Thursday, August 24, 2017

satanism is sooooo in-ur-face now, Jew S A ought to change name to "satanism Inc."....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Face Up To Spectre Of Satanism, Now Definitively Ruling
(Apollonian, 24 Aug 17)

Dr. Eowyn: u gotta finally figure-out the satanists have decisively taken-over, so what good Christians who worship truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) must do is (a) to note this fact regarding ascension of satanists, who push Agenda-21 and -30 genocide, and then (b) WHAT EXACTLY satanism is, which is extreme subjectivism, the idea that reality is creation of consciousness, the subject thus making himself God, the creator. (c) The only next step is to organize and make this extreme subjectivism to be COLLECTIVISTIC--"group think," but well-led, achieving such an amazing scam like central-banking, legalized counterfeiting (see for expo), by which these satanists own and control everything and practically everyone, paying them off w. CURRENCY, nearly infinitely proliferated, now substituted for real money.

First step for folks then is to realize and face this simple fact about satanism ascendant and dominant, then WHAT exactly it is--it really isn't difficult. Note Christianity explicitly opposes this satanism and subjectivism, Christ demonstrating the triumphant Resurrection of truth which cannot be killed--why?--because it's founded upon the God-given, objective reality, which cannot be killed or wished-away. And note by means of central-banking, satanists have bought-off all the establishment churches, Cath. and Prot. Thank the Lord for the I-net, instrument of the Holy Spirit

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