Thursday, March 24, 2016

Pharisaic Hoffman pretends he's soooo righteous, but merely lies against what he says are lies by establishment....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but not published (ho ho ho), at

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Hoffman Continues His Lies, Lying, Hereticalism
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 16)

Look at this brainless, moronic, Jew-friendly lie and lying by Hoffman, the liar and Pelagianist heretic: "Granted, gentile racists do the work of the rabbis when targeting some hapless Judaic child, who did not choose his or her Judaic ethnicity, as a “Christ killer.”"

So tell us, Hoffman, u lying Pharisaic liar, when and where was any "hapless Judaic child" ever targeted?--can u give any examples?

Of course u can't substantiate ur lie, Hoffman--for u're a liar, no less than any Pharisaic liar, and u do it for the exact same reasons the Pharisaics do it--to puff urself up in righteousness and justification.

The worst thing u do is to ignoring the satanic war waged against truth, humanity, Christians, and Christianity, thus ignoring necessity of counter-warfare against Jews, the leaders of satanism.

So what good are u, Hoffman?--with all ur idiot lies and lying, including about "usury," as I've noted--just ur own sort of anti-Christ Pharisaism.

What it demonstrates, Hoffman, is ur own GROSS IGNORANCE about basic Christianity--worship of truth, above all/any other precept, tenet, principle, or premise, including "love," or "faith," or non-existent "good."

So u're no better, Hoffman, than these other liars and heretics, and the only good humanity gets fm ur writings is one heretic and anti-Christ fighting and falling-out w. the other anti-Christs and heretics. U're lucky u get anyone to contribute to ur disgusting lies and lying, pretending u're any better than the others. Don't be surprised the contributions to u become less and less--it's only what u deserve for all ur putrid, deluded, self-righteous lying and heresy.

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