Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jew-friendly sucker invokes/cites natural law, apster gives details....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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How Natural Law Actually Works In Detail, Specific Terms
(Apollonian 2 Jan 2016)

Here below, I analyze and describe in further detail what JR, just above (or see below) cites,

"Unless these issues are addressed natural law will take over and as nature forces humanity to obey her laws, or God gets pissed - pick your paradigm..."

Well see, it's like I've always noted, exposited, and explained: (a) at any given time, for any issue, u have the two polar opposites, but in-btwn are MOST OF THE PEOPLE who are "un-decided," don't know too well, who need leadership--this is the way societies are.

(b) And esp. after "victory" and "prosperity," as in Rome and now here in Jew S A, the society becomes over-loaded and over-populated w. these fools and weaklings in the middle, too easily led, as by TV, radio, etc.

(c) Note also, and again, it's CYCLIC phenomenon, regarding sociology and history, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," and the generation and rise of empires.

(d) Thus we have a situation now in the "decline" stage, w. over-populated goons, fools, morons, weaklings, and inferiors, most of them now having been led by the establishment criminals who've taken control of the culture, society, and economy by means of that foremost, definitive criminal enterprise, central-banking (see for expo), a private corp. (US Federal Reserve Bank) issuing the currency by means of control of credit, etc., all of this totally un-Constitutional, etc., as I've noted. Since they issue the currency to practically any amount they choose, they own/control all the mass corp. Jews-media.

(e) The pt. I've always made is that the culture now, as I've described, is SUBJECTIVISTIC for psychology, which parallels the "decline" and corruption, and thus is led for this subjectivism by the core criminals, hence Jews, which u can palpably VERIFY for history and philosophy, as fm their Talmud (see

(f) And u can look back in hist. at Roman emp., for example, and see exact same (or very similar) situation for the generation of the Christian revolution which finally overthrew, at least briefly, this subjectivistic dominance of Jew criminals.

(g) The only other thing to be noted and grasped is subjectivism as the basis of SATANISM, making oneself God, w. perfect "free"-will, subjectivism holding that all reality is mere emanation/product of one's mentality/consciousness. Entry-vehicle to this subjectivism is the "good-evil" delusion taught to children and then held and up-held esp. by the goons/fools/suckers of the "middle section" of the population.

(h) Thus we have a situation presently in which satanists are very much in control of things, the economy utterly DOOMED, the currency about to collapse which then sets-up for the leaders bringing us all into a war--in fact, in which war conditions we already find ourselves, as against "terrorism," which terrorism they, esp. Israelis and CIA, have created themselves--like present ISIS, totally created by "West," meaning CIA and MOSSAD, funded by Jew S A w. willing assistance, co-operation of "neo-cons" and Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo) who have intimidated and "psyched" many if not most of those poor goons who populate the "middle" section of the political spectrum I described above, (a) through (d).

(i) And u, JR, are a part of those many in the "middle" section of population, who have been psyched, bamboozled, and deceived, NO LESS THAN JCs, by the satanists and Jew-masters, Jews natural leaders of satanists. Proof?--observe how u defend Jews, hence satanists and satanism, in knee-jerk fashion, pushing the same, typical sort of political-correct phrases, esp. for the prop. and lies against Christianity and the poor, deceived Christian people so horribly victimized, yet to be victimized even more in near future.

(j) Observe further, how u uphold the subjectivist pretext, as for "good-evil," thus doing ur part for the satanists, hence Jews, along w. all the other politically-correct phrases and Jew-friendly gestures u make, used then by satanists, and having effect for the poor fools, and victims of afore-mentioned "middle sections" of population who follow leadership, as of ur own sort, working for Jews and satanists as u do, consciously or un-consciously.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous Jan 1, 2016, 10:43:00 PM


Apsterian says:

"JR: Nutty As A Fruit-Cake, Ho Ho Ho

JR writes (above):

"We need to get agriculture going again - people can get loans for machines and land....I drove about 8+ hours the other day and saw a lot of land that could be used for agriculture - at a profit."

Oh, so people can "get loans"?--HOW DO U KNOW?--do u have the money to be loaned?--I highly doubt it.

Apsterian, The question isn't about whether or not it is "my money" or whatever - we are talking here - when we are talking about agricultural reform using modern automated equipment that even the corporations will tell you doesn't need human intervention...

We are not talking about private loans - we are talking about public loans - in other words - what are we as a country going to have our representatives do with the money they are already collecting from the public via taxation?

Presently that money is being spent on war, controlling drug production places and grabbing natural resources - and posturing/prepositioning our military forces to hold and advantage for future conflicts that are probably already in the making.

We can choose peace or war. That is a human decision.

WE currently have nobody running for or holding leadership positions that are willing to address "ROOT CAUSE."

Unless these issues are addressed natural law will take over and as nature forces humanity to obey her laws, or God gets pissed - pick your paradigm...

Things will go in a certain direction and that direction, if we do not address 911 and a few other big issues - we are headed for a war within this country.

That's just an opinion and I know it stinks just like the rest of them.

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