Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It's important to recognize and face-up to the satanic conspiracy on-going, even as we speak, killing inexorably in slow-motion

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Climate-Change": Abominable Treachery, Conspiracy
(Apollonian, 2 Mar 16)

Finally, It's important to understand "Climate-change" for the satanic lies it really is, predicate for Agenda-21 genocide which, as I noted, is on-going even as we speak, humanity being poisoned, drugged, exposed, irradiated, and oppressed in so many ways by satanic forces of ZOG--who armed and supplied ISIS terrorists, no less, wreaking havoc throughout world.

Note it isn't proven (a) there's been any rise in temperatures, (b) that "carbon-emissions" lead to rise in temp.s, or (c) any human activity is leading to significant or substantial rise in temps. And to say these theses are proven is lies; indeed there's substantial evidence of the opposite theses.

So maybe ur proposed "skepticism" is euphemism for identifying the "climate-change" lies (to effect their theses are proven) and perfidy masking the treacherous and genocidal intentions and purposes.

Thus in the face of the enormity of "Climate-change" conspiracy and treachery skepticism fails and lacks for propriety, classic instance of British under-statement, to say the least, nearly comical were it not for the dire and horrific prospects.

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