Monday, September 12, 2016

Until people grasp absolute necessity of anti-semitism as key to solution of satanism, they're doooooomed....

Bellow essays/commentary by ap first published at comments,

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People MUST Realize: It's satanism Ruling Presently
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 16)

Yeah, well ok, I listened to a lot of ur vid (see above), but it rather seems u might be tending to indulge in ur "outrage," eh? For what u got going w. present culture is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people are degenerate, having become subject to HUBRIS, pretending they have God-like power(s) as of a perfectly "free" will, attaining to "good," by which they will, for example, "earn" a way to heaven, known in (Christian) theology as Pelagian heresy, also called Pharisaism, pretending to self-righteousness, etc.

Okay?--so it's simply a function of sociology that u'll have CRIMINALS taking advantage of the dumb, brainless scum of society, stealing and sacrificing the children, committing ritual murder, etc.--it's what's called SATANISM, and that satanism is what's going on.

I'll end this w. simple but definitive expo on essence of satanism which is also essence of hubris, which is extreme subjectivism: the idea that reality is nothing but what proceeds fm one's mentality/consciousness, get it? By means of this satanism and subjectivism, u see, one makes oneself God, creating one's own reality. And what u need to figure-out is this satanism actually exists in a serious way, organized, and extremely powerful, running organized crime by means of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, literally (see for expo).

The twist is these organized satanists are most practical as their satanism is COLLECTIVE, they all colluding w. idea that the "reality" they all practice is then imposed on the stupid suckers of society, these suckers now being over-populated, everyone else now being victimized and dominated by this organized, criminal enterprise, like central-banking and the sort of consequences which follow and obtain. So that satanism is what's going on; people only now need to figure-out what to do about it, for there is an answer, but I fear it will require the removal, by whatever means, of a great part of the over-populated scum, suckers, and morons who dominate our society.


HowISee SandyHook22 hours ago

Thanks for your comment, it goes deep, doesn't it? At the end you say we have an answer but basically a lot of us must be removed?? Please explain...


Apollonian Apollonius22 hours ago

Life Is War: Necessary Determinist (Hence CYCLIC) Nature Of Reality, Jews And satanists the Catalyst
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 16)

Don't u get it?--the present problems are CYCLIC in nature, in accord w. Spengler's "Decline of the West," humanity over-populated w. fools. For example, when there are too many Lemmings, they are observed to running about in large groups and seen then (sometimes) to running off of mountain sides and cliffs. Same w. locusts who gather in large clouds. In mid 14th cent. Europe, there were so many people, there was large die-off in the Black Plague yrs. 1348-9.

The typical means for human de-population is wars, like the German 30 yr war, early to mid 17th cent. Don't forget the Darwinian/Spencerian principle of "survival of fittest." TV-addicted people of West suffer hubris, as of the "liberals," metro-sexuals, trendies, et al., led-by-the-noses by satanists (extreme subjectivists), satanists led by Jews and Trilateralists (also Bilderbergers and Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]). At a minimum, the satanists and criminals must be removed, but this surely won't happen without resistance by these and their cohorts. Remember LIFE IS WAR, in accord w. Homer, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Darwin, et al.

Simply observe: (a) Islamic invasion of Europe, just for one example, is fostered by who?--it's admitted G. Soros is behind it, along w. his Trilateralist cronies, a "globalist" program endorsed by "liberals" and metro-sexuals, all encouraged by satanists.

(b) But now Jews are clever, a minority faction arising, sponsoring Trump and such as Alexei Jones (, representing the "good" Jews. So it's obviously war sponsored by Jews and satanists behind it all, stoking it merrily along. Meanwhile Israel loves it as it continues slaughter of Palestinians, Israel behind ISIS.

(c) West suffers because it lost heart for anti-semitism surely by time of French Rev., and thus Jews rule, esp. by means of their central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) instrument which over-populated goyim fools haven't figured-out. Fools and ignorant morons will continue to perish, naturally.

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