Sunday, February 28, 2016

Truth (= Christ) or not rests upon assumption for nature of reality, objective, subjective; "good-evil" is strictly subjective....

Below-copied by ap first submitted for publication at comments,

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Nature of Reality Rests Upon Assumption, Crucial Hint Given By Christ (= Truth)
(Apollonian, 28 Feb 16)

I didn't know what to make of this post of urs, consisting of a couple of photos of pages fm the Kabbalah--what's ur pt.?--u don't say anything aside fm the title for the posting. So I clicked a ref. u gave,, which u left at the end, "'Absolutes, Certainty lead to Darth Vader and Auschwitz, that much is absolutely certain.'"

I think u're mixing some things up, metaphysics and ethics, and note the metaphysical issue regards nature of reality, for only w. reality does anything matter.

Thus Aristotle noted only objective reality gives the rational basis, for if it was subjective, coming merely fm our own minds wherein we're God, then anything goes, and there's no order. So existence of objective reality ("God-given," according to Christianity) is necessary premise/assumption, foundation of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

But the Christian, objective reality doesn't, by itself, give any grounds for child's or dog's "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine). For we're all sinners, in accord w. St. Paul, aside fm St. Augustine, needing God's grace and mercy to enter Heaven.

So naturally, Christianity indicates the objective reality, as opposed to the Jew and the Kaballah which pretends to hubris and subjectivism by which one makes oneself God.

Pontius Pilate asked Christ the rhetorical question, "what is truth?" (Gosp. JOHN 18:37); Christ passed upon answering as he knew Greeks and Aristotle had already analyzed it, and hence anyone could so analyze. There's only truth if there's reality (God-given, as noted), giving it substance.

But there's no "good-evil," as that's subjective, subjectivism being purpose of Jews and their lies founded in Talmud and Zohar, "good-evil" heresy (Pelagianism) being the pretext to subjectivism and satanism.

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