Thursday, February 4, 2016

Liar, though not quite a satanist (I don't think), wiggles and squirms against the truth....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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JR's Mis-Representations Never Cease
(Apollonian, 5 Feb 16)

Can't u read English? (see below-copied)--I pt.d out there's plain "common concept" (ur phrase) which is in the New Test. text, necessarily the criterion for Christian philosophy, whatever it might be.

And then I pt.d out ur gross mis-conception about "peace"--which isn't at all guaranteed by Christ or Christianity except as an inner peace of the individual who's reconciled to TRUTH (= Christ)--which u're not (reconciled, pushing ur stupid lies and mis-representations).

But obviously, the best chance for the political sort of peace u seem to indicate and imagine would have to begin in foundation of inner sort of peace of individuals featured in Christianity.

Like a child, u simply continue on, "[n]o I don't need to know any of that...," babbling about ur idiot "brain to reason for myself," which I said nothing about--what a moron.

Then, "...why not go with that and realize that you cannot substitute your thought for what God intended for me." Just another of ur idiot lies about what I'm supposed (by u) to be doing.

"Calling it like [u] see it"?--this is a lie, for I pt. out what the necessary "common concept" is, in the text of New Test., dumbass.

"God made a mistake"?--impossible, obviously--U MADE THE MISTAKE, sucker, lying as u do. U only fool urself for ur psychotic lying and war u conduct against Christianity, Christian truth and the simple text of New Test., necessary "common concept" as u urself noted. U fool no one but urself.

So I've done the necessary job for exposition; u have no excuse.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Anonymous Feb 4, 2016, 9:44:00 PM


No I don't need to know any of that to use my God-given brain to reason for myself. If God exists and God made me - then fine - why not go with that and realize that you cannot substitute your thought for what God intended for me.

My job is to call it like I see it.
Are you implying that God made a mistake making me this way?


-------------above by JR in response to below-copied by ap-----------------

JR's Anti-Christ Incompetence Exposited
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 16)

So u see JR: We see now HOW horribly, miserably mis-conceived u are regarding Christianity, (a) having ANYTHING at all to do w. "peace"--except of the inner sort as one is reconciled to TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ).

(b) And the other thing is New Test. as the necessary criterion ("common concept") for what Christ and Christianity is all about: TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any, including "faith," "peace," or "love."

So before u pathetically and incompetently attack Christianity as u've done, u need to know (a) what it's really about, the real philosophy within the "religion," and (b) the necessary "common concept" as u call it, the criterion upon which Christianity is to be understood, New Test.

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