And Fetzer) Substitute "Moral" Outrage For Clear Analysis
(Apollonian, 17 May 18)

Well our dear "Darkmoon," once again, and as sooooo often, commits the very error of "understatement" she imagines she denounces. For the Talmudic program and "religion" is literally a war (-program) against humanity, reason, logic, etc., so the latest shootings and murders are simply the latest stages of same old war policy and prosecution. See Hoffman's definitive expo at

So u gotta hand it to Jews and Israelis for consistency as they merely continue to pushing their satanic program of death and mass-murder in very face of the paralyzed West and all humanity. And note Jews have STRONG allies and supporters in "neo-con" Pres. Trump and "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--see and for expo) supporters among nominal "Christians." For observe satanism has so profoundly subverted establishment "Christian" culture, including ALL the establishment churches, Protestant and Catholic.

How is this?--how and why does this satanic subversion and corruption get-by so easily? Well note and never forget satanism is essentially (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea mentality/consciousness is creator of reality--thus making the subject to be God, the creator. Note further, this satanism is neither mysterious or even "religious."

The only next step for establishment satanism is COLLECTIVIZATION, most successful and effective "group-think," the collusion of the satanists, not only Jews, upon common goals and ends--as for example, and especially the central-bank, US Federal Reserve, literally legalized counterfeiting (see; use their search-engine), which now dominates the totally corrupted, former "Western" culture--which has been de-Westernized, in all truth, the real Christianity utterly over-thrown, corrupted, and traduced.

And what then is the "real Christianity"?--Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, above moronic "love," or "faith," or peace, or (non-existent) "good."

For note TRUTH requires necessarily an OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality as the obligatory criterion; otherwise anything and nothing is "truth" and everything is lies.

Jews, Talmudists, and satanists hold there is no "truth" but for what the rabbis ("midrash," according to Talmud) say--SUBJECTIVISM. And that's the basic cultural conflict presently which Darkmoon, as well as Fetzer himself, overlook and fail to address, conflict btwn subjectivism (hence satanism) vs. objective reality.

So HOW specifically does this satanic subjectivism and culture of death obtain and succeed?--it takes advantage of the HUBRIS of the Western people and leaders thereof--and this means due to default of such as Darkmoon and Fetzer, who FAIL to analyze and uphold the objective nature, foundation of truth (= Christ). Talmudists couldn't perpetrate this horrific cultural subversion and overthrow by themselves; their gentile satanist allies far out-number them and clear the way for Talmudists, who merely provide a leadership cadre.

Thus the hubristic culture, society, and mis-guided, mis-informed people strive to achieve non-existent "good" against non-existent "evil"--which are totally SUBJECTIVE--this is the amazing, simple PRETEXT for satanism and the satanic cultural overthrow against truth (= Christ) and objective reality. And it's this basic overthrow which Darkmoon and Fetzer fail to observe and analyze.

So far, Fetzer and Darkmoon merely pt.-out mere items and details, and stopping there, and overlook the necessary conclusions (like the conflict btwn objective vs. subjective) for cultural/political/psychologic analysis--and the people and society perish, as we see. Amen.

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