Sunday, May 31, 2015

Present prevailing satanism built upon Pelagian heresy, central banking....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Pelagian Heresy, Legalized COUNTERFEITING Primary Tools Of Presently Prevailing Satanism
(Apollonian, 31 May 15)

Christ = TRUTH, above all/any other values/virtues, including "love," peace, "faith," or especially "good"--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6--against Lies and lying, JOHN 8:44.

So now we have the Vatican officials--NOT NOT NOT "the Church"--preaching lies.  HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

This satanic take-over of "Vatican" happened because, I submit, (a) first for practical matter, of the literal legalized COUNTERFEITING criminal enterprise of money-power as in way of US Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England, ECB, World Bank, IMF, and BIS, etc.--they just print-out money by means of paper and ink.  And by this means of simple COUNTERFEITING, literally, they've now captured all official entities, governments, politicians, judges, and educational institutions, esp. the mass-corp. "news-media."

(b) In the abstract, lies prevail in our society, as so often, in way "good" over-riding TRUTH, esp. the "noble lie" of Leo Strauss and before him, Plato.

For there is no "good," according to St. Augustine, humans naturally and necessarily
sinners, doomed to fiery flames of heck, entirely dependent upon God's grace and mercy.

So we see it's Pelagian heresy, denounced by St. Augustine, providing the underlying excuse and pretext of satanic capture of "Vatican," which presently pushes the lies of the Jews who rule our culture, working for the death and genocide of the people in accord w. "Agenda-21" and paganistic upholding of earth against humanity, pretext for Talmudic murderers and psychopaths, using the practical weapon of fiat-money and legalized COUNTERFEITING.  See for definitive expo on satanic US Federal Reserve Bank.

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