Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Catholic fascination for idolatry of Mother Mary and sublime justifications must be curbed in face of savage satanic assault on culture....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Catholic Indulgence For Complexity, Sublimity, Requires Curbing Upon Ockham's Razor
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 15)

This argument about Mary's sinlessness is ok for strict logic, but not for basic Christian philosophy which is that humans are sinners, necessarily, by nature, as they're creatures of will and willfulness, hence subject to HUBRIS, etc., all of this being determined in accord w. God's will. So though Mary might be "full of grace," it doesn't mean she's necessarily sinless.

And Catholics aren't wise to be pushing this perfect sinlessness and general worship or idolization of Mary. It's okay to tolerate ur arguments regarding Mary, but not to pushing it on Protestants who are already sick and tired of such as "Vatican" homosexuality and Jesuit conspiracy w. communists, masons, etc.

For the core of Christianity must ultimately be conceded which is that rational philosophy founded in objectivity and determinism (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), opposing Pharisaic subjectivism, hubris, and Pelagian heresy, pretending to "good-evil."

For Christian militance, foundation of the civil military effort, practical purpose of "church," requires strictest reason and rationality in the effort to combat satanism, Pharisaism, hubris, and moralism, esp. afore-mentioned Pelagianism.

Thus Catholicity, that universality, requires simplicity, hence that Christ is truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the Aristotelian objective nature of reality, foundation of such truth, etc.

So Mary's putative sinlessness could and should be optional at best for Catholics and Christians, not obligatory--as a lot of otherwise irrelevant stuff seems to be for Catholics which Protestants righteously resent and reject. But these differences ought not, must not, and should not lead to fatal divisiveness, defeating the military purpose.

For the satanic enemy is in our midst, raging and ravaging, and it's necessary to rally Christian soldiers and the Church militant; the spider-weaving and logic-chopping needs be broken off for most urgent emphasis upon basic principle(s), like the existence of TRUTH (= Christ), hence the objective, determinist reality and removal for pretext of "good-evil" Pharisaism.

For if humans are "equal," then one aspect of that regards sin and removal of Pelagianist pretext for "good" which is hubristic, Pharisaic, and hence anti-Christ and dis-honest, thus inimical and defeating that basic core of Christian virtue and principle.

Monday, December 28, 2015

JR reveals his inner demons, conflict btwn law and his delusions regarding religion....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR Needs To Dealing With His Anti-Christ Devils And Delusions Within
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 15)

It's interesting to see how u react (see below-copied) to ur being exposed for the lies u speak about USA, Christianity, and now law. So u just rush past the subject regarding ur lies about USA and "religion," as u have new lies to tell.

"Religion always leads to bad places"?--false--but very interesting we get this new lie fm u, eh?

USA is product of the Christian culture of the West--and it's hard to see how this can be denied, yet u seem to be determined to strive to doing just that.

And WHAT is it really, we're "after"?--it's a good question, good subject to think about. Thus humanity works for the rational, ordered society, capable of production of food, etc.

Thus the Christian religion provided the basis of society, including the legal system, and we see it fm history beginning in the Roman empire.

And (civil) law then is an outer sort of layer to the social system, but which law breaks down as the social system breaks down, as we see fm the Roman and now in the American. How did this break-down happen?

And if one wishes war and hate?--like war upon and hatred of Mooooslims?--how did that happen?--and it was a great combination of factors, but this (present) war is and was catalyzed best and most by Jews--Jews did all the terror, even before 9/11, and through it all, Jews were encouraged by the Judeo-Christians, Jews' little helpers fm among the goyim.

"Enforcing religion"?--hmmmmm, I actually think this can be done, but let's set that aside and consider this absurd notion of "peace" u present.

For if u understand reality and Western culture (which u don't as u seem to be such an alien), u see that human existence has always been understood as one of warfare, beginning w. Homer and continuing through Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Darwin, to naming just a few.

The great effort of humanity and culture was to prevail in the constant warfare so as to snatching some peace out of it. Law among humans then sought to preserve whatever peace that was won so briefly--as for the Romans, and so it's been for a couple thousand yrs.

Law also was understood for the basic relation among things, including physics, and so the natural law was studied, and the Romans integrated the civil law w. the natural law they learned fm the Greeks.

But as humans are hubristic, as fm the Greeks, and sinners, which philosophy the Christians carried on, we see that law is always under-cut, as by criminals who institute such as central-banking (legalized COUNTERFEITING) and the general tyranny as we see presently seeking to expand to world gov.

Thus the civil law, and even the natural law (or the understanding of it) is corrupted by these clever criminals when they can, esp. as the civilization breaks-down.

Thus we see how fragile and flimsy is LAW, esp. the civil law understanding, though the natural law is simpler, and stands-up better.

Thus we see ur basic problem as u don't see the real and proper relation btwn the religious foundation of the society, esp. for that rational component, and then the civil law administration which is external and dependent.

U seem to be fixated upon some necessary CONFLICT btwn what u call "religion" and the civil LAW. But that's not anyone's fault but ur own, is it?

So we see u're sooooo miserably mis-conceived and conflicted for ur notions of "religion" and LAW, (a), and (b) peace, war, and hate--but that's no one's fault but urs, also, right?

Regardless, fact remains about present Jew S A that it's caught-up in hubris, subjectivism, and irrationality, hence the break-down of law-and-order, and it's getting worse as Spenglerian "Decline of the West" continues.

And law-and-order will only be re-constituted when and if the Christian foundation and ideals are restored, hence anti-semitism and anti-satanism--contrary to ur anti-Christian corruption and delusions. And I don't think it will be easy for this Christian restoration, but it's only hope. For cultural stability, prosperity, and law depend upon that Christian foundation.

There's a gross, horrific anti-Christ devil in u, JR, and u need to dealing w. it before u can pretend to being American, buddy--that's all there is to it--it's UR PROBLEM, and it's NOT our fault.

LAW, properly understood, is entirely a matter of religion and the Christian cultural foundation, and NOT separate fm it. The great cultural conflict is btwn Christian reason, hence objectivity, vs. satanic hubris, hence subjectivism led by Jews, but including also anti-Christ dupes of Jews, like u, we see--but that's not our fault, buddy--get a clue.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Anonymous Dec 28, 2015, 7:37:00 AM


you do a great job pointing out that religion always leads to bad places. A great reason to stick with LAW - a set of rules we can all live by.

How are you going to enforce religion? You cannot. That's why you are always better off with LAW if it is peace you are after.

If you wish war and hate religion is a great place to start.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

It isn't just Tracy or "truthers"--it's all humanity against great satanistic beast....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Humanity Is Up Against The Great satanist Beast, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 15)

Hello Dr. Eowyn: I think u've always done great work, BUT u gotta realize what's behind all this, Sandy hoax, 9/11, JFK assassination, etc., which is the topmost criminal enterprise, of all possible criminal conspiracies or networks, legalized COUNTERFEITING of central-banking and what is called US Federal Reserve Bank, a privately-owned corp., which now holds legal MONOPOLY for issuing of credit, hence eventual creation of all/any currency (not "money," which must be commodity, hence gold/silver). Best expo for central-banking is at, also

Observe the crux to this criminal enterprise of central-banking is the ABSTRACT nature, meaning, definition, etc. of what we call "MONEY"--people have the greatest difficulty figuring-out what this "money" really is and must be, and WHY--it's got to be limited/finite and have its own, "intrinsic" value, but again, ck for best, fullest expo.

Ultimately, human quandary gets down to nature of reality--is it objective (Aristotle)?--or not (Plato, subjectivism). People have greatest difficulty w. this simple metaphysical issue and always have. Thus we have religion which is the resort of most folks who can't handle the metaphysical issues.

So I conclude we humans now are facing a great, co-ordinated, highly-organized, satanistic criminal conspiracy which takes advantage of people's natural inability to grasp these basic issues, as regarding nature of money or reality itself. Great problem is due to recent, but now past and gone, economic "prosperity," there's now HUGE over-population of these weaklings and inferiors who have no adequate answer to what is money, what is reality, and these weaklings are now to be HARVESTED by the great "grim reaper." Problem is these weaklings will be USED by the satanists as soldiers and enforcers against the relatively few remaining truth-tellers.

And things cultural are being brought to a head economically by up-coming and on-going currency-collapse, US Dollar to lose much if not MOST of its present value, "petro-dollar" to be going way of the dinosaurs.

What's "solution"?--is there "solution" to these cultural and economic problems?--it won't be easy, and note the weaklings MUST "fall" by proverbial "wayside"--it's got to happen in inexorable CYCLIC history of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. But "money" must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and individual freedom in accord w. natural rights of original American founders must have consent of people, hence based upon primacy of LOCAL GOV. and "states-rights"--against the present "big-brother" fascist dictatorship fueled by central-banking and fiat-currency, not real money.

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Doreen Agostino | December 26, 2015 at 6:13 pm | Reply

A proposed solution from Judge Anna von Reitz Alaska State Superior Court land jurisdiction for living humans.

-----------------------below by ap in response to above-----------------------

Buying-Power Of Money Rises
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 15)

I ck'd ur link and the fallacy, among any others I didn't detect, to her argument/understanding of money (according to Austrian theory, in any event, as at is her contention (pt. 6) there's "not enough gold"--THIS IS FALSE.

For note real "money" must also serve as store-of-value, so that it can be "saved," as for a "rainy-day." So as and if real money is taken-out of circulation, the amount of goods and svcs remaining the same, the only thing that happens to the remaining gold and money in circulation is ITS BUYING-POWER GOES UP UP UP.

As buying-power goes up, it serves as incentive to spend it back into economy/circulation. For amount of real money must remain STABLE--otherwise u get "inflation"--which is the problem now, soon to be HYPER-inflation, total destruction of the currency. Again, see my ref. to for fuller expo.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A very good vid by Ken O'Keefe, showing Brit. PM, Cameron talking about "extremists," meaning REAL Christians--anti-satanists/anti-semites....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Drastic Program Necessary In Face Of Pending Catastrophe
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 15)

Well, it was a good vid (see, though somewhat dated as there's nothing in there about latest gigantic scandal on ISIS terror, now known and acknowledged as built, funded, supplied, and armed by ZOG, NATO, Israel, and Saudi.

O'Keefe makes some excellent pt.s, like (a) that enough investigation on 9/11 has been done, and (b) at the end, O'Keefe pt.s out the existential (practical) KEY to all the criminal activity, the central-bank, legalized COUNTERFEITING scam.

But then same old problems, more abstract and psychologic, crop-up, again, O'Keefe playing the usual good-Jew, bad-Jew game--there are no good Jews, and anyone who says there are is collaborator and accomplice, including esp. the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who are instrumental for cognitive dissonance regarding true nature of Christianity--anti-satanism in general and specifically anti-semitism, Jews understood as leaders of the subjectivists and satanists. See and for expo on Talmudism/Judaism.

Youth especially, are utterly fascinated and diverted by explicit satanism, as in hip-hop music.

Jew S A is now quite doomed economically, the currency collapsing, prices to sky-rocket very soon, more than doubling, surely within very short time, weeks, hardly even months.

So Jew S A must remove central-banking criminal enterprise, instituting real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and revive serious respect for states-rights, nullification, and secession.

Of course it will be hard for folks to focus on real problems w. all the deliberate cognitive dissonance being sown, amidst the idiotic "entertainment," same old "bread-and-circuses" of Roman times.

U JR, are PERFECT example of the satanic problem, pushing cognitive dissonance and political correctness, insisting there are "good Jews," and there are many more like u--we cannot tolerate it--and in the midst of catastrophe u are extremely dangerous.

When O'Keefe described, analyzed, and evaluated David Cameron, who spoke about "extremism"--O'Keefe was talking precisely about u, JR, sticking-up for political-correctness, defending the Jews, the real Christianity being too "extreme" for such as u.

For Christianity, the real thing, "extremism," is what is being targeted by Cameron and his allies--u just can't face fact that u're one of those allies. For otherwise u'll be caught-up in the middle btwn the opposing polarities, Christian on one hand, satanist on the other.

And note it's not far away now--mere weeks--we'll be entering un-charted territory, the collapsing currency, prices sky-rocketing, food-shortages, martial-law. For the food-shortages are what makes family-men desperate to feed their kids and riots break-out--coming soon. Think carefully, JR

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Truth is merely "relative" for satanic-controlled public edjumacators....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Good" ALWAYS Founded On Lies
(Apollonian, 20 Dec 15)

Absolutely (see below-copied note): for "truth" is merely "relative" for modern edjumacators--not to mention ethics.

And after all, that's why we got Jews--to tell us what's (a) true, and (b) "moral."

For when word comes down fm almighty Jews, that's what's got to be and happen.

Gotta hand it to the kikes: they know what rules--central-banking and control of the currency (not real "money" which must be commodity, hence gold/silver).

And Fetzer, who reputedly taught philosophy doesn't grasp this regnant, ruling "relativity" of truth and ethics?--which is now being exerted and imposed in case of Tracy and others?--and has been for yrs and yrs and yrs now.

For in philosophy the first (metaphysics) issue is btwn objectivity and subjectivism (relativism), Aristotle vs. Plato, always has been.

And since over-populated, corrupt scum and suckers in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, demand a way of being "good," which is non-existent, the Jews insist upon subjectivism ("midrash") by which God does miracles for his favorites, kikes.

Thus u see, by means of control of the currency (not "money") Jew masterminds control reality--they say what's true and what's "moral," reality having to be subject to moralism, hence subjectivism. Moralism couldn't exist without subjectivism (midrash), u see.

And that's why Christian truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), founded necessarily upon objective, God-given, reality, is always on defensive against purveyors of "good" which requires subjectivism--thus note, "good" founded on lies, hence Jews, necessarily.

Thus Jews are foremost liars as that's what Talmud is all about: WAR against the gentiles, to make gentiles slaves, and to kill them--as we see taking place all around us, everywhere, in the world and in Jew S A too. And Fetzer was proud member of establishment edjumacation, never forget.

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William St. George December 20, 2015 at 4:16 PM

This is definitely a good deed on your part, Dr Fetzer. It is all politics. The admin at the school already has dirty hands so putting them into the mud once more is hardly a problem once one is used to the condition. It should be clear by now that the Father of lies never uses contraception!

satanic, Jew world order juggernaut is faltering w. currency/economic collapse, but how will Christian truth prevail?....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanic JWO Juggernaut Is Faltering, But Can Christian Truth, Humanity Prevail?
(Apollonian, 21 2015)

Controlling pop. is explicit plan of Jew world order (JWO), "agenda-21," riding the satanic beast of subjectivism and moralism, but there's a little thing happening, and happening even more so soon, and that's currency and hence, economic collapse.

Prices are going to DOUBLE, soon, within a few weeks, surely, according to all the signs, verified by numerous observers. So ZOG will attempt a war somewhere, it seems, and if people don't go along, then ZOG will simply go to war, or try to, anyway, against people of Jew S A.

And it will be Christian truth vs. Jew lies, basically, as always, but will take a specific form, at least at first, of Christian vs. "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo). For beyond that, JWO will require United Nations troops.

So pertinent, specific issues will surely regard states-rights, real, commodity-based money, and the hope must be that JWO satanic beast will be dealt-with on that basis, but JWO has tremendous weapons, HAARP, EMP, bio-weapons, not to mention nukes.

People need to face reality of JWO and necessity of Christian unity against these satanic psychopaths, esp. in view of the blatant, evermore revealed scandal of ISIS built, supplied, and armed by ZOG, Israel, NATO, and Saudi. Even knows and tells the people about this in-ur-face

Friday, December 18, 2015

JR can't figure-out necessary Christian foundation for Bill of Rights--which B. of Rights is dead here in Jew S A, until revival of the real Christianity, ANTI-SEMITISM....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR Continues Silence On Rampant satanism And Cultural "Decline"
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 15)

Well JR, we notice u mention USS Liberty affair, BUT it just brings-up issue of Israel, which brings-up Jew issue which u don't want to face. So this refusal of urs to face real issues is an issue.

And we note u CONTINUE to avoid/evade the satanism issue--against which dread satanism was the people's Christianity, even w. all its draw-backs which u so abhor and struggle even to understanding.

Another thing is Congress's passing its big omnibus bill which brings-in more Moooooslim refugees, etc.--which the people are against, but Congress doesn't care as it gets its money/campaign-funding fm someone else.

And u see JR, Trump opposes this Moooooslim invasion--that's why people love him--even though, hey, we all know there's nothing to stop him fm going-back on any promises if he gets in, no less than all the other politicians.

See JR, if u went to China, or India and started talking about ur precious Bill of Rights, they'd hardly know what u were talking about, right?--and that's because they're lacking the cultural, hence psychologic foundation, right?

Well, don't u see, same thing obtains here in Jew S A--the cultural foundation is GONE, right?--that's why it would be similar result if u were, and as u do, to bringing up B. of Rights, right?

And Christianity, the real thing, is that indispensable foundation for B. of Rights--thus anti-satanism, and, truth be told, anti-semitism.

So we see people like u are torn and conflicted: (a) u want B. of Rights, BUT (b) u quail at necessary Christian foundation thereto. But this same psychologic/ideologic conflict is what goes for so many others too. That's why USA is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED, and we're in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And NOTHING, but nothing can stop the down-trending.

So Spenglerian, cultural "decline" continues, can't and won't stop till the currency and economic collapse become soooo horrifically definitive and abysmal, ONLY THEN capable of being revived, perhaps--if there are enough survivors. This, Spenglerian "Decline" and collapse is now where we are, JR, in midst of grim and ruthless satanic masterminds in full control, but u say nothing--and that's why it will most likely continue.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sandy hoax: specific instance of the larger satanist culture--a fact utterly lost on such as weaklings, Tracy and Fetzer....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Tracy, Fetzer: Incompetent Cowards, Worthless For Expo Of Real Cultural Problem, Satanism, Jews
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 15)

Don't forget the real problem is the large system within which these false-flag psy-ops, like Sandy hoax, are being carried-out, the Jew world order behind central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING which is funding and financing everything, including especially the mass-corp. Jews-media which larger environment half-baked cowards and incompetents, Tracy and Fetzer, don't have the guts to name and identify.

Simply observe the ISIS scandal which we're now learning in minute detail is total creature of Jew S A, NATO, Israel, Saudi, etc.--how is ISIS any essentially diff. psy-ops than Sandy hoax? For all the psy-ops require huge funding by Jew central-bankers and Jews-media lying and diversionary tactics.

It used to be understood USA was Christian nation, which Christianity was the bulwark of the people against the present gross, raging, in-ur-face satanism led by Jews who funded ISIS to causing the alien refugees now invading the West.

But these half-baked incompetents, Tracy and Fetzer, KNOW NOTHING about that Christian-inspired culture, and they actually know nothing about the present raging, evermore dominant satanism led by Jews.

And to remove the satanic problem requires the re-invigorated Christianity, hence anti-Semitism--WHICH TRACY AND FETZER ARE INCAPABLE of even imagining--they're integral part of the basic cultural problem which requires removal of central-banking, institution of real commodity money, states-rights, primacy of local gov., nullification and interposition by the states against a tyrannical general, federal gov.

So never doubt Sandy hoax is mere instance of the larger, real problem, RAMPANT SATANISM, led by Jews, for which problem Tracy and Fetzer are practically useless even if they tell many of the specific facts involved in Sandy hoax.

Whenever Americans discuss Civ. War, "slavery" issue ALWAYS subverts discussion--but less so nowadays, evermore....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Worst Enemy Of Truth Is Subjectivism And Non-Existent "Good"
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 15)

Let me here commend u on ur patient, valiant, and substantial effort to inform the public, including me, as well as ur particular respondent, as to the history of Civ. War (more properly war of northern aggression). I'd only disagree most strongly w. ur attempt to separate the two issues, guns and states-rights, as held by those sad heroes, the southern rebels of the 1860s.

I've found that the discussion about states-rights is ALWAYS most horribly undercut and subverted the very moment slavery and ethics invades--which is always. Too few people, but evermore white people and Christians, are beginning to grasp the virtue of states rights, primacy and virtue of local gov., delegated and limited powers, and constitutional contract.

And gun-rights?--well, all rights are held by citizens, and gov. only secures those rights, the citizens absolutely requiring guns for their self-defense esp. as it entails overthrow of tyrannic gov. which is what happened in 1861 and now.

For observe we have a general gov. now caught red-handed having built-up ISIS which is being used presently to flooding the West w. hostile and alien invaders for blatant, explicit purpose of overthrowing national sovereignty and rule-of-law in favor of establishment of world-dictatorship, nothing more nor less. So the immediate and direct pt.s of gun-rights and state and local gov. apply most urgently, without any doubt whatsoever--they go together most naturally.

There were other good pt.s brought-up in ur discussion, as regarding the problem of cultural ethos which is actually quite and explicitly a matter of the struggle against satanism (extreme subjectivism--HUBRIS), overt and in-ur-face, especially in way of entertainment, like "hip-hop" music for the all-seeing eye symbology and other masonic-type clap-trap.

Thus we find ourselves in midst of CYCLIC, determinist "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the era of Jews and Jew banking ("central-banking"--see for best expo) coming to a great head, US Federal Reserve Bank collapsing, along w. its filthy, fraudulent "currency" (not money, properly understood), and the economy of a captive people being killed by slow-kill methods of poisoning through water supplies, food and food-additives, toxic vaccines, "chem-trail" poisons, and lethal radiation, both electro-magnetic and nuke--like fm Fukushima killing the Pac. ocean.

So we need a great neo-Christian revolution as of original St. Constantine the Great, removing the Jews and totally exterminating Judaism fm our culture--along then with institution of proper commodity-based money (gold and silver), rule-of-law, etc. The absolute worst enemy of TRUTH is that devilish Pharisaism and "good" delusion, good founded in subjectivism and the hubristic, non-existent, perfectly "free," God-like human will.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

James Tracy?--he's a half-baked weakling--people should rather pity poor USA, West....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Poor Tracy?--Try Poor People And "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 11 Dec 15)

Buddy (see below-copied), we're all "in danger," believe me, and Tracy is a weakling scum, half-assed punk who dilutes his so-called msg or thesis, or whatever. Ur sympathy is grossly mis-placed.

For Sandy hoax is one of a number of fake mass-shootings, false-flags, and psy-ops, all of it over-arched by the master conspiracy of central-banking which really ought to be the target of all/any "truthers" worthy of the name.

What's "ISIS," but a creature of West, CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, used now as we see to herd "refugees" into West which is in horrific economic recession?

And then this central-banking ought to be seen in additional light of accompanying massive satanism which additionally threatens the people, esp. of the West and Jew S A. Neither Tracy nor Fetzer has much if anything to say about this Satanism--Fetzer pretending to be a "philosophic," no less.

And then what/who is at bottom of this satanism and central-banking scourge if not Jews, foremost liars, satanists, and subjectivists? But note practically EVERYONE is so scared ****-less of these filthy kike scum--including such "brave" leaders (ho ho ho ho) as Tracy and Fetzer.

And of course, how can one blame Tracy or Fetzer when we see our prospective "leaders," like the pres. candidates falling-over one another to eat kikes' excrement, including Trump, whose own daughter apostatized to become one of those Christ-killing puke?

So u can see we're in a lot worse trouble than a smart-ass, crack-brain prof. being threatened for his stinking job as ZOG continues to slow-killing the people w. GMO foods, glyphosate poisons, toxic vaccines, poison "chem-trails," lethal electro-magnetic and nuke radiation, Fukushima killing the Pac. ocean, no less, the pop. being forced onto drugs as in "Brave New World," these drugs themselves killing folks in so many ways, etc.

What we need is a serious Christian, anti-semitic revolution, at least in thought and culture, and Tracy or Fetzer haven't the slightest idea about it, what it entails or how it's to be brought about, so ZOG doesn't really seem to be that worried about them.

U should rather lament we're on brink, within only a few weeks or months now, of gross economic and currency collapse. Here in Jew S A, prices are going to SKY-ROCKET, prices doubling, at least, soon, soon--THEN we're gonna be in trouble, sucker--that's what u ought to think about--the heck w. Tracy, that half-baked weakling.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Anonymous December 11, 2015 at 5:07 PM

I hope our dear advocate Tracy, very much in danger, contacts Rebekkah Roth, who now is on YouTube, The Rebekkah Roth Show, the latest episode being aired on Dec. 5,

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Political-correct metro-sexual protests he isn't sure what hate or Jew-hate is--perfect beginning premise for satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

This post by JR seems to have been taken-down, so far

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JR Fails Again To Expound Satanism Taking-Over USA
(Apollonian, 9 Dec 15)

Well, u haven't written anything about that satanism (extreme subjectivism) which has grown up steadily and against which Christianity used to be people's bulwark, now fading as West continues Spenglerian, CYCLIC "Decline."

For u see, what good is Constitution if the people themselves give-up on necessary things Constitution was based upon?--like the OBJECTIVE reality, hence then rule-of-law, sanctity-of-contract, CHRISTIANITY, etc.

U write, "[a]m I a Jew hater? **** no. I am not sure what that even is. I have no ****ing idea what it means to hate. I just don't have that in me."

But Christianity is Jew-hatred, and that's what USA was built upon--what Dec. of Independence and US Const. were built upon. U just don't want to accept reality, JR, and u're part of the problem, for u and lots and lots of Americans are similar for this metro-sexual absurdity u spout, quoted here, above, too cowardly to hate Jews or even satanism.

U don't even know what it (Jew-hatred) is?--well, who's fault is that?--and truth is it's just another politically-correct protestation of urs in ur putrid pretending to be, what?--"moral"?--ho ho ho ho--certainly not patriotic; certainly not Christian, and certainly not honest.

"I have no ****ing idea what it means to hate. I just don't have that in me."

Really?--then u don't have any idea of love, as hate is just the reciprocal for same basic passion. Don't have it in u?--neither do u have honesty. U're just politically-correct drone and phony, extremely conflicted, it seems.

And so we see what and how u are, in all naked truth, JR--u don't care about patriotism or US Dec. of Independence or Const.--or anything--as much as u want to be Jew-friendly and politically-correct in ur way and manner, that's all.

U lack that basic honesty, in same way u lack that sympathy for that basic Christianity which is real foundation of this nation, Dec. of Independence, and Constitution.

And long as u lack that Jew-hatred u lack humanity, honesty, and proper patriot spirit, foundation of everything else for USA, now the Jew S A, unfortunately.

Satanism? (hubris and extreme subjectivism)--what is it and why/how is it taking-over, leading inexorably to mass-death?--u demonstrate it perfectly, JR, at least the beginning stages of it, for sure. U'd rather be "good," than honest, "Good" which doesn't really exist, worst enemy of truth and Christ.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"Hannukah": Feeble excuse for Jew, satanic upstaging of Christmas....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Hannukah: Pale Reminder Of Israelite Glory
(Apollonian, 6 Dec 15)

Yes, I get it about Hannukah: it's mere pretext of these satanists called Jews to up-stage the stupid Christian goyim--that's the main purpose. But Hannukah is no great thing for the Jews themselves.

For of course, Hannukah itself doesn't mean too darn much in way of glory as it merely commemorates a bunch of Jew chieftans and bosses who were able to haggle and finagle a kind of fiefdom in btwn Egypt and Syria and w. help of Romans.

And this Hasmonean "dynasty" was itself mere shaky interlude before the disaster of the first cent. AD and then disastrous Bar Kochba rebellion which removed the Jews definitively fm Palestine for centuries--nearly two millennia, in pt. of fact.

So the Jews on the one hand want to up-hold the Holyday, "Hannukah," but they don't want the Christians or gentiles to look too closely at it as it's so lacking in grandeur, actually just a shadowy reminder of the old, fading Judean presence in Palestine.

Edjumacated moron is given expo on place of Jews in present "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Stevie, Edjumacated Moron Impressed, Bedazzled By Foremost Criminals, Satanists, Kikes, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 7 Dec 15)

The phenomenon (see below-copied) is easily explained and understood--as it has been quite well throughout history. Only the morons among the lower-levels of society fail to grasp the process, like our psychotic schizoid shill, here, "stevie" the "neuro-scientist."

(a) Jews are foremost subjectivists and satanists and hence dominate in a declining culture which is now captured by criminal conspirators of central-banking (see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank).

(b) So as topmost criminals who've captured the culture, who literally just (legally) COUNTERFEIT all the currency (not "money") they want, for practical purposes, they (Jews) own all the corp.s, politicians, judges, etc.--everything and everybody, including the Jews-media and edjumacation which turns out half-baked, edjumacated morons, like "stevie."

(c) So the phenomenon is perfectly well explained, Jew criminals and master-minds, controlling everything, essentially award themselves all the Nobel prizes, ho ho ho hooo, and befuddled, bedazzled, and deluded morons like "stevie," well-edjumacated, ho ho ho ho, is actually fooled by his idols, the kikes, ho ho ho ho

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

Steve12 December 7, 2015 at 8:24 PM

Did you know that .02% of the world's population is Jewish, yet 20% (!) of the Nobel Prizes have been won by Jews?

That's amazing! I'm always impressed with the level of achievement that the Jewish people have maintained to spite the challenges they've faced.

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Steve12 December 7, 2015 at 8:52 PM

I just think the Jewish culture is an amazing one. Obviously the scientific achievement I mentioned above is remarkable.

But lets not forget about the artistic achievement - great composers, comedians, writers. I was always a big Saul Bellow fan, and I think that he captured a lot of the Jewish-American experience in a really witty yet poignant way.

And all this despite the pogroms, the Holocaust, and the anti-Semtism that dogs them to this day

Truly a gift to all mankind.

------------------Below in response to above-------------------------

Jews Depend Upon Over-Populated Goyim Fools, Suckers, Weaklings
(Apollonian, 7 Dec 15)

Jew filth are the curse of humanity, Jews foremost liars and "sons of [their] father, satan, the devil" (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

U're just a befuddled, brainless, and AMAZINGLY IGNORANT moron, psycho schizoid, queer psychopath, stevie, and if u really understood kike culture, u'd know something about Jew Talmud which is simply a war-plan/strategy against the rest of human-kind, Jews holding it ok to murder gentiles, etc. See and, also

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

satanism and numerology go together, numerology being particular fascination of satanists, Jews....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanism Styled In Numerology
(Apollonian, 1 Dec 15)

Well, I think numerology is a subject of special interest as the top satanists behind things conspiratorial themselves take it soooo seriously--why?--well because the people they work with and exploit as their close cohorts, but on lower level, actually do very much take numerology so seriously themselves.

So the numerologic style becomes significant in way of these conspirators making signs to one another, pretending to the great significance of the numbers--as if this numerology makes up a sort of idiom or "lingo" among them, even though there's really nothing too definite ever to be discerned, they all indulging in the mysticism of it.

I remember reading a book by one S. K. Bain, "Most Dangerous Book...," which was all about the numerologic detail associated w. 9/11 strike. The book recited a lot of stuff and coincidences about the flight numbers of the planes, flight 77 and 93, etc.--none of it made any particular sense I thought, BUT I was struck simply by the heavy numerologic styling and emphasis to it all. For example, the South Tower was hit on the 77th floor, for what that's worth. The author surely thought the numbers were sooooo fascinating, going on for over 300 pages.

So I guess the pt. to be made is that satanism, which is really just extreme subjectivism at root, likes to cloak itself additionally with this numerologic sort of detail--it doesn't necessarily mean anything except the styling seems to have a significance as internal symbology for the conspiratorial people involved, the lower-level folks being impressed and quite taken by it all, evidently.

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Liberty Bell December 1, 2015 at 6:56 PM

Intriguing comments! As it happens, I have thought before about the problem of “fascination” that you mention. In my 2012 monograph Achilles: Serial/Cereal Killer, I opened with these words (my citations have been removed):

“Apparently, people (and Americans in particular) have had their imaginations captured by serial killers. This idiom is revealing. What is captured and held captive is, seemingly, not free. Somewhere in the intersection of the writings of Rudolf Otto and Mircea Eliade there is a phrase marking out a relevant concept: Mysterium tremendum et fascinans (‘the mystery of the terrible and fascinating’). To a first approximation, the concept encapsulates one approach to religious experience – one approach to the human encounter with the ‘holy’ (that is, that which is set apart or is wholly other). The ‘other’ is encountered in a religious way when the encounter elicits both dread and fascination.

“At this juncture I will interject a bit of etymology, both for the sake of its inherent interest and for the purpose of introducing the reader into the strange word of ‘serial murder’ symbology. For immediately upon encountering the word ‘fascinate,’ we plunge headlong into the realm of ancient mythology. Note the history: ‘FASCINUS’ was the name of ‘[a]n early Latin divinity, and identical with Mutinus or Tutinus. He was worshipped as the protector from sorcery, witchcraft, and evil daemons; and represented in the form of a phallus, the genuine Latin for which is fascinum, this symbol being believed to be most efficient in averting all evil influences. He was especially invoked to protect women in childbed and their offspring … [G]enerals, who entered the city in triumph, had the symbol of Fascinus [the phallus] fastened under their chariot, that he might protect them from envy (medicus invidiae), for envy was believed to exercise an injurious influence on those who were envied. ... .’”

Monday, November 30, 2015

Simple text of New Test. is simple enough to grasp Christian anti-semitism, anti-satanism; "Christian Identity" is too obscure, confused....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christian New Testament Text Is Simple Enough
(Apollonian, 30 Nov 15)

Yes, there's no question Jews are purest, putrid puke, indubitably, but note how once a people/culture adopts that subjectivist-based ideology, Jews are going to rule/dominate due to their superior organization, they being most collectivistic, holding God judges/treats them as whole people, whereas Christians believing in individuals being so judged/treated.

And look at the traitor filth, the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists among "Christians"/gentiles who hold w. kikes, supporting terror-state of Israel, Jews effectively controlling all establishment "Christian" churches--it's pretty hopeless.

Thus this present filthy, Jew-dominated culture in "Decline of the West" must continue to perish, including the poor, stupid, deluded morons, still over-populated, I'm afraid. Look, for another example, at the OVERT satanism in "hip-hop" music--absolutely un-precedented in Western history for this in-ur-face, explicit satanism.

Only thing to be done is to "prepare" for necessary, coming, inevitable CRASH in economy and culture, US Dollar (esp. "petro-dollar") collapsing--this is most ominous as when this happens, soon, Welfare-system will collapse, there'll be food-shortages, then serious rioting, civil-unrest. That's why ZOG is trying to start war in Syria now w. shoot-down of that Russky jet.

I still can't believe people don't see how Jew S A deliberately built ISIS to create all those "refugees" to invade/infest West/USA. Israel is now getting cheap oil which ISIS stole fm Iraq, for another example, and the morons can't grasp what's going-on.

That's why immediate solution, such as it is, is USA must break-up back to the original sovereign states, in accord w. states-rights idea and 10th Amendment (28 words) by which those powers not given ("delegated") to US union, nor "prohibited," are kept by states--and secession was NOT prohibited. The other main necessity is to go back to commodity-based money, gold/silver, absolutely necessary step.

Thus through all this horrific activity that's up-coming soon (economic/currency collapse), people must realize very purpose of Christianity (worship of TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is ANTI-SEMITISM (JOHN 8:44), hatred of lies. Immediate problem is to dealing w. these scummy heretics, the JCs who support Israel.

For note, as Christianity upholds TRUTH above all, this necessitates implicit objective reality as premise/criterion for such truth--AGAINST the subjectivism of Jew lies, Jews holding reality is merely what rabbis say it is, the Torah subject to "interpretation" ("midrash") in accord w. their filthy "Oral Law Tradition" (Gosp. MATT ch. 15:3-6), denounced and repudiated by Christ. See also for expo.

Thus it isn't "rocket-science" to face simple fact Christianity is necessarily anti-semitic (anti-Jew, as it's easiest to just use their definition).

My pt. is we don't need "Christian Identity" as it's too confused and obscure to pretend nations of Europe are derived fm these various sons of Jacob--we have the direct, basic, simple text of Gospels as to obligatory anti-semitism (anti-Jew, "Jews" being defined as followers of Pharisees/Talmud), Christ = truth; Judaism = satanist worship of devil/lies.

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Don on November 30, 2015 at 6:11 AM said:

Make no mistake the Jews ARE trying to kill us off. But having said that if we had our act together they would never be able to pull it off. To a large degree Jews are a symptom. The main problem being that indeed we are all sinners and the wages of sin is death. If we weren’t sinners Jews wouldn’t exist. Jews don’t produce anything – they just siphon off of us. If we cut them off that would be the end of them.

The difference between us and the Jews is that Christ has redeemed us. The Jews have only this life and this world in which to do anything. They are all headed straight to the Lake of Fire.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

satanism has arisen and taken-over, and West must now catch-up by means of Christian anti-semitism, explicitly grasped and given to be understood....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Present Era Satanism Must Be Grasped, Understood, REMOVED
(Apollonian, 29 Nov 15)

Well, what do u expect (see below-copied) in this era, most recent, of absolute, out-right, in-ur-face, explicit SATANISM (extreme subjectivism), sold to the youth in "hip-hop" music--never before seen in entire hist. of Western Civilization?

Establishment Christianity is now thoroughly saturated w. homosexuals, these in control and under leadership of Jews, foremost satanists. See for expo.

Thus the traditional bulwark and (psychologic) defense of the people, dear Christianity, the real thing, is GONE--for we can't be "anti-semitic," can we? And after all, kikes are our lords and masters now that they have such total control of nations' finances by means of central-banking. See and for expo on Central-banking, US Fed, etc.

And the tragedy is this horrific satanism has arisen right under the nose of our incompetent and traduced "leadership" for such things cultural, like Fetzer--what happened?

What happened to Fetzer and the other establishment hacks was exact same thing that happened to the Christian establishment--they were steadily and incrementally domesticated, programmed, and psyched into "tolerance" of satanism--which is all satanism asks, this by means of the crass, putrid SUBJECTIVISM featured in philosophy and especially the false ethics of non-existent "good-evil."

So Christian heroes and soldiers are now required to play catch-up, and easiest, simplest way of doing this is emphasizing the real, anti-semitic nature of the true Christianity, Christ = Truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), lies founded in subjectivism, truth (= Christ) requiring the objective, Aristotelian premise.

Such then (just above) is necessary abstract philosophy; for practical purposes, that criminal enterprise known as central-banking must be removed immediately, US Constitution enforced, esp. 10th Amendment and states-rights, nullification and secession, primacy of local gov. above all, etc.

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JEANNON November 29, 2015 at 3:32 PM


Dachsie said...

There has always been a glaring "missing ingredient" in the Infowars team in covering Sandy Hook. I was very disappointed in Bidondi's coverage though he was at the City Council meeting and appeared to be a diligent reporter seeking the whole truth.

Thought I listen to less than thirty minutes a week of the show, I have observed that touching on Sandy Hook story is always dominated by "gun control" issue. That issue is what sells for his listenership, but that is not the primary overarching importance of the Sandy Hook event.

It would be almost nice if it were only about gun control. Sandy Hook was a major step forward in the decades long lying to the American people, lying that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. There were at least six people who were killed as a result of knowing too much about Sandy Hook but they did not die at the Sandy Hook event.

In study of all the other false events of the last half century, never before have we witnessed government officials at every level of government outright lying through their teeth. Serious corruption of the terminal kind for our country.

November 29, 2015 at 3:28 PM

Saturday, November 28, 2015

satanism, behind all the confusion, chaos, working steadily, guided by Jews, leaders of satanism/subjectivism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Don't Fail To Note satanism Behind All The Confusion, Chaos
(Apollonian, 28 Nov 15)

Yes, Mcdave (see below-copied), but don't forget what controls the MSM (mass-corp. Jews-media): it's the central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING behind it all, which provides for the funding, paying-off of the various "players," including the local officials, corrupt cops, and everyone else.

And this funny-money machine, and powers behind it, are still active, even if the Petro-dollar system itself is on its last legs, US Dollar about to collapse, presently looking to start a war in Syria and Ukraine--this is the latest tragedy, all of them related, including JFK assassination and the 9/11 hits too.

The entire system of fraud, intimidation, and terror can well be symbolized by SATANISM by which the moralizing HUBRIS of individuals is stoked to going along w. supposed and pre-positioned charismatic leaders and movements, like especially the "climate-change" fraud and world gov. dictatorship which is the phony Hegelian "solution" posed to the "problem" these frauds have deliberately concocted and created--like ISIS which created the waves of foreign refugee invaders, breaking-down borders, and ushering-in the world-gov. dictatorship.

And CUI BONO?--look who always benefits--Jews and their subjectivistic, satanic collaborators, including now those most active in the continued frauds, esp. "climate-change," like the homosexuals, even lately, the "trans-gendered," always seeming to keeping things confused and chaotic, but the Jews and satanists (subjectivists) pushing the absolute state dictatorship, always advancing.

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Anonymous November 28, 2015 at 4:40 AM

I have known for many yrs Sandy Hook was a scam,, this one scandal alone is enough to bring down the Obama administration if the truth became public...Always remember our MSM is contributing to the destruction of our country with their lies and cover ups
2:02 a.m., Thursday Nov. 26 | Other comments by Mcdave

Thursday, November 26, 2015

satanic motivations and developments now plain for all to see w. NATO/Turkey shooting-down of Russian jet....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Book Suppression Up-Staged Now By satanic Provocation For War
(Apollonian, 26 Nov 15)

Well folks, this story about crass suppression of Fetzer's book, "Nobody Died...," was good story for a few days, but observe now how it's been understandably up-staged by the insane shoot-down of the Russian jet over Syria. For suppression of books and info is mere routine in satanic society and course of cultural corruption and destruction.

The shoot-down goes to show a few things, like (a) the psychotic kikes WANT serious war, this latest shoot-down being obvious provocation by Jew S A, NATO, et al. (b) That Jew S A, NATO, and Turkey are all behind and supporting ISIS, not to mention Israel.

(c) And that one of the principle and immediate purposes of ISIS is to moving of "refugees" into West, Europe, and Jew S A, as means of furthering world dictatorship under United Nations (UN) auspices, breaking down of nat. sovereignty and borders.

Thus Greg Mannarino, noted investment analyst, affirms the Wall St. psychos want war as it will give pretext for "liquidity" and further "QE," spending, and thus saving their "derivatives" investments which are doomed without more inflation. See

So, my pt. is we see evermore for clarity of outright SATANIC course and motivations for things culturally, the specific instrument being that legalized COUNTERFEIT motif and criminal enterprise provided by central-banking, behind and at top of everything else--including ownership and control of that precious thing, Christianity, which used to guard the West fm satanism and these sublime Jewwy monsters at the center of this satanic juggernaut.

These satanic monsters and Jew masterminds arise and thrive as humanity becomes too successful, "prosperous," and actually now over-populated, the Jews and satanists herewith arranging for the inevitable, obligatory de-population of these stupid, hubris-filled scum, addicted to watching TV, called "people." Such then is inevitable "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in accord w. deterministic, Greek Tragedy.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The leaders of the culture MUST identify the negative against which volk can (a) agree, (b) unite....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism, The Great Problem, Upon Which People Can Agree, Unite Against
(Apollonian, 22 Nov 15)

Flattery will get u nowhere, scum (see below-copied). And besides, note what's important is the SUBSTANCE of what is written--what do u have to say about this grim tragedy of Western "decline" we're facing?--think about that, fool.

For if u really cared about ur good buddy, Fetzer, u'd say something--like about the horrific cultural satanism which continues to spread like a cancer, as Jew world order continues to take-over, as economy continues to fail. It's all a tragedy, and Fetzer--what does he do?--but to religiously continue his passive deference to these Judaic monsters. It's a disgrace.

The least Fetzer can do is to analyze the culture like he analyzes the evidence for Sandy hoax, 9/11, and JFK. Fetzer should take notice of the horrific cultural satanism, analyzing it for what it is--subjectivism of extreme sort--what's so difficult about that?

And for goodness sakes, Fetzer should take note of significant detail of central-banking and the overwhelming role and effect of financing, not only for Sandy hoax, but for all these other fake shootings and hoaxes, and then how it all fits within the larger criminal regime of that central-banking.

Thus the people of all races can thereby begin to unite and coalesce at least against the horrific negative that has arisen like a great spectre--SATANISM--the worst is yet to come, collapse of currency and economy all but guaranteed, not to mention other likely consequences. The world needs the philosophicals like Fetzer to start doing their proper jobs for placing things in context/perspective.

Thus as this horrific satanism is understood as founded upon subjectivism, the volk can begin at least to agree to basic Christian principle and value of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this then necessarily founded upon objective reality (God-given).

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Dreadnought November 22, 2015 at 7:32 PM

Faceless nameless unidentifiable coward

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Christian people need things understood, grasped w. SIMPLICITY, clarity; thus satanism is best understood as extreme subjectivism, Christianity by contrast most easily grasped, known as based in objectivity....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Necessity For Simplicity For Christian, Rationalist Revival, Rallying
(Apollonian, 21 Nov 15)

What I suggest, very simply, is the Christian volk can and should be rallied, encouraged, and inspired by ref., for one thing, to the un-deniable, verifiable, and relatively recent historic spike in satanism, as in "hip-hop" music, this satanism then defined as extreme subjectivism whence the subject makes mentality/consciousness the origin and source of reality--making oneself God, in accord w. easy, traditional definition and popular understanding of satanism.

And yes, the recent false-flag and psy-ops of Paris are part of this general satanic assault on humanity, reason, West, and Christianity, but it doesn't need or require any of this added stuff regarding Blavatsky, for example--Christian leaders need to KEEP IT SIMPLE. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, as I noted, pure and simple, easily demonstrated.

Thus as satanism is generally understood, it's easier to grasp contrasting and proper Christian ideal of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), necessarily requiring the objective reality (God-created) as basis/premise for such truth, Holy Spirit being reason, the means of grasping such TRUTH (= Christ), but reason tempered w. honesty and integrity--against the masonic and Judaic idea featuring dis-honesty, treachery, and hubristic idea of a God-like, perfectly "free" human will.

Further, note Jews feature that thematic COLLECTIVISM by which their subjectivism is enabled to dominate, rule, control, and manipulate the far more numerous (so far) subjectivists and satanists among gentiles which gentiles are so typically individualized, isolated, and dis-organized in face of superior Jew organization and "connection," masons mere pawns and henchmen.

Hence this simplified grasp and understanding of the satanic problem is best for mentality of the broad gentile people and population who are capable of understanding necessity of objective reality, God-created, and that basic truth (= Christ) founded thereupon, thereby enabled to resurrect the old Christian rationalism, the culture and economy allowed and enabled to revive.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Jew S A is now thoroughly captured by satanism--which satanism used to be held in check by the REAL Christianity....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Religion" Needs Be Understood Properly
(Apollonian, 20 Nov 15)

U keep pushing on a string: "religion" is absolutely INTEGRAL to founding and very substance of USA, now Jew S A, and that general religion was Christianity, properly understood, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Why is it u can't observe Jew S A is now suffering under satanism?--and how is satanism NOT a "religion" of its own?

Further, "religion" is simply an integralness, or integrity, of conscious w. subconscious, as reason, or science and logic, itself is a veritable religion, integral throughout one's whole spirit, consciousness, being.

So is "liberty" capable of being thought religion--though it would require further consideration in way of premises. And Christianity, properly understood, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), is foundation of Western science and culture, including individual freedom and social contract, developed fm Renaissance Italy, further then in England, and thus to USA.

And u're soooo full of excrement when u write: "[s]imultaneously - any religious S.O.B. pushing their religious "law" or whatever they call their substitute for our government which respects NO establishment of an official religion...."

For states DID have state-religions, the clause/statement u refer to merely having to do w. a particular religion, "Congregational," Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc., for the whole federation of states, called the US--which was not understood as a "nation" then, merely a federal UNION of otherwise independent, sovereign states which had several diff. state religions at the time.

So u have to eventually figure-out u're full of excrement on this issue, first regarding the idea of religion, then Christianity.

For considering Jew S A presently is perishing before our very eyes, under grip of satanism, we need a religious movement consisting of anti-satanism, which is what Christianity universally stood for and served as bulwark against such dread satanism.

But something happened, didn't it?--so that old Christianity has changed, hasn't it?--the filthy, establishment "Christianity" we see presently NOT the original thing, eh?--not much diff. fm the official "Christianity" of the USSR at the time, as under Stalin, right?

Sometime in ur life, JR, u need to start thinking, u know?

satanism: evermore well-acknowledged, understood as fundamental cultural problem....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism: The Problem; But Now How And Why?
(Apollonian, 20 Nov 15)

Well good (see below-copied), that's a start: (a) satanism the problem--which practically ALL people, of all races, cultures, etc., can agree upon--as they used to do, actually.

(b) Satanism is then best defined as extreme subjectivism whence the subject insists that his/her mentality/consciousness is origin of view of reality, and indeed, origin of reality itself--thus making oneself God--which invokes the old, classic, traditional idea of satanic hubris by which one makes oneself God, consistent w. the mythical character of Satan fm the literature, including Biblic.

(c) So then, WHO are the leaders of organized satanism?--is there such thing as "organized satanism"?--surely--esp. when u consider satanism in accord w. definition of (extreme) subjectivism.

(d) And wouldn't these satanic leaders and master-minds be COLLECTIVISTIC for their organization?--for wouldn't collectivism be best for such organization of such satanism (subjectivism)?--like a criminal "gang"?

(e) And wouldn't these collectivist, highly organized satanists rather naturally dominate, lead, and manipulate all the other satanists who WERE NOT collectivistic?--as we know there are those soooo profoundly mystic they're utterly individualized and isolated fm anyone else. For though all satanists must be mystic, at least in part, it doesn't mean all mystics are satanists.

(f) So then, the only question is WHO are MOST organized satanists (subjectivists)?

(g) For we KNOW, without doubt, satanists hate reason, reason founded necessarily upon objective reality--even though they won't hesitate to pretend to using reason and reasoning.

(h) And further, these satanists absolutely HATE Christianity, the REAL THING, which upholds Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth necessarily founded upon objective reality which gives such TRUTH it's basis/premise for existence, reality being objective, thus understood by Christians as God-created.

(i) So then WHO, by process of elimination, would these most highly organized, COLLECTIVIST subjectivists/satanists be? Who is it who HATES Christianity, worship of truth, most?--who are notorious for their obsessive, even psychotic and psychopathic hatred of Christianity?

(j) And note we must not be confused, for there are nominal "Christians" who insist they're Christians, but who preach something aside fm reason (necessary part of Holy Spirit, which apprehends TRUTH) as means to a mystic (non-objective), so-called "truth." These confused, rather stupid Christians may be mystic and against reason, but they wouldn't say they're "satanist"--even though they're often dupes of the top satanists (as we can see quite plainly).

(k) For satanists, even if they endorse "reason," will yet endorse ETHICS and moralism and a kind of "ethics/morality" by which they insist upon a "good-evil," including the idea there's such thing as perfectly "free" human will, this perfect "freedom of will" being integral part of their (hubristic) claim to Godliness. Thus, this mystic "ethics" is most often the entrance, beginning premise to satanism, "good" so often the worst enemy of TRUTH. (Remember Plato upheld "Good," beauty, and truth as foremost values/ideals.)

CONCLUSION: So I'll leave the analysis here w. suggestion there are EASILY identifiable satanists (including the "masons") and leaders thereof. And I'll note these satanists have extremely clever arguments to deflect attn. fm themselves and even to casting blame upon those who identify them--and isn't this quite understandable and expectable?--similar to mocking and making fun of those who ID the criminals and are called "conspiracy theorists"--and isn't this all easily understood, everything considered? For the satanic twists and turns of logic never cease, do they? And only dedicated worshippers of TRUTH are capable of the full analysis, possessed of the Holy Spirit, if and as such thing exists.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

AnonymousNov 19, 2015, 5:46:00 PM


I agree - it is our money supply that is being used against us to buy everything.

I do think "Satanism" is a good way to describe the forces that are destroying America - since they are OK with killing people to further agendas rather than looking for ways to live with the life already existent.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hubris, subjectivism has now gone "critical" and become outright satanism--this is what's taken place now, quite plainly....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Morons And Traitors MUST Check-In With Usual Stupidity, But There Will Be Consequences
(Apollonian, 18 Nov 15)

Just another scummy piece-of-**** puke (see below-copied) who imagines there are good kikes, evidently, ho ho ho ho--these scummy traitors are actually primary problem, u see.

What's purpose? the scum asks in all mock-seriousness, typical of puke like her. And the answer is radical doses of Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, put emphatically and dramatically, tolerating none of the typical idiot, Jew-serving nonsense. Christianity IS anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism (as Gosp. JOHN 8:44), suckers--get a clue to save ur miserable, sinful existences u call "lives," morons. Judaism = satanism (see

For before we get to the kikes at the top, u see, FIRST we must remove their "Praetorian Guard," these being mainly the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and heretics on the pretend "right," by far most numerous of their "allies," and then maybe the typical moron "liberal advanced-thinkers" on the "left," like the moron, just above [here, below].

Ho ho ho--and observe the puke imagines she's one of the "thoughtful respondents," ho ho ho ho ho--perfect picture of the cultural/sociologic hubris and problem.

For ask urselves: is apsterian expo truly "pretty brilliant subterfuge"?--so what then is it to be subverted ("subterfuged")?--what else could it be but the IRONCLAD GRIP AND STRANGLE-HOLD of Jews and their subjectivism, which has now gone "critical" and become EXTREME subjectivism--outright SATANISM--the psychopathic war against people and culture having advanced to blatant creation of ISIS, for example, causing horrific mayhem in Syria, causing literal invasion by "refugees" of Western nations for purpose of destruction of national sovereignty and advance of world dictatorship working for pop. reduction?

Moronic, putrid, Jew-tolerating scum need be placed on notice they're traitors and there's GRIM penalty for such treason--this is where we are now, and people need getting a clue, as I noted.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Activist Angel November 18, 2015 at 4:16 PM

It really is fun to see Dr. Fetzer use knowledge and reason in such a patient manner. That's why he is a professor and I am merely a student.
Then the dichotomy happens! I read another terrific article by James, and then am sucked in to these comments!
They are somewhat entertaining, and they certainly are a glowing testimony to Dr. Fetzer's tolerance and inclusion of "disparate" ideas. But what a difference.
Apsterian has got to be one of the most .... I can't find a word.
Ho ho ho? Calling everyone names.
What is his purpose here? Is he really hasbara? If so it's pretty brilliant subterfuge. What in the world inspires this seeming madman to spend his time on this comment section? To drown out or scare away thoughtful respondents and scholars?
In any case, fun to be reading James with all of you.

Jew S A is now in FATAL, CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West" due to subjectivism now become extreme--hence outright satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Suffers Same Basic Malady As So Many Others--Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 18 Nov 15)

This is interesting entry u've made here, JR; seems to be two general sections to it on diff. topics, the top on prop. and buzz-word(s) like "consp. theory," and the bottom more on Pres. election. U also need to get away fm that roach infestation--u've been complaining about that for LONG time now, buddy.

Otherwise, getting back to ur topics, note U'RE integral part of the problem, as I've said before--why then do u grudge others for their own incompetence?--u're no better, committing very same sin.

For history is CYCLIC, and we're in "Decline of the West," the people, including u, mired in HUBRIS and subjectivism, this subjectivism now having become EXTREME and "critical," having turned into satanism. I don't say u urself are satanist, but u harbor the basic germ of it, subjectivism, pretending to "moralism" of "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will--ur basic flaw, error, fallacy.

It's now for West much like the old Roman empire, the volk soooo corrupt, mired in hubris, and esp. in subjectivism, they're not capable of dealing w. the real problem--subjectivism at root, but specifically the satanism which is now definitively in control.

U also ignore history, JR, and that's fatal, buddy--u overlook our dear Christianity was precisely what fended-off that extreme subjectivism and satanism--esp. in way of hatred of and aversion to Jews. Nowadays, the real, anti-semitic Christianity is forgotten, while otherwise the conventional "Christianity," controlled by Jews, is understood as mere version/variant of that putrid Judaism.

U refuse to face reality: the West THRIVED long as we hated and persecuted kikes, see?--and when, at French Rev., Jews were "legalized," so to speak, that's when West began its horrific "decline," according to Spengler's theory (though, to be sure, Spengler doesn't single-out Jews as I do--Spengler's great grandmother was Jew by race).

For Jews are FOREMOST subjectivists/satanists, see, as I continue to note, but which u insist on ignoring--WHICH IS FATAL. And sociologic problem is MOST PEOPLE ARE LIKE U, JR--they ignore reality, especially essential aspects of that reality--u're no diff., no better than these poor folks u like to criticize.

So what's gonna happen?--same as Roman instance, JR, and the only thing to possibly save things is a similar revival of that original Christian revolution, including hatred of Jews--whom, unfortunately, u prefer to worship, though it does u no good--U'RE THE PROBLEM, JR, even if u're not necessarily same mindless sort of subjectivist as so many others are--esp. the homosexuals.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Kurt Cobain, the poor sap, pathetic victim of satanic culture, was quite possibly murdered, don't forget....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Kurt Cobain: Suffered Wages Of satanism/Subjectivism, Narcissism--Perfect Example How NOT To Be "Artist"
(Apollonian, 14 Nov 15)

So who was Kurt Cobain, anyway?--and what was his purpose? Well, he was a satanist (subjectivist) in his way, and hence he fitted purposes of the Jews who dominate the culture in general and "music industry" in particular, so naturally that's why/how such a smarmy, "temperamental," little narcissist is presently lionized by the cheap and popular moron-culture, ESPECIALLY homosexuals.

And there's serious, substantial info and evidence to effect Cobain was murdered for obvious purposes, and it isn't difficult to see how and why, and further that his murderers are going un-investigated, un-pursued, and un-indicted. See, also

Such then is satanic culture of death as we have presently, the music industry promoting this death-worship, complementing the mass-murder going on, even if consisting of slow-kill method for poisoned food supply in GMOs, fluoride in water supplies poisoning, toxic vaccination enforced upon the people and other poison drugs pushed by big Jew Pharma, toxic electro-magnetic contamination, toxic particulates seeding in the atmosphere also used for un-natural geo-engineering, etc.

For note and observe satanism/subjectivism extols precisely just that sort of "temperamental" artsiness, pushing hubris and idea one can achieve Pelagianist-Pharisaic "good" and moralist "virtue," thus a perfectly "free," even God-like sort of will which can affect, change, and create reality. Thus Cobain was understood as "troubled," always "at risk" for drug-addiction, typical for his sort of narcissism, plaything of Jews and Satanists.

Jews, Judaism, satanism, extremely formidable, can ONLY be defeated as it burns itself out, like proverbial forest-fire--but there's still hope, never doubt....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanic Forest-Fire Burning Itself Out Is All Folks Can Look Forward To
(Apollonian 14 Nov 15)

Well, if u grasp the BASIC forces at work, one sees it's Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) on the one hand and satanism, built on lies (JOHN 8:44) on the other, satanism being actually extreme subjectivism.

And the great satanic force is not nearly spent, the poor stupid, over-populated people still reeling, Israel still sitting pretty, still killing Palestinians at will. These observations are good picture-assessment of things. Dumb people still think Jews are cool?--well, they're going to suffer.

And after all, the Bible and New Test. were written for purpose of anti-semitism, but that's the power of central-banking instrument of Jews they can so easily just BUY and bribe the preachers and pastors, the Vatican now turned into a club for queers.

So it's horrifying prospect to imagine what will have to happen for any serious turn-around in things cultural. But bad things happening is necessary for the exposing of satanism; people only need to take heed.

Proper monetary system MUST be commodity-based, hence gold/silver; otherwise the currency that's "created" is only used by satanists to fund their wars.

Otherwise, people need to de-activate satanism by means of US Constitution, 10th Amendment, and states-rights, nullification, primacy of local gov.

For eventually the satanic fiat-currency MUST and will lose its buying-power, and it looks like this is all folks can look forward to if they can't take most positive steps, as I note, adoption of commodity-based money, observing US Const., active anti-Semitism.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fetzer needs to practice proper philosophic art/craft of perspective/context--to seeing the satanic disaster which grips USA....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer, USA Must Wake-Up To Horrific Jew/Satanic Cultural Collapse
(Apollonian, 13 Nov 15)

U ask above, "is all lost?"--and u only have to analyze the situation in honesty: (a) Thus we're presently caught-up in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people are psychologically captive to SATANISM and hubristic, extreme subjectivism by which too many imagine they affect and even create reality simply by means of their own mentality/consciousness--beginning, as they've been taught since very young, to attaining fallacious, hereticalist, non-existent "good" vs. "evil."

(b) Thus in midst of this horrific, satanic cultural/sociologic corruption, a literal gang of criminals has taken control of USA, now Jew S A, and the entire West, by means of criminal enterprise called CENTRAL-BANKING whence they legally COUNTERFEIT the former "money"-supply, now called "currency." See and/or for best expo on central-banking and US Federal Reserve Bank.

By means of this legalized counterfeiting, these criminals are enabled to print-out and digitalize nearly un-ending oceans of currency by which then to buying, bribing, and extorting practically all politicians, judges, bureaucrats, cops, the mass-corp. Jews-media, and all corp.s, public "edjumacation," and anyone who doesn't go along is assassinated.

(c) Problem w. Fetzer is he FAILS for proper philosophic job and analysis, perspective and context, keeping his vision limited to mere details, nit-picking and quibbling.

Thus Fetzer FAILS to see specific criminal acts, like 9/11, JFK, and Sandy hoax within proper context of larger, overall criminal conspiracy and enterprise of afore-mentioned Central-banking, this within the corrupt, satanic, Jew-infested and -dominated culture in CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline...," etc.

And there are other problems, as I note, at which Fetzer fails, for example, the proper Christian, hence anti-Semitic, philosophy by which to counter-act and defeat the horrific, mass-murdering satanism which is continuing to prevail while Fetzer "fiddles" upon mere details as "Rome burns."

So among the various particular problems, people of USA must regain and re-discover that original, real Christian anti-semitism which would immediately oppose and counter-act present, horrific satanism/subjectivism which dominates and prevails, destroying the culture, society, people, and economy. Fetzer, as well as American people, need to wake-up and take heed of the Jew/satanic problem, to save our very lives.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Anonymous November 13, 2015 at 12:50 AM

You have these bastards nailed down, Dr. Fetzer. You have my eternal respect for standing up for reality.

The only real question left to answer is WHY HAVEN'T OUR 'AUTHORITIES' GONE AFTER THESE TRAITORS? Is all lost?

I can't believe the stonewalling the very people who pay these officials salaries receive in these matters. It is heartbreaking to have the government turn on it's own citizens like this.

I often think these now-rampant gun-control hoaxes are part and parcel; of the corporate demands hidden in the language of this latest travesty of a trade bill the government is trying to cram down our throats.

When these corporations demand the right to sue us for damages when we legitimately refuse to be abused, thus taking away from their ill-gotten gains, something has gone totally rotten in the core of American governance.

I pray people will run up against these traitors with whatever weapons are at hand and drive them out of the country I loved growing up...I am sick at the inaction.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Rebekah Roth well-justified for no interest in Fetzer's show....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Rebekah Cannot Be Blamed For Not Wasting Her Time
(Apollonian, 12 Nov 15)

I think Rebekah makes lots more sense than Allan Powell--who, never doubt is mere agent of Jim Fetzer who is gross FAILURE as philosopher, philosophers supposed to being competent at placing things within proper context/perspective.

For 9/11 is an instance within a larger complex or abstraction, that larger criminal complex being that of central-banking, legalized COUNTERFEITING--this is the MASTER set within which one must place 9/11 and all the other particular instances. See for best expo on central-banking, also

And of course, central-banking is the topmost, most thoroughly sublime of all/any criminal enterprises--literally, legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which one (almost) magically, like fabled King Midas, applies the "golden-touch" and conjures "money" (now called "currency") where none had existed before.

The only thing needed for this central-banking fraud is a population of fools, goons, morons, scum, welfare-recipients, drug-addicts, in short, the general culture of the old Roman "bread and circuses" whence the people are easily distracted and gulled into thinking such "central-banking" is legitimate business, whose people don't and can't understand simple thing like MONEY--what it is and why it has to be that way--commodity-based, hence gold and/or silver.

For Rebekah, if u merely read her book(s) understands the fraud nature of central-banking and specifically the US Federal Reserve Bank.

And it's only the SATANIC culture and empire of lies then which is required to harbor and foster this central-banking fraud, satanism naturally and necessarily consisting of extreme subjectivism whence one hubristically makes oneself God and insists reality is merely what one makes of it by means of one's mentality/consciousness--subjectivism.

Rebekah seems to understand and grasp JEWS (Talmudists) are MASTERS of such subjectivism and even though massively out-numbered, at least presently, by the stupid gentiles, will control and dominate such subjectivist culture/society as Jews are collectivists by nature, far more organized, unified, and "connected" than the dumb, more individualistic, dis-organized gentiles.

And the Saudis and Bush-Clinton crime families are mere pawns and bag-men of the Jews. Israel itself is mere junior partner in the large Jew-controlled and -dominated criminal conspiracy which rules by means of this central-banking which churns out the funds to buying and bribing, also extorting practically all judges, politicians, bureaucrats, cops, college presidents and instructors, et al.

And Rebekah surely doesn't want to waste her time mired in the nit-picking and quibbling over details with such as Fetzer, the incompetent academic philosophical who cannot grasp the central-banking fraud to save his life.

Rebekah seems to sense Fetzer will refuse to do his proper duty as philosophic to generalizing fm details to grasping central-banking and satanism/subjectivism which now so horribly dominates and oppresses our pathetic culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Fetzer rather enjoys reciting long lists of details, and Rebekah doesn't want to "go there."

For now that Fetzer has given a hearing to Michael A. Hoffman II regarding Talmud and Jews, he presently needs to contact someone at (or or to finding-out all about central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, how it so totally takes over a society and entire culture, especially by means of SATANISM, which is mere extreme subjectivism--which Fetzer is supposed to know something about.

One cannot blame Rebekah, again, for not wanting to waste the time w. Fetzer as she probably doesn't feel too adept at explaining details as to what central-banking is and how it works. It's Fetzer who rather needs to do his own homework and learning how to use inductive logic to generalize to the master conspiracy controlling all the PARTICULAR others, including 9/11, JFK, Sandy hoax, etc.

Monday, November 9, 2015

satanic cultural complex will always defend (a) Jews, (b) subjectivism, (c) esp. in form of "good-evil"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Proper Analysis Of General Fraud Complex, For Which Fetzer Fails Miserably
(Apollonian, 9 Nov 15)

Interesting that Fetzer simply repeats (again) a posting on the Sandy hoax and the book he now has on it, but the important thing is to considering Sandy hoax for the sheer enormity of necessary implications. Truly, tremendous resources were and still are committed to this hoax and the necessarily larger complex to which it (Sandy hoax) is mere part.

For there have been similar hoaxes which include the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 and the numerous other fake "shootings," like Charleston, SC, "Eliot Roger," and recent Virginia shooting by Vester Flanagan, among many others too.

It's alleged in above comment, November 8, 2015 at 10:28 AM, that 9/11 is "mother of all hoaxes," but even this 9/11 is mere instance within a larger complex. And as I've noted, analyzing this large criminal complex is where Fetzer, who's supposed to be philosophical, most egregiously fails.

For the Sandy hoax, no less than all the other hoaxes/frauds, couldn't have been generated without truly TREMENDOUS funding/financing which works to bribing and then extorting all the numerous "players" involved which include, as we know, the police, school officials, other bureaucrats, state, local, and federal, politicians and judges.

Thus we come to the REAL "mother of all hoaxes," the central-banking criminal enterprise, US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING (see and for expo)--about which Fetzer says practically NOTHING--why is this?

Then, along w. central-banking, we have the Jew issue, the world-gov. issue, including "pop.-reduction" according to "Agenda-21," and then the under-lying psychology/mentality which fuels this horrific corruption, the general SATANISM consisting of extreme subjectivism and hubris, by which we get the false God complex--Fetzer has nothing to say about this larger complex of which Sandy hoax, 9/11, and JFK, among the others, are mere parts.

Thus we see the general, prevailing satanism, maintaining the general confusion among the people by all the various means, Fetzer, for one, supposed philosophical, failing and incapable of doing his basic job for putting things in proper context and perspective. And as long as this cultural confusion continues to prevail ZOG will remain supreme, continuing to mass-murder the people.

Unfortunately, we see now, the people will continue to die-out, and as the stock of slaves reduces, maybe it's only this which will induce the topmost masterminds to begin falling-out among one another, fighting, and ONLY this falling-out among top masterminds allowing then any hope for survival for the victimized people.

Key then to survival is seeing, if nothing else, the overwhelming, prevailing satanism, rampant and raging, consuming and overcoming all. Who are the leaders of this satanism?--Jews, obviously, as they're FAR more "organized" and connected than the idiot, individualized, gentile satanists, even though gentiles out-number Jews, so far.

And so we see the KEY to analyzing this great struggle against satanism: like Alex Jones (, satanists will always defend Jews insisting there are "good" Jews, playing "good Jew vs. bad Jew" game, as if "zionists" are any essentially diff. fm Talmudists (see, as if there are "good" Jews like there are "good" psychopaths, etc.

Further, note the satanists will defend the very basis of satanism, HUBRIS, the idea one can change and/or create reality in God-like fashion, achieving "good"--Pharisaism, which is taught to the little kids, insisting they must be "good" (obedient), as opposed to non-existent "evil" (dis-obedient) which is to be accomplished by means of will--HUBRIS, again.

Thus the danger that Fetzer represents is that despite his exposing the Sandy hoax, yet he continues to fail for larger analysis of the satanic complex, including especially the central-banking fraud, then the philosophic/ethical roots of that satanism, pretending there are "good" Jews, etc.

Friday, November 6, 2015

People refusing to face-up to Jew problem merely help the large cultural satanic problem grow....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR Covers Details Fairly Well, But Fails For Conclusion
(Apollonian, 6 Nov 15)

"They are weak-minded people who will make things worse since they are unable to face reality for what it really is." [See above citation.]

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Of course u're right, JR, for ur above quote, as well as ur last 3 paragraphs. But how are they diff. fm u, refusing to face-up to the Jew-satanic problem?

For Jews are leaders of the satanic culture which satanism is expanding, JR, just as u indicate in ur expo--BUT u want to blame Christianity?

And don't forget: satanism is making oneself God, by definition, hence extreme subjectivism whence one's view of reality IS REALITY. Thus the selective prosecutions of the top criminals, the big-banks too big to fail, hitlery Clinton getting away w. breaking laws, one tenth of which such law-breaking of nat. security laws were used against so many others NOT favored by powers.

The secret to Jews' success?--they act collectivistically, most organized and united, for their subjectivism, JR, the stupid gentiles being more "individualist"--which "individualism" doesn't work so well for criminals, if u notice.

That's what u're not picking-up on, I submit--the more general cultural subjectivism/satanism which under-lies the actual politics and economics.

For after this general satanism, which is general and abstract, u get to the most practical thing working, the central-banking, US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING scam which (a) necessarily controls everything else, all the politicians and judges being bought, bribed, and extorted, (b) and which is, obviously, a huge, gigantic, all-powerful MONOPOLY.

Thus as this (money-banking) monopoly absolutely rules/controls, it imposes a distinct dictatorship, styled SOCIALISTIC--because this socialism/welfarism sells the best among the goons, fools, morons, and suckers--there's a distinct moralistic flavor to it, u see, socialism, reputed then to being anti-capitalist.

So I think u note well enough the details, but FAIL to see the overall general satanism, this always led, manipulated, and controlled by Jews. Jews are criminals by their filthy Talmudic religion, including even the "non-religious" Jews by race, and that culture does not thrive when it tolerates Jews--which simple fact u don't want to face-up to.