Saturday, November 14, 2015

Kurt Cobain, the poor sap, pathetic victim of satanic culture, was quite possibly murdered, don't forget....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Kurt Cobain: Suffered Wages Of satanism/Subjectivism, Narcissism--Perfect Example How NOT To Be "Artist"
(Apollonian, 14 Nov 15)

So who was Kurt Cobain, anyway?--and what was his purpose? Well, he was a satanist (subjectivist) in his way, and hence he fitted purposes of the Jews who dominate the culture in general and "music industry" in particular, so naturally that's why/how such a smarmy, "temperamental," little narcissist is presently lionized by the cheap and popular moron-culture, ESPECIALLY homosexuals.

And there's serious, substantial info and evidence to effect Cobain was murdered for obvious purposes, and it isn't difficult to see how and why, and further that his murderers are going un-investigated, un-pursued, and un-indicted. See, also

Such then is satanic culture of death as we have presently, the music industry promoting this death-worship, complementing the mass-murder going on, even if consisting of slow-kill method for poisoned food supply in GMOs, fluoride in water supplies poisoning, toxic vaccination enforced upon the people and other poison drugs pushed by big Jew Pharma, toxic electro-magnetic contamination, toxic particulates seeding in the atmosphere also used for un-natural geo-engineering, etc.

For note and observe satanism/subjectivism extols precisely just that sort of "temperamental" artsiness, pushing hubris and idea one can achieve Pelagianist-Pharisaic "good" and moralist "virtue," thus a perfectly "free," even God-like sort of will which can affect, change, and create reality. Thus Cobain was understood as "troubled," always "at risk" for drug-addiction, typical for his sort of narcissism, plaything of Jews and Satanists.

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