Sunday, November 29, 2015

satanism has arisen and taken-over, and West must now catch-up by means of Christian anti-semitism, explicitly grasped and given to be understood....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Present Era Satanism Must Be Grasped, Understood, REMOVED
(Apollonian, 29 Nov 15)

Well, what do u expect (see below-copied) in this era, most recent, of absolute, out-right, in-ur-face, explicit SATANISM (extreme subjectivism), sold to the youth in "hip-hop" music--never before seen in entire hist. of Western Civilization?

Establishment Christianity is now thoroughly saturated w. homosexuals, these in control and under leadership of Jews, foremost satanists. See for expo.

Thus the traditional bulwark and (psychologic) defense of the people, dear Christianity, the real thing, is GONE--for we can't be "anti-semitic," can we? And after all, kikes are our lords and masters now that they have such total control of nations' finances by means of central-banking. See and for expo on Central-banking, US Fed, etc.

And the tragedy is this horrific satanism has arisen right under the nose of our incompetent and traduced "leadership" for such things cultural, like Fetzer--what happened?

What happened to Fetzer and the other establishment hacks was exact same thing that happened to the Christian establishment--they were steadily and incrementally domesticated, programmed, and psyched into "tolerance" of satanism--which is all satanism asks, this by means of the crass, putrid SUBJECTIVISM featured in philosophy and especially the false ethics of non-existent "good-evil."

So Christian heroes and soldiers are now required to play catch-up, and easiest, simplest way of doing this is emphasizing the real, anti-semitic nature of the true Christianity, Christ = Truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), lies founded in subjectivism, truth (= Christ) requiring the objective, Aristotelian premise.

Such then (just above) is necessary abstract philosophy; for practical purposes, that criminal enterprise known as central-banking must be removed immediately, US Constitution enforced, esp. 10th Amendment and states-rights, nullification and secession, primacy of local gov. above all, etc.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

JEANNON November 29, 2015 at 3:32 PM


Dachsie said...

There has always been a glaring "missing ingredient" in the Infowars team in covering Sandy Hook. I was very disappointed in Bidondi's coverage though he was at the City Council meeting and appeared to be a diligent reporter seeking the whole truth.

Thought I listen to less than thirty minutes a week of the show, I have observed that touching on Sandy Hook story is always dominated by "gun control" issue. That issue is what sells for his listenership, but that is not the primary overarching importance of the Sandy Hook event.

It would be almost nice if it were only about gun control. Sandy Hook was a major step forward in the decades long lying to the American people, lying that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. There were at least six people who were killed as a result of knowing too much about Sandy Hook but they did not die at the Sandy Hook event.

In study of all the other false events of the last half century, never before have we witnessed government officials at every level of government outright lying through their teeth. Serious corruption of the terminal kind for our country.

November 29, 2015 at 3:28 PM

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