Friday, January 22, 2016

Politically-correct moron admits there's no "cohesion" among the citizenry--hmmm, I wonder why?....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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Irony And Sublimity Of Hubris, Political-Correctness
(Apollonian, 22 Jan 16)

"I also don't see any cohesion between the average American citizens." -JR

Of course, JR--u're AGAINST that "cohesion" which is and was essence of the Christian-based society which spawned Jefferson, Constitution, and B. of Rights.

And in ur politically-correct HUBRIS (which of course u can't admit), u imagine, golly gee, but we can have rule-of-law and B. of rights even after removing that basic Christian foundation.

Such is ur madness and hubris, JR--lamenting the lack of "cohesion" after u've done everything possible to destroy and under-mine it within ur own mind, thinking u're sooooooo clever and "moral" as u do so.

U're tooooooo "smart" and "advanced" in all ur hubristic "thinking," such as it is, to consider there is and was solid, distinct, and GOOD reason to hate, reject, and exclude Jews. But u're not the only one, for sure--THE ENTIRE CULTURE AND POPULATION agrees w. u, and thus u and we suffer, don't we?

Thus u find u suffer for ur "political-correctness"--even while u imagine u're immune fm such political-correct delusion. Such then is the supreme and horrific IRONY of hubris, veritably most sublime madness.

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