Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Catholic fascination for idolatry of Mother Mary and sublime justifications must be curbed in face of savage satanic assault on culture....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Catholic Indulgence For Complexity, Sublimity, Requires Curbing Upon Ockham's Razor
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 15)

This argument about Mary's sinlessness is ok for strict logic, but not for basic Christian philosophy which is that humans are sinners, necessarily, by nature, as they're creatures of will and willfulness, hence subject to HUBRIS, etc., all of this being determined in accord w. God's will. So though Mary might be "full of grace," it doesn't mean she's necessarily sinless.

And Catholics aren't wise to be pushing this perfect sinlessness and general worship or idolization of Mary. It's okay to tolerate ur arguments regarding Mary, but not to pushing it on Protestants who are already sick and tired of such as "Vatican" homosexuality and Jesuit conspiracy w. communists, masons, etc.

For the core of Christianity must ultimately be conceded which is that rational philosophy founded in objectivity and determinism (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), opposing Pharisaic subjectivism, hubris, and Pelagian heresy, pretending to "good-evil."

For Christian militance, foundation of the civil military effort, practical purpose of "church," requires strictest reason and rationality in the effort to combat satanism, Pharisaism, hubris, and moralism, esp. afore-mentioned Pelagianism.

Thus Catholicity, that universality, requires simplicity, hence that Christ is truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the Aristotelian objective nature of reality, foundation of such truth, etc.

So Mary's putative sinlessness could and should be optional at best for Catholics and Christians, not obligatory--as a lot of otherwise irrelevant stuff seems to be for Catholics which Protestants righteously resent and reject. But these differences ought not, must not, and should not lead to fatal divisiveness, defeating the military purpose.

For the satanic enemy is in our midst, raging and ravaging, and it's necessary to rally Christian soldiers and the Church militant; the spider-weaving and logic-chopping needs be broken off for most urgent emphasis upon basic principle(s), like the existence of TRUTH (= Christ), hence the objective, determinist reality and removal for pretext of "good-evil" Pharisaism.

For if humans are "equal," then one aspect of that regards sin and removal of Pelagianist pretext for "good" which is hubristic, Pharisaic, and hence anti-Christ and dis-honest, thus inimical and defeating that basic core of Christian virtue and principle.

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