Sunday, August 28, 2016

WHY did hitlery gratuitously give Ajax Jones ( such publicity-boost?--remember, Jones is owned by satanists/Jews, never doubt....

Is satanism/Judaism Acknowledging Failure For Globalism, Now Reverting To Pharisaism?
(Apollonian, 28 Aug 16)

Why now has hitlery Clinton gratuitously interjected Ajax Jones ( See Well, it could be satanic powers have seen fit to cover the Jews w. one of their main suck-alongs, Ajax Jones, who, don't forget, emphatically upholds "good-evil" heresy/fallacy, insisting there are good Jews, that he's not racist, etc.

For note Jews rule, and the hitlery crowd has become un-popular, their outright satanism having become "old." So perhaps the Jews imagine they will gain more by playing along w. Trump and Jones.

For remember, satanism is built on extreme subjectivism, the idea one's mentality/consciousness creates reality, making oneself God. And this satanist/subjectivist premise begins w. the pretext of "free will" and "good-evil," which Ajax Jones pushes vehemently and emphatically. Two of Trump's children are married to Jews.

So up till now, ZOG didn't want to give Ajax Jones too much attn. for his anti-globalism, but perhaps ZOG is tacitly admitting defeat on this globalist issue, willing now to revert back to that Pharisaic moralism which Jones pushes so readily and often.

So remember once again it's all about Jews, satanic leaders, the game being now btwn "good-Jews" and the "bad-Jews" of hitlery's globalism, according to Jones and Trump. So for some reason, ZOG has seen fit to give Ajax Jones great publicity. But Christians must simply remember the problem is w. satanism, thus subjectivism.

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