Monday, November 30, 2015

Simple text of New Test. is simple enough to grasp Christian anti-semitism, anti-satanism; "Christian Identity" is too obscure, confused....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christian New Testament Text Is Simple Enough
(Apollonian, 30 Nov 15)

Yes, there's no question Jews are purest, putrid puke, indubitably, but note how once a people/culture adopts that subjectivist-based ideology, Jews are going to rule/dominate due to their superior organization, they being most collectivistic, holding God judges/treats them as whole people, whereas Christians believing in individuals being so judged/treated.

And look at the traitor filth, the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists among "Christians"/gentiles who hold w. kikes, supporting terror-state of Israel, Jews effectively controlling all establishment "Christian" churches--it's pretty hopeless.

Thus this present filthy, Jew-dominated culture in "Decline of the West" must continue to perish, including the poor, stupid, deluded morons, still over-populated, I'm afraid. Look, for another example, at the OVERT satanism in "hip-hop" music--absolutely un-precedented in Western history for this in-ur-face, explicit satanism.

Only thing to be done is to "prepare" for necessary, coming, inevitable CRASH in economy and culture, US Dollar (esp. "petro-dollar") collapsing--this is most ominous as when this happens, soon, Welfare-system will collapse, there'll be food-shortages, then serious rioting, civil-unrest. That's why ZOG is trying to start war in Syria now w. shoot-down of that Russky jet.

I still can't believe people don't see how Jew S A deliberately built ISIS to create all those "refugees" to invade/infest West/USA. Israel is now getting cheap oil which ISIS stole fm Iraq, for another example, and the morons can't grasp what's going-on.

That's why immediate solution, such as it is, is USA must break-up back to the original sovereign states, in accord w. states-rights idea and 10th Amendment (28 words) by which those powers not given ("delegated") to US union, nor "prohibited," are kept by states--and secession was NOT prohibited. The other main necessity is to go back to commodity-based money, gold/silver, absolutely necessary step.

Thus through all this horrific activity that's up-coming soon (economic/currency collapse), people must realize very purpose of Christianity (worship of TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is ANTI-SEMITISM (JOHN 8:44), hatred of lies. Immediate problem is to dealing w. these scummy heretics, the JCs who support Israel.

For note, as Christianity upholds TRUTH above all, this necessitates implicit objective reality as premise/criterion for such truth--AGAINST the subjectivism of Jew lies, Jews holding reality is merely what rabbis say it is, the Torah subject to "interpretation" ("midrash") in accord w. their filthy "Oral Law Tradition" (Gosp. MATT ch. 15:3-6), denounced and repudiated by Christ. See also for expo.

Thus it isn't "rocket-science" to face simple fact Christianity is necessarily anti-semitic (anti-Jew, as it's easiest to just use their definition).

My pt. is we don't need "Christian Identity" as it's too confused and obscure to pretend nations of Europe are derived fm these various sons of Jacob--we have the direct, basic, simple text of Gospels as to obligatory anti-semitism (anti-Jew, "Jews" being defined as followers of Pharisees/Talmud), Christ = truth; Judaism = satanist worship of devil/lies.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Don on November 30, 2015 at 6:11 AM said:

Make no mistake the Jews ARE trying to kill us off. But having said that if we had our act together they would never be able to pull it off. To a large degree Jews are a symptom. The main problem being that indeed we are all sinners and the wages of sin is death. If we weren’t sinners Jews wouldn’t exist. Jews don’t produce anything – they just siphon off of us. If we cut them off that would be the end of them.

The difference between us and the Jews is that Christ has redeemed us. The Jews have only this life and this world in which to do anything. They are all headed straight to the Lake of Fire.

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