Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Actual, practical satanism/subjectivism as found and occurring in (corrupt) society....

Practical, Actual satanism/Subjectivism, Done By The Morons ("The People"), Even If Un-Wittingly
(Apollonian, 25 Apr 18)

Remember: basically, satanism is simply subjectivism pushed to extreme, reality then become product of consciousness/mentality. So then observe how such moronic subjectivism is actually practiced and expressed as by the scummy puke among "the people"--even by avowed "Christians"--as in guise of pretended virtue of "beleeeeeeeeevin'.

(a) Thus these stupid puke ("the people") imagine it's virtue to beleeeeeeeeeeev crap is true, that beleeeeeeeeevin' then actually making it really true. Thus the "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" making, in effect, one to be God. To be sure, most of the morons probably don't seriously think they're God--they don't have the intelligence or honesty to admit it. BUT they DO pretend it's true, whatever it is they "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," the stupid puke. So u see how these dumb scum, even if they don't realize it, actually practice satanism, pretending their "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" creates reality and/or truth/facts.

Note the word, "believe," is prominent and featured as specific virtue in Gosp. JOHN, mentioned about a hundred times in that Gosp. But observe in the sense used and meant in that Gosp., it really means PRACTICED--as in practitioner of what one genuinely KNOWS and understands fm Christ and the Gospel. So if one accepts Christian philosophy, truth (= Christ, JOHN 14:6) necessarily founded in objective reality, all proper ethics follow, and a true and proper "believer" so understands, practices, and observes, all in LOYALTY ("faith," properly understood) to the proper, basic ideal.

(b) The other actual form and version of relatively wide-spread satanism/subjectivism pushed within this stinking, filthy satanic culture is anti-racism, "racism" then properly understood as LOYALTY and pride. "Pride" then, is relatively minor, but necessary virtue within larger circumstances of warfare among humans, but the real virtue of LOYALTY to one's people is no less than the 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)."

And all honest, realistic people understand racism is virtue, and the pushing of anti-racism is simply moronic expression of a false, actually suicidal morality. Thus we always observe Jews, for foremost example, always denigrating "racism" to the gentiles, but ALWAYS practicing it in obvious loyalty to fellow Jew monsters, ALWAYS--the standing joke of all time.

And of course, as racism, racial loyalty, is AXIOMATIC--cannot not be practiced or expressed, one way or the other--loyalty either for one's own race or for the mixed-race, even if only for practical purposes, even if the moronic puke doesn't realize it.

CONCLUSION: so we see how actual subjectivism/satanism is practiced and fomented within the society as an everyday occurance--it's product of HUBRIS and stupidity, most dangerous when society is over-loaded and over-populated w. stupid scum, esp. "liberals" and "homosexuals," et al., scummy puke pushing their filthy, cheap, putrid "moralism"--all in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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