Friday, March 18, 2016

History is CYCLIC moving fm civilization, through HUBRIS, to absolute subjectivism and satanism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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History Is CYCLIC, According To Spengler's "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 18 Mar 16)

Hoffman asks, "Does the truth count for anything any more, or have we entered an age of total delusion, even among those who claim to be campaigning for the sacred tradition of the Church?"

But if u grasp the CYCLIC theory of history as of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," u realize things MUST inexorably degenerate steadily fm Christian TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) to satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), truth founded necessarily upon principle of the objective (God-created) reality against that total, absolute SUBJECTIVISTISM as of Pharisees who say Torah (and anything else, actually) is only what they say it is.

Thus as practical matter and connection with abstract subjectivism, the satanists push their paper (and digital) fiat currency system by which they print-out ever-greater waves and quantities of currency (not "money," which must be commodity-based), all to propping and sustaining their empire of lies built upon subjectivism.

And of course, the more and further this literal legalized counterfeiting progresses, the more horrific and catastrophic is the inevitable economic crash and collapse rendering (a) food-shortages, (b) civil unrest, then (c) martial-law and calling in UN troops to kill the American people and patriots working to restore the economy and Constitutional state.

So collapse of the fraudulent fiat currency removes the power of the satanists, but it only then renders general chaos, and any revival of culture and civilization is still problematic and speculative--dependent thus upon the people's prayers to merciful God and re-establishment of real money economy, gold/silver being most practical.

For remember the ultimate economic/monetary crash and collapse is actually PLANNED and foreseen, w. the satanists in possession of all the large-scale arms, stock-piles of food, and base commodity-money, including large reserves of gold/silver. And the fortunes of the people and patriots will now lie in the mutual suspicions of criminal master-minds falling-out w. one another upon basis of "no honor among thieves" principle.

Meantime the people and patriots must organize upon basic principle of Christ = TRUTH above all, reality being (a) objective, (b) determined, (c) CYCLIC.

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