Monday, November 21, 2016

Christian TRUTH (= Christ) necessarily abhors "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism), which is pretext for subjectivism, satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Truth Abhors "Good-Evil," Premise Of satanism
(Apollonian, 21 Nov 16)

"But as I said, in the historic Christian tradition - as far as I can tell, anyway - "sin" is willingly doing what is bad." -fm above text.

So what is "bad"?--there has never been any satisfactory definition of "good-evil"--it's sheer subjectivism, purpose being intimidating and scaring children and people, most of whom never emerge fm childish mentality, all this for purpose of controlling the population/citizenry. Tragedy then is this "good-evil" delusion/heresy (Pelagianism) provides pretext for more extreme subjectivism, satanism, hubris, and total degeneracy, collapse of the culture, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

And what's "Christian tradition"?--this is extremely interesting question/issue, but we see the best theologic exposition begins w. New Test., after Christ, esp. that of St. Paul, but also St. JOHN the Gospel writer, and beyond that is highly problematical, mere attempted applications, some more successful than others. St. Augustine was great saint and thinker, but he was no better than anyone else for definition of "good-evil"--a failure.

And we see every attempt at such definition of this mythical "good-evil" falls to the simple question of WHY, ho ho ho. Take Immanuel Kant, who tells us moral virtue is duty, but doesn't tell us why (question-begging). "Duty" then is regarding absurdity of "categorical imperative" clap-trap, against self-interest, without any (sufficient or satisfactory) explanation for WHY. Kant is surely one of the great jokers of all philosophy, after Aristophanes who gave us the most accurate picture of Socrates ("The Clouds").

In New Test., "good-evil" is always kept at simpleton level of metaphor for children, there's no clear criterion ever given.

For practical purposes, we see, so often the moralists resorting to the desperate (circular) claim that it's "good" to believe in "good-evil," ho ho ho--how pathetic. And ultimately we see even the Christians can't get past the simple AXIOM of self-interest, the reward/incentive of heaven and avoidance of pain of heck.

And all this pathetic rigmarole regarding non-existent "good-evil" is obviated by simple metaphysical precept of DETERMINISM--whatever happens had to happen that way, period. Humans are self-interested by nature and Godly design, PERIOD, get over it already. Reason (intellect) is for simple purpose of assuaging one's emotions, esp. in relation to other humans, hence then virtue of discerning the determinist nature; it simply follows logically fm prior premise/assumption of objectivity.

But gee whiz, say the moralists, this (determinism) then makes life too simple--we don't then have to worry and agonize about what's "good-evil" for the morons of society so as to control and enslave them and keep them fighting one-another, golly.

Thus it was that even in Book of Genesis, God commanded humans not to eat of Tree of knowledge of good-evil--because it (such "knowledge") is a ruse by which to confound humanity and cause suffering, anguish, etc.

Very purpose of Christianity was combatting of satanism (extreme subjectivism) of Pharisees who preached subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), pretext for this sort of "good-evil," "good-evil" then being pretext for subjectivism.

Thus Christ made sure to utterly destroy the satanists and Pharisees at the outset by establishing existence of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, also JOHN 8:32 and 18:37-8), hence the objective reality, hence the determinist nature. Everything else for proper ethics follows fm the metaphysical premise. Absolute worst corruption of Christianity is pretension to "good-evil" which is actually the very NEGATION of Christianity, properly understood.

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