Saturday, February 20, 2016

Smith and Hoffman, couple of Pelagianists (heretics, traitors), pretending to doing "good"--and for kikes, no less, heck w. humanity....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but not published, at comments,

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Smith And Hoffman: Two Peas In A Pod
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 16)

Yes, B. Smith did some good, perhaps, not un-like u urself, Hoffman, but also like u, he wasn't without his serious faults too, perhaps and probably fatal. Smith, like u, believed there were or are some "good" Jews who deserve to be reasoned-with, ho ho ho ho. Smith once admonished me for administering some truth and honesty to the students on a school blog to effect that gee whiz, but he was trying to engage some of them for a discussion, Smith disappointed that the blog had been deleted. Smith had difficulty in stepping-back fm his seriously flawed efforts to think, analyze, and consider things, I thought--he was sooooo intent on continuing endeavoring for what he thought was "good."

Smith, like u, Hoffman, have and had difficulty w. truth, honesty, and facing-up to reality, ur proper duty to humanity, victims of these psychopathic, murdering monsters, called Jews. U, and Smith too, I guess, prefer to consider Jews the victims, ho ho o hoho--the heck w. humanity, the real victims of these psychopathic monsters who were subjected to Talmudic programming which make them such psychopaths. I guess u think (absurdly) u impress these Jew psychopaths--while humanity continues falling victim in such great waves to Jew monsters.

But u're really counter-productive and most treacherous traitors to humanity as u falsely preach humanity has any responsibility for the care and preservation of these mass-murdering monsters, called Jews. For u're actually just a kind of monstrosity of ur own, which Jews typically take advantage of in order to cause further harm to broader humanity.

For u (as Smith) refuse to take heed, Hoffman, no less than Jews, of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), that truth (= Christ) is only truth as it conforms to the God-given reality, for such is the nature of truth (= Christ), totally dependent upon God-given reality. U, like Jews, Hoffman, imagine u can make-up ur own truth regardless of the God-given reality, and that u can suddenly achieve "good," like the hereticalist monk, Pelagius, who imagined he could earn his way to heaven by means of "good works."

That's why u're doomed Hoffman, no less deservedly than Smith, for all we know, to well-deserved frustration as u express, as u pretend in ur hubris to Godliness and ability to create reality of this non-existent "good" which exists only in ur own deluded mind--like the Pharisees who imagined they could kill truth (= Christ), but which/who resurrected, as truth, like reality, cannot be killed or essentially affected by ur puny human will.

1 comment:

  1. No shoulders hoffman does not agree with 2John 9-11.He must not like anything written by John now that i think of it.Iremember years ago when he scolded some commenters on attacking jews saying "may i remind you that the beloved Mary ,Joseph and Jesus our savior were jews" or words very close.Hoffman thinks Jesus is from cain,from Esau from yiddish mongrels.Jesus is the only begotten of our father in heaven.He is too lazy to learn greek.
