Friday, November 20, 2015

satanism: evermore well-acknowledged, understood as fundamental cultural problem....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism: The Problem; But Now How And Why?
(Apollonian, 20 Nov 15)

Well good (see below-copied), that's a start: (a) satanism the problem--which practically ALL people, of all races, cultures, etc., can agree upon--as they used to do, actually.

(b) Satanism is then best defined as extreme subjectivism whence the subject insists that his/her mentality/consciousness is origin of view of reality, and indeed, origin of reality itself--thus making oneself God--which invokes the old, classic, traditional idea of satanic hubris by which one makes oneself God, consistent w. the mythical character of Satan fm the literature, including Biblic.

(c) So then, WHO are the leaders of organized satanism?--is there such thing as "organized satanism"?--surely--esp. when u consider satanism in accord w. definition of (extreme) subjectivism.

(d) And wouldn't these satanic leaders and master-minds be COLLECTIVISTIC for their organization?--for wouldn't collectivism be best for such organization of such satanism (subjectivism)?--like a criminal "gang"?

(e) And wouldn't these collectivist, highly organized satanists rather naturally dominate, lead, and manipulate all the other satanists who WERE NOT collectivistic?--as we know there are those soooo profoundly mystic they're utterly individualized and isolated fm anyone else. For though all satanists must be mystic, at least in part, it doesn't mean all mystics are satanists.

(f) So then, the only question is WHO are MOST organized satanists (subjectivists)?

(g) For we KNOW, without doubt, satanists hate reason, reason founded necessarily upon objective reality--even though they won't hesitate to pretend to using reason and reasoning.

(h) And further, these satanists absolutely HATE Christianity, the REAL THING, which upholds Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth necessarily founded upon objective reality which gives such TRUTH it's basis/premise for existence, reality being objective, thus understood by Christians as God-created.

(i) So then WHO, by process of elimination, would these most highly organized, COLLECTIVIST subjectivists/satanists be? Who is it who HATES Christianity, worship of truth, most?--who are notorious for their obsessive, even psychotic and psychopathic hatred of Christianity?

(j) And note we must not be confused, for there are nominal "Christians" who insist they're Christians, but who preach something aside fm reason (necessary part of Holy Spirit, which apprehends TRUTH) as means to a mystic (non-objective), so-called "truth." These confused, rather stupid Christians may be mystic and against reason, but they wouldn't say they're "satanist"--even though they're often dupes of the top satanists (as we can see quite plainly).

(k) For satanists, even if they endorse "reason," will yet endorse ETHICS and moralism and a kind of "ethics/morality" by which they insist upon a "good-evil," including the idea there's such thing as perfectly "free" human will, this perfect "freedom of will" being integral part of their (hubristic) claim to Godliness. Thus, this mystic "ethics" is most often the entrance, beginning premise to satanism, "good" so often the worst enemy of TRUTH. (Remember Plato upheld "Good," beauty, and truth as foremost values/ideals.)

CONCLUSION: So I'll leave the analysis here w. suggestion there are EASILY identifiable satanists (including the "masons") and leaders thereof. And I'll note these satanists have extremely clever arguments to deflect attn. fm themselves and even to casting blame upon those who identify them--and isn't this quite understandable and expectable?--similar to mocking and making fun of those who ID the criminals and are called "conspiracy theorists"--and isn't this all easily understood, everything considered? For the satanic twists and turns of logic never cease, do they? And only dedicated worshippers of TRUTH are capable of the full analysis, possessed of the Holy Spirit, if and as such thing exists.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

AnonymousNov 19, 2015, 5:46:00 PM


I agree - it is our money supply that is being used against us to buy everything.

I do think "Satanism" is a good way to describe the forces that are destroying America - since they are OK with killing people to further agendas rather than looking for ways to live with the life already existent.


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