Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Climate-change" fraud ought to be understood precisely for what it is, pretext for conspiracy, satanic mass-murder, "skepticism" integral part of the plot....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Conspiracy For Mass-Murder, Covered By "Skepticism"--Two Sins
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 16)

Okay (see below-copied), so Plato declares there's something that exists, but that it "transcends," and is actually un-knowable, in Kantian-style, and that our sense-perceptions are useless for true knowledge--which all amounts to mysticism and groundless declarations. And the "doctrine of anamnesis"?--what's that, but just more mysticism and declaration(s)?

Further, it should be noted that logic depends upon the objective reality which gives it rise; otherwise logic would be mere spider-web floating in space and/or within nothing, and there'd be no reason to taking it seriously or to maintaining any integrity for it.

And Pyrrhonic skepticism, or any "skepticism," is no basis of any "knowledge," no solution to anything. All and any knowledge, qua knowledge, is of the objective reality which must be assumed, and for which knowledge the senses are absolutely necessary and integral.

Further, "skepticism" about the known and certain FRAUD and conspiracy of "climate-change" is a sin against philosophy, reality, truth, and Christianity--these are known lies, purpose for which is dictatorship, death, and mass-murder, pure and simple.

And the genocide which is planned, for which this "climate-change" fraud is pretext, isn't merely for something in the future--it's going-on now as we speak, in way of slow-motion, slow-kill poisoning by means of the poison food, GMOs, and additives (including the bis-phenol chemicals in the plastics and linings), the poison fluoride in the water, toxic vaccines, the "chem-trail" poisoning of the atmosphere and then ground-soil, nuclear contamination, and electro-magnetic poisoning--it's all going on right now, having practical effects, as in the birth-defects of children and rising rates of cancer and other diseases.

The whole idea and notion of "skepticism," in the first place, is thin soup and weak excuse-making for something positively satanic especially when considering the conspiracy of Agenda-21 and "climate-change." Thus "climate-change" is just putrid mystic religion, everything considered, religion of death-worship, but which is palpable and visible for effects. "Skepticism" then is gross, miserable cover, mask, and veil for anti-Christ death-worship and mass-murder, all truth be told.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Liberty Bell said...
apsterian, thank you for the comments.

You are correct to point out that Plato denied that we could have knowledge of appearances. But this is neither because he denied the possibility of knowledge nor the objectivity of reality.

Plato affirmed the objectivity of *reality*. He simply believed that the transient appearances that we are accustomed to calling "reality" were only shadows of an underlying (or, if you like, overarching) objective realm populated with entities that he termed the "Forms." (For Plato, appearances cannot ground knowledge properly so-called.)

For Plato, though, the Forms are objectively real.

As far as goes the link between the Forms and us - the link that makes knowledge possible - well, that lies in his doctrine of anamnesis. In a nutshell, for Plato (and for the schools of Platonic rationalism that he spawned), knowledge is innate.
February 24, 2016 at 10:45 AM

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