Thursday, December 21, 2017

Another interesting "discussion" by the GOLEM, Ajax Jewns (, by which the fool brings-up the subject, but then diverts fm it....

Ajax Jewns (, Golem-Moron, Strikes Again For Satanic Diversion(s)
(Apollonian, 21 Dec 17)

Well Ajax Jewns got on today, 21 Dec 17, 3rd hr of his show (16 mins into beginning of vid, see talking to someone named Ted Malloch, on subject of "Luciferianism"--just another version of Satanism, which "Satanist" subject they also mentioned several times, they (Satanism/"luciferianism") being essentially synonymous, both seeking to making oneself God, the creator. The problem is HOW one goes about to doing and being for this Satanism, making oneself God.

So Ajax, the monstrosity and Golem, the lying hill-billy fm yankee-land, as usual, goes into his psychotic, obsessionate insisting upon false and non-existent "good" vs. "evil," yelling and shouting in his typical idiotic manner.

Never once, upon my watching, listening, and observing the show, did either of these, Jewns or Malloch, hit upon the essential subjectivism, though Malloch did, once, mention the objective reality in a tangential way, which pt. he didn't emphasize or come-back to for his expo. And all throughout, as I noted, this stupid psychotic golem, Jewns, kept interrupting and babbling, motioning w. his arms and gesticulating which disallows for the guest interlocutor to sticking to his own exposition--it's all Ajax, all the time, the total, psychotic narcissistic golem.

So my observation and conclusion upon things is (a) that it's GOOD that the SUBJECT of Satanism is brought-up and discussed, as people so urgently, critically need to understanding this, but that it's (b) terrible and tragic that this idiot golem, Jewns, thereupon goes into such hysterics and emphasis to DIVERT into mere STYLE and external manifestations, like during the show as can be hrd, discussing cannibalism, etc.

For note most urgently: it's precisely the indulgence of the false, non-existent "good-evil" premise (SUBJECTIVISM) that extreme subjectivism/satanism is invoked, exploited, and enacted, beginning w. the young and youth who take it seriously, and upon whom it's so pushed by the masterminds and cadre. Such is the monstrosity of the golem, Ajax Jewns, totally psychotic (narcissist), suicidal, corrupt, and doomed, the poor, brainless scum--same can be said for so many of his fans and followers, esp. among "Christians."

We Christians, the REAL Christians, must simply continue to emphasize CHRIST = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, hence the objective ("God-given," according to Christianity/New Test.) reality, foundation for any possible truth against Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and subjectivism

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