Thursday, January 14, 2016

Investigators need to figure-out that it's the bank COUNTERFEITERS who are topmost masterminds, criminals, traitors....

Below-copied dialectic by ap and TNN first published at comments,
DKG commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Jan 6, 2016,

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Banking Counterfeiters Are Topmost Masterminds, Criminals, Traitors
(Apollonian 12 Jan 16)

+TyrannyNewsNetwork TNN, I thank u for ur response, above (see below-copied), very revealing. But u gotta grasp: the top "banksters" are the masterminds (see and for expo on central-banking), far and away the most important for the plotting and over-all planning, while the gov. operators and office-holders, politicians and bureaucrats, are mere flunkies and henchmen submissively and obediently carrying-out orders, bowing and scraping as they do so, who were long cultivated and vetted and put in place by the banker money-men of the board-rooms. "Gov. authorities"?--they're flunkies and bagmen, nothing more, who do as they're told. Ur statements indicate u're simply not sufficiently "aware" as u imagine, u having it all backwards for "responsibility."

U need to re-examine ur statement: "To my thinking, the group ordering and funding all of this is not quite as guilty as those planning, conducting and covering them up." This statement of urs makes no sense, and is actually totally back-wards and up-side down.

The people who FUNDED the operations are necessarily same as those PLANNING--they go together. For how could ANYTHING be planned without the funding, the bankers necessarily having to sign-off for anything "planned."

U ask, "Which group of criminals is a more serious matter, the banking authorities or the government authorities?" It should be obvious to u the "gov. authorities" are TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY controlled by the "banking authorities, the gov. taking orders fm the banks.

Consider that both the leaders of Rep.s and Dem.s are guided and controlled by such as CFR, Tri-laterals and Bilderberg--who then makes up CFR, et al.?--mainly bankers at the top, w. CEOs of corp.s and some lawyers. Even such as Kissinger and Bzrezinski take orders fm Rockefellers and Rothschilds, not other way round.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Jan 11, 2016

+Apollonian Apollonius Wait a sec. IMS members are very aware of the banking systems, how they tend to operate and the possibility that they have enormous responsibility for these staged events as well as other crimes. But consider this. Which group of criminals is a more serious matter, the banking authorities or the government authorities? To my thinking, the group ordering and funding all of this is not quite as guilty as those planning, conducting and covering them up. The banks, if responsible will have to be dealt with after the operators I'm afraid. Good point though.

Apollonian Apollonius
Jan 11, 2016

+IndependentMediaSolidarity IMS: I submit there's an over-arching theme to this Sandy hoax conspiracy, along w. all the others (Bost. bombing, OKC bombing, JFK, and 9/11) which u may be over-looking, and that's the central-bank (US Federal Reserve) that's literally legalized COUNTERFEITING. Just consider all the big financing which HAD to have been behind just Sandy hoax. Lately it's come out that the big Pharma corp.s have been putting cancer-causing enzymes in vaccines and killing the doctors who've discovered it.

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