Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christianity truly fills most useful and necessary purpose--UNITY in emotion/sentiment--but it MUST be understood properly--AGAINST JEWS, against subjectivism (hence mysticism)....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Christianity, Necessary For Unity Of Volk, MUST Be Understood Properly: Anti-Satanic, Hence Anti-Semitic
(Apollonian, 3 Dec 14)

Indeed nicky-nick (see below-copied), but HOW to UNITE the volk against Jews--AND collaborators?--simple: we just need that good old, original anti-semitism known as CHRISTIANITY, worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies (hence Jews, since lies is their "God").

Note Jews don't hate Christianity for nothing.

And further, note the RIGHT Christianity, thus ANTI-SEMITISM, is most perfect for scattering of the Jews' foremost collaborators, the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for best expo on JCs) hereticalists who support terror-state of Israel, say Christ was Jew, etc.

For remember only about 5% of folks can think confidently w. strict reason and logic--we NEED something that unites folks on basis of emotion/sentiment--that dear Christianity, but which however, is NOT the Judaized sort, mystic, featuring the false "faith" of "beleeeeeeeeevin'" against the real "faith" of simple LOYALTY.

For if u oppose Christianity, u're playing the Jews' game--it's what they want--as what u do thereby is u accept, even if only tacitly, THEIR definition/understanding of "faith," for example.

And thus u understand Judaism for what it really is--SATANISM (= Judaism), satanism being most extreme subjectivism. Christianity is anti-Satanism, hence anti-semitism.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------

I can see why you'd say that, SW.

But I'm English and so Jews are my people's misfortune even if they were not essentially all Zionists. Same goes for the majority of readers of his blog who are American.

It is not the Zionism of our Jewish rulers that is our misfortune - that is the misfortune of Palestinians. It is the inherent anti-'gentile'-ness of the Jews which is our misfortune, denying to us English and Americans what anti-Zionists wail about having being denied to Palestinians: our right to self-rule.

Jews are the misfortune of us all, Zionists are just a subcategory afflicting a minority. If we focus on the suffering of just one victim, we allow the subjugation of many.

It is easiest to see that this is true when we consider that the nations least able to distinguish themselves from Jews are the ones most willing to wage war on behalf of Israel and wider Jewry.

We must all become self-interested peoples distinct from Jews.

This is just normal life returned, btw.

Just got done listening to the show. Great discussion about why Jewish Zionists are our misfortune.

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