Sunday, December 30, 2018

Historically, the RISE of satanism, how it develops fm the Brit "secret elite" (by Docherty and MacGregor), to the present zionist hegemony, election of Trump....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.w...order/#respond

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Relation Of Jew Vs. Gentile: Rise Of Satanism
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 18)

Well, I see here, in this blog, u generally understand the primary position and place of banking. But what isn't clear in ur exposition is the nature and function of "CENTRAL-banking," by which "CURRENCY" is put in place of real MONEY, which real money is necessarily a FINITE quantity of a commodity, the best commodity standard being gold/silver (see for definitive expo on money, etc.; use their search engine for particular terms).

For note, CURRENCY, unlike real money, is potentially INFINITE--they (the "bankers") just print and print and print, needing only paper and ink; nowadays they additionally use computer digitalization, not even needing paper and ink(!)--is that incredible? But here in USA, "bankers" are getting to the end-of-the-line for this fraud, the currency becoming evermore worthless and rejected, the new gold-backed Chinese Yuan getting ready to replace US Dollar as reserve currency.

Of course, American manufacturing has been essentially sold-off and exported to many other countries, esp. in the East, including esp. China. USA will go way of British as expired economic power.

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Another subject u commendably bring-up is relation of Jews and gentiles for the "banking" master-minds. Here then, it's appropriate to broach w. u the subject of SATANISM, by which the entire Christian/Greek/rationalist culture is up-ended, reversed, and totally re-determined for basic principles.

For surely u grasp the present New World Order (NWO) culture of GENOCIDE, literally, as of Agenda-21 and -2030--they're seriously determined to "reducing" population, and they're quite up-front about it all--along w. their "climate-change" lies and propaganda as the pretext.

Note further, this genocide is not merely abstract and only in planning-stage, but is ALREADY in effect w. (a) poison prescription drugs, already having killed MILLIONS, just here in USA; (b) also poison vaccines, (c) poison GMO (genetically modified) foods, (d) fluoride (which is a neuro-toxin) in the water--at least for here in USA, (e) toxic electro-magnetic radiation--hrd about the lethal effects of "5G" micro-waves?--not to mention the already established 4G grade of present-day cell-phones.

Then there's (f) the poison "chem-trails" and "geo-engineering" of the atmosphere by which toxic aluminum and barium particles are used to affect the weather, and destroying the vegetation when the particles settle to the ground.

Point about SATANISM is that it's culture of DEATH and irrationalism, as in the legitimizing and advancement of homosexual culture, including the "trans-gender" movement, whence men now call themselves "female" and take all the women's titles in tennis, track, wrestling, and practically everything else.

And don't think this "Satanism" is mere "religion"--it's actual philosophy by which the formerly understood OBJECTIVE reality is now mere matter of extreme subjectivism, the idea/philosophy that reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, the subject now making himself God, the creator--Satanism.

So it's this Satanism/extreme-subjectivism which has come to the cultural fore, gentlemen, over-turning the old Christian/rationalism--it (Satanism) rules and dominates EVERMORE--and this Satanism is built upon LIES--this, I submit, is the full face of the New World Order, built on lies, and featuring the worship of DEATH--manifest now in Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, as I noted.

So my pt. about the relation btwn Jews and gentiles is the general Satanism is built upon extreme subjectivism as I noted and briefly defined. The distinction then is Jews are most thorough-going subjectivists, most committed, dedicated, and organized, far more so than gentile subjectivists/Satanists who otherwise seem to vastly out-number Jews.

Thus the Jews dominate the Satanists and Satanist movement (including homosexuals and trans-genders, and all the criminals generally, beginning w. the central-bankers who are actually just criminals and frauds--counterfeiters). The Satanists, including the gentile Satanists, following lead of Jews, thereupon dominate and intimidate the entire rest of the society but for a small portion of steadfast rationalists and true Christians--who presently now fight an evermore URGENT retreat and attempted reaction or counter-revolution.

One can understand Jew "religion" of extreme subjectivism which comes fm the Talmud and described in New Testament, by means of the thematic, Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition" by which the Torah is always supposed to be "interpreted" and always for the benefit, rulership, and dominance of the Jews. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

For Jews then, as most dedicated, most organized subjectivists conduct a far more EFFECTIVE collectivistic subjectivism, co-ordinating best and most w. fellow Jews, w. most effective GROUP-THINK, Jews then most dominant of the subjectivists, necessarily ruling and leading--exactly as they do in the communist/Bolshevik movement(s).

Thus present USA, for example, is dominated by the Israeli terror-state, the "tail" wagging the proverbial "dog," Donald Trump being an Israeli puppet, opposed by the more "atheist" -styled, "leftist" "globalists," Trump featuring what he calls "nationalism" against the otherwise establishment "globalists."

So I merely quibble w. ur great theses regarding the "secret elite"--the main and dominant power (a) being the "bankers," and (b) the Jews and zionists having merely emerged, at first co-operating w. such as Milner and "secret elite," but now w. these Zionists dominating, only sometimes co-operating w. "secret elite" as they did on 9/11, it (9/11) having been mainly an Israeli terror-state operation, but w. heavy and full-fledged "globalist" co-operation. Thanks again for ur attn. and commentary upon these observations I make herein, above.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Look at Unz's article--NOTHING but typical Jew-lies, mis-representations, idiot, self-serving opinion....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

Unz indicates all my further comments/postings will be "trashed": Says, Unz: "[Well, if you continue to stubbornly cling to your "alternative spelling" all your future comments will be trashed.]"

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Unz's Article Is Mere Fabric Of Lies, Falsehoods, Tendentious Opinion, Etc.
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 18)

Here, I propose to present a brief and simple analysis of Unz's above article, "An Open Ltr...." The entire article amounts to lies and lying by the Jew Unz--this lying is absolutely demonstrable and undeniable, so the chances this analysis of mine will be censored by Unz the Jew are very high--but that's ok, as it will just appear somewhere else.

(Unz lies and says I "mis-spell" words, but I merely practice a slight alternative spelling, close to simple abbreviation, with which I'm perfectly consistent. Unz also says I use bad-grammar which is total lie, and Unz gives no examples, typical of Jew liars, like Unz. Then Unz lies and says I use "totally off-topic religion," which is a lie, and a typical tactic of Jews who insist any literary or philosophic allusions fm Christian New Test. are automatically "religion," and exclusively "religious"--which New Test. Jews understandably hate, even when perfectly appropriate for telling quotations. I told the Jew, "religion" is often mere literary vehicle and outward style--of genuine philosophy, but the Jew just (typically) ignores that simple fact. I challenged the Jew to let the readers decide, and naturally he ignores that too. Ho ho ho--then the Jew gives me his ominous "final warning.")

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1. First of all, Unz the Jew pretends to lament the "sad situation" (ho ho ho) that "silicon valley" is "de-platforming," censoring, and "disappearing" free speech in general, and then specifically the "alt-right," which "alt-right," u'll notice, Unz NEVER DEFINES and never IDs any particular individuals or items spoken by this hazy "alt-right." Unz merely indulges in "crocodile tears," patronizing, gloating, and lying, which he imagines fools will over-look.

2. Specifically, Unz pretends to speak for the "big-tech" of "silicon valley," giving false explanations and descriptions, imagining the goyim readership will just accept it as if it's true. Unz forgets he's Jew, and most people here at his site know it.

3. Thus Unz essentially concludes:

<blockquote>"Your misfortune is that it is the falsehoods [alleged by Unz to be spoken by "alt-right," which he doesn't really specify, and which "alt-right," and particular members thereof, he doesn't really ID] which have the most day-to-day presence in the lives of the Silicon Valley community, thus leading to their total dismissal of your entire message [but don't diff. people, even within "alt-right" have somewhat diff. 'msgs"?], and perhaps the blacklisting of most of your websites and organizations, thereby setting a very dangerous precedent for the future of the First Amendment in America."</blockquote>

Finally, at the very end, Unz appends:

<blockquote>"But I thought I might as well provide you my honest [ho ho ho] appraisal of how you got into these difficulties."</blockquote>

But actually, Unz just lies about "silicon valley," how they are, how they think and do things--all of this merely Unz's self-serving opinion, which I here show is EASILY demonstrable.

So let's go through his exposition as briefly as possible and demonstrate my above-noted theses:

<b>Unz starts off</b>, <blockquote>"...websites of the “Alt Right” have suddenly been “disappeared,” and in which all sorts of basic Internet services such as PayPal have been terminated..."</blockquote>

Yes, Unz--it's blatant CONSPIRACY, and the conspirators are easily ID'd, including such as fellow Jew, Soros, notorious INSIDER for the "deep-state," Soros actually being mere henchman/operator.

The conspiracy consists of ILLEGAL MONOPOLIZATION and restraint-of-trade practices by companies, like especially Google and others, <b>who rec'd substantial gov. and tax-payer funds</b> to getting started, became prominent and powerful in the industry, enjoying substantial competitive advantages, and who now pretend to being "private-property," ho ho ho ho. But these monopolies really are "common-carriers," like u-tube, enjoying subsidization and gov.-granted privileges, at least in their beginnings.

The proof of the conspiracy is the obvious and necessary connections w. the very topmost monopoly, the central-bank (US Federal Reserve), which is blatant criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, exclusively issuing the fiat-currency, beginning w. "creation of credit," un-Constitutionally forced upon the people by means of "legal-tender" laws. Of course, subject of simple MONEY is quite abstract subject-matter which is easily confused in minds of the mass of goyim fools and suckers, so it all gets by them. But it (the central-bank) is, in the end, blatant MONOPOLY, indisputably connected closely and certainly w. "big-tech," Big Pharma, and the notorious "mainstream" Jews-media, among all the other monopolies controlled by the master-monopoly at the top, the afore-mentioned central-bank.

Next Unz tells us,

<blockquote>"I’ve also run numerous articles suggesting that the current excuse for this purge, namely the recent violence at Charlottesville, is being heavily slanted and misreported in the MSM."</blockquote>

And this ref. to "Charlottesville" is the ONLY ref. in the entire article Unz gives for "alt-right." This "Charlottesville" incident was a TOTALLY staged psy-op of deep-state, no less than Sandy-hoax and other staged hoaxes, well analyzed and proven (see works of James Fetzer who's written books on these psy-ops--see and Of course MSM (the well-named, "Jews-media") uses such hoax/psy-ops as pretext for it's lies--no less than totally fictitious "Gulf of Tonkin" incident was pretext for Vietnam war of 1960s.

Unz says,

<blockquote>"...I’d like to provide some very candid observations regarding what I think were some of the factors over the years that put all of you in this terrible predicament. Whether or not you decide to accept my conclusions is your own choice, but the sentiments I’m expressing are entirely sincere."</blockquote>

Have Jews ever failed for "sincerity" when telling their lies? "[T]errible predicament"?--well this is always how Jews want to hold the goyim. But this is the start of Unz's lies and lying, as he pretends to describing "silicon valley."

Unz says,

<blockquote>"These groups [who want to shut-down "alt-right"] possess enormous wealth, media power, and political connections and none of you have any of those things. [Of course we don't, Unz--for we're the "people," the goyim, right?] Under such circumstances, I think that the “risky behavior” [like speaking truth, which is "anti-semitic"] in which some of you have chosen to indulge has contributed to your situation."</blockquote>

Next Unz the Jew starts in with the real, heavy lying:

<blockquote>"...[M]ost of the leading Silicon Valley people are generally pretty nice and reasonable, but are very politically unsophisticated. [Thus Unz begins his strategic lying--these "people" are "sophisticated" enough, u may be sure--the top ones know they need to listen to the Jews and Jew money-men.] They’re totally focused on technology and business issues, and with a few exceptions here and there, don’t really pay any deep attention to politics or ideological matters [this is a lie--they "pay attn.," and if they don't, they lose--they KNOW they must "pay attn."], sub-contracting out those things to the same “mainstream” opinion-forming elites who provide that role for almost everyone else in our society. Just think of the leading Silicon Valley people as your pleasant, college-educated next door neighbors [smug, little geeky scum who are sure they're sooooo clever, "advanced" and "progressive," ho ho ho], who sporadically catch the regular news on TV, glance at the newspaper headlines, and regard that as the reality of the world. [So what?--they know the same Jews and Jewwy suck-alongs remain in charge, eh?]</blockquote>

Unz goes on:

<blockquote>"Donald Trump stunned America’s elites by winning the presidency despite 99% opposition in the MSM."</blockquote>

Actually Trump was backed by the leading neo-con zionist Jews of Israel, pretending to the "right," against the leftist, "atheist"-style "globalist" Jews of "deep-state," Trump backed by such as "Mike Savage" and Ajax Jewns of Thus Trump pretends to "rightist" "nationalism" vs. "leftist" "globalism." And the purpose of it all (Trump's election) seems to be setting-up for a big war and strike against such as Iran--which will be no mean feat, requiring false-flags, etc.

Next, Unz "sincerely" tells us:

<blockquote>"...Democrat and Republican, has denounced these attacks in the strongest possible terms as “racist,” “bigoted,” etc. But that had no impact upon Trump’s support...."</blockquote>

Unz doesn't think to realize "racism" is VIRTUE of loyalty to people, ancestors, and culture, and that everyone is necessarily racist, ESPECIALLY Jews. "Bigoted" is just a buzzword used by people who don't agree w. someone else, hohohoho--comes fm expression, "by God."

Unz lies:

<blockquote>"...[T]he people there [in W. Virginia] watched FoxNews shows about Muslims conquering America and imposing Sharia law, and had become very fearful. The fact that ordinary West Virginians have almost no real life contact with Mexicans, Muslims, or immigrants left them open to such nonsense."</blockquote>

Muslims are foreigners, aliens, and enemies of West and Christians, not to mention Europeans--all history and reality confirms--it IS NOT "nonsense," u filthy, lying Jew. And even if there's a passive musselman to be spotted, it doesn't mean the rest are soooo "innocent," Unz--they're aliens, foreigners, and enemies, esp. as there gets to being more and evermore of the scum who continue pouring into the country. Basic NATURE of human life is WAR, Unz, u stupid Jew liar, and not only does Homer confirm this in ancient Illiad and Oddysey, foundations of Western Culture, u ignorant Jew, but New Test. confirms humans are SINNERS. Ur filthy Talmud is literally a war plan and strategy against all humanity, u brainless Jew liar. See,, and for definitive expo.

The rest of Unz's lies and lying in his article, above, is substantially same and similar to the above demonstrable lies and lying, as I've noted and analyzed, folks--there's no need to make this analysis longer than it is. Unz's article is half-gloating, half-patronizing fabric of lies, gross-distortions, and mis-representations. Q.E.D. NONE of it (Unz's article) should be taken seriously except as just more Jew and Jewwy lies and lying--Good job, Unz--u certainly are a Jew, for sure.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Yank smugness can be satanic, mind-boggling....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Mindless, Moronic Smugness Of Yanks Is Truly Mind-Boggling
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)

He thinks he's soooooooooo cool telling people to "get off [his] lawn," ho ho ho ho, the stupid puke. Thus he justifies over a million white southerners killed and a million blacks too, not to mention hundreds of thousands northerners killed, many more wounded horribly--can u imagine the putridity of this p.o.s.? It's why u KNOW south will rise again--and this time we'll have many, numerous allies, of all races, all the states--as we see this putrid, stinking empire now the docile slave and attack dog for what?--Israeli terror-state and globalist genocide of Agenda-21 and -2030. For isn't that the logic?--if states are slaves of the national empire, then that national empire is slave of the world gov., right? Yankee scum (I was born in north to northern parents), so I know.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Uncle Remus says:
December 24, 2018 at 5:48 pm GMT • 100 Words
@John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

Burns, is it possible that you don’t realize that Chambersburg was burned after the Southern states had already suffered a massive invasion, with death, destruction, rapine, plunder and all the rest of it, by your oh-so-moral fellow Yankees? This was no little tit for tat. What the hell is wrong with you?

---------------above in response to below-copied------------------

John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan says:Next New Comment
December 23, 2018 at 3:25 am GMT • 100 Words

Dear Gottfried and Southron invaders:

Get off my lawn

Stop acting all sanctimonious when you were perfectly fine to use the full power of the federal government to make us otherwise ambivalent (who cares about the damn blacks?) “Yankees” be your slave-catchers.

You burned Chambersburg before we burned Columbia.

Signed John Burns
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

It's mere youthful exercise to question and agonize over existence of God, but u can't PROVE there is none, that's the ultimate fact/conclusion....

Below-copied by ap first submitted (but censored/deleted) at comments,

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Reality: Is (a) Objective, (b) Determined, (c) Thus CYCLIC, According To Spengler
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)

Note "atheism" suffers fm simple logical fact that, as numerous people have noted, u can't prove there is no God. One might say there's no evidence for God, but we Christians define God as the original creator of everything--so everything would be the evidence--which sounds quite facile, I know, yet u get my pt., I hope.

Atheists merely indulge in wishful thinking--I know, as I used to think it was cool to be "atheist," ho ho ho ho

And anything could go for justification for extermination--it always depends on the circumstances and the mood one happens to be in at any given time. And I agree w. u about "IQ," but note Reality is DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, necessarily--there's no perfectly "free" will--so IQ really makes no diff. And as u note about IQ, Jews, for typical example, pretend to having high IQ, but are utterly lacking in HONESTY, essential part of the Holy Spirit.

Note further, that reality, as it's (a) objective and (b) determined, (c) it must be CYCLIC, in accord w. Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West." So there are going to be times of over-population, so SOMETHING, whatever it might be, will happen to restore the equilibrium. Scads of "liberals" is sure sign of over-population, they're natural prey of the Jews and satanism.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

Tsar Nicholas says:
December 24, 2018 at 9:50 am GMT • 100 Words

I’ve been aware of the claims about race and intelligence for decades, but have never felt comfortable about “going there.”

The reason? I’m pretty sure – and this is a theme you can find in sci-fi like “The Man in the High Castle” – is that lower IQ would, in some people’s minds, justify extermination and genocide. The fact is that whatever the intelligence of a person, he or she is still tainted with original sin. Having a high IQ makes you prone to being a”clever devil,” in the words of CS Lewis.

The author of the article lays out for a white Christian like me what choices are open to an atheist. Whether the liberals prevail, or are beaten back by a (predictable) reaction, I fear the future is not something to welcome.

Holohoax: the veritable gateway for most gentiles to those little monsters we know and call, "Jews"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Holohoax: FOUNDATION Of Cheap, Popular "Theology," Including Atheist Variety
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)

It should be simply holohoax--emphasis on HOAX--and it's simply people's introduction to Jews and Judaism, which is just Satanism (see,, and for best expo), Jews the leaders thereof--Jews made into "sacred cows" whom everyone is supposed to worship.

So Jews lie, including lying to themselves, lying themselves into their own reality--their own little "private Idaho." Jews DOMINATE this corrupt culture of lies--why?--how?--because they're COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists and liars, most effective "group-thinkers," most organized, most dedicated, most cohesive, and best led. So as Jews dominate satanism, the satanists in general dominate the large culture of over-populated, bewildered, demoralized goons, suckers, fools, inferiors, and weaklings.

(Definition: satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--satanism.)

Look at most successful Israeli terror-state, grand product of WWII, following Part one of WWI, zionists having now and lately gotten in front of the propaganda "curve," having elected Trump, Trump pretending to "nationalism" of all things, against "globalism," which globalism had been for soooo many yrs the special little project of Jews, fm WWI and League of Nations, at least.

And this large cultural complex of lies and lying actually works for Jews because the over-populated gentiles LOVE IT--they just eat it up--at first, anyway. Holohoax is part of Catholic "vatican" propaganda and official "theology"--holocaustianity--according to Mike Hoffman, and

Thus the Jews rule the corrupt, decadent, and degenerating society in Spenglerian "Decline of the West" until the society begins to seriously collapse, as the economy, and especially the monetary system break down, the money now corrupted into mere fiat CURRENCY (not real money, which is gold/silver) going to HYPER-inflation, as we see presently--thus the END is near, as forecast and described in New Test. "Book of Revelations."

So Jews/satanists and Israeli terror-state are now looking for a neat little war by which they continue to nurse along their big-attack-dog, Jew S A (formerly USA), against "globalists" or Muslims, these to be backed by China and Russia, for example--such is the war, so far--"perpetual war for perpetual peace," in accord w. Orwell's "1984," Jews continuing to run their fiat-currency system by which they dominate and rule.

The one thing Jews/satanists cannot stand is REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--which is why Jews must continue to subvert the establishment churches like the "vatican" system, including all the Protestant institutions too, esp. by means of "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--also called "Christian-Zionist") hereticalists, see and for expo.

Thus Jews encourage the gross confusion even among Christians to effect Christianity is primarily about idiot "love" or false "faith" of "beeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," or non-existent "good vs. evil," etc.--NOT about TRUTH vs. Jew/satanic lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

So Spenglerian "Decline of the West" must continue, the gentiles steadily killed-off and expended until civilization can begin once again--when the Jews/satanists will arise yet again in the ever-continuing CYCLIC history of things, featuring TRUTH (= Christ) vs. lies (satanism).

Sunday, December 23, 2018

People must realize Declaration of Independence MEANS SOMETHING--states are sovereign, can secede and nullify....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Declaration Of Independence MEANS Something, Suckers--Get A Clue
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 18)

But Jilles, what then would be meaning of Declaration of Independence?--it's same as "Declaration of Secession." States are sovereign, PERIOD--sovereignty cannot be alienated. Union had only delegated powers. Union had no sovereignty but what was GIVEN ("DELEGATED") to it; Confederates withdrew those delegated powers.

Note there were books written on the subject of sovereignty and right of secession, as by Abel P. Upshur, "A Brief Enquiry into the Nature and Character of our Federal Government: Being a Review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States."

Andrew Jackson--a real psycho--vowed to go to war w. S. Carolina in 1830, and wanted to hang John C. Calhoun who demonstrated the right of states to nullify--and to secede if necessary--this by Calhoun was in addition to Jefferson and Madison's expositions upon nullification which were published in the late 18th cent.

Jackson's "Proclamation" (actually written by Ed Livingston, the Sec. of State) was torn to shreds by Littleton Waller Tazewell's "A Review of the Proclamation of President Jackson."

Remember, a state's dispute w. other states has no higher tribunal--state has right to nullify on its own authority--as union was mere creation of states. And "Supreme Court" is a biased partisan of the "federal" network, totally compromised in prejudice towards union, not competent to bindingly decide what the Const. means or says regarding nullification and secession--no more competent than any other opinion--and this was made clear by Jefferson and Madison.

Don't forget union and Sup. ct. are SERVANTS, "AGENTS," and subordinate to the states which made the Constitution no less than Articles of Confederation.

It's great thing that "Brexit" and nationalism of Trump vs. "globalist" genocidal dictatorship--as of "Agenda-21 and -2030" "pop. reduction," have now come up, giving people excellent food for thought. Morons who pretend states are NOT sovereign are effectively saying states gave up their sovereignty to become slaves or serfs, or mere provinces of a greater, imperial power--which is absurd and cannot be found anywhere in any document, though these brainless fools insist it's "implied," like Joseph Story, the Sup. ct. justice.

----------------------above in response to below-copied------------------------

jilles dykstra says:
December 23, 2018 at 7:07 am GMT • 100 Words

The right of leaving ?

Although it seems to be an art 51 somewhere in EU regulations, the right to leave, Brussels does anything to prevent that after leaving the EU the British have better lives than when still in the EU.

These kinds of rights, just words on paper.

Already in 1918 Wilson formulated self determination, what did not exist in the USA.

If Jews, satanists hate u, u KNOW u're doing something right....

Below-copie by ap first submitted at comments,

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Reality Is OBJECTIVE--The Only Way There Could Be TRUTH (= Christ)
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 18)

Well Mr. Dinh, consider Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," featuring CYCLIC hist. whence a powerful nation begins w. honest, even if ignorant, farmers, who are brave and productive--like the Romans. So success of Romans led to victory and prosperity.

(a) Thus we see Romans were HONEST, and they believed in an OBJECTIVE reality run by the basic law of cause-effect.

(b) BUT then a pt. came when Romans became evermore corrupt. For the descendants of original generations of heroes didn't have to work so hard, things made easy for them by hard work and victories of ancestors. Here the ideal of cultural objectivity gave way to SUBJECTIVITY and the idea they could be "good" by means of using pretended "free will."

Soon enough Romans, now quite corrupt are wallowing in this subjectivity and pretended "moral virtue"--much like we see today w. the "political-correctness" and virtue-signaling, pretending "racism" is some kind of sin, but isn't racism a VIRTUE--virtue of pride and loyalty?--as in loyalty to ancestors, culture, people?--and what's wrong w. that?

For subjectivism is reverse of objectivity and HONESTY--heeding to reality. Now the (subjective) virtue is in making-up crap--subjectivism. For extreme subjectivism is idea that reality is creation of mentality/consciousness, making oneself God, the creator--SATANISM.

So now we see the imperial culture of what used to be USA turned into Jew S A, Jews the premier subjectivists who hold by their Talmud and "midrash" (interpretation) that only what Jews say is what's real, true, or "moral." See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Jews dominate because they take extreme subjectivism most seriously, practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, sharing common goals and techniques, the most effect "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive--thus dominating the gentile subjectivists who are more half-baked, less organized or committed. And then the satanists in general dominating and intimidating the rest of the population who are less sure of things, most affected by FEAR.

So HOW did the Jews (and satanists) effect this amazing take-over of what began as gentile culture, victory, and genuine prosperity?--they did it by means of the natural corruption of gentile descendents of the original heroes and founder generations--Jews DID NOT cause this original corruption--Jews merely took advantage, like a disease, like typhus or smallpox.

Note the gentiles began w. central banking, literally legalized counterfeiting (see; use their search engine for specific topics)--in England in 1694, Bank of England, and then John Law's Banque Generale of France. Of course, the Roman emperors were notorious for their debasing of the coins.

But as the gentiles tended to fall-out w. one another, slowly, steadily, the Jews took over the central-banking, and by the Napoleonic wars period the Rothschilds were able to effectively control Europe's banking systems, including, by at least 1913, USA--and we're still under thumbs of these Jews, now Israeli terror-state dictating to all the world through it's flunky, Jew S A.

What then is Jews' purpose?--they're like a plague of disease, like typhus, or black plague, or smallpox, by which the excess population of gentiles is destroyed, Jews profiting--and that de-population is part of Jew world order Agenda-21 and -2030 pop.-reduction--it's what's on the menu, the schedule, coming soon, right after impending recession and economic collapse, and collapse of the US "petro-dollar," reserve currency.

So Mr. Dinh, I submit u're only one of a number of victims and targets--u speak too much truth which isn't "politically-correct," u see--and now u must suffer like the rest of human population, I'm afraid. Of course, remember, u could reform and become a good little parrot for Jew supremacy, and tell lies for them, like Israel is "only democracy in ME," etc.--do u think u have the stomach for that?

It all (this course of historic corruption and "decline of West") goes to show truth and virtue of New Test., Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew/satanic lies and lying (JOHN 8:44). Truth (= Christ) is founded in OBJECTIVITY, and lies are founded in subjectivism, hence "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," which Christ repudiated.

We now only need a Christian REVIVAL, but it's got to be the REAL Christianity founded upon foremost principle of TRUTH, not "love," or non-existent "good," or false "faith" of "beeeeleeeeeeeeevin'," as if beeeleeeeeeeeevin' makes something to suddenly become true or real. Good luck, Mr. Dinh; ur refusal to knuckle under to these Jews and satanists bodes well for u.

White "witches" are most comparable to the early, original Christians....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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White "Witches" Of Today Most Comparable To Original Christians
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 18)

What Langdon says here in his article is eminently, largely true, of course--<b>whites and their traditional Christian culture are the enemy</b>, and it must be destroyed by satanists, satanists led by Jews, of course, Jews foremost satanists--just ck their filthy Talmudic religion. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Thus Christianity features hero, Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), who is God-the-Son (so u know he's right and definitive) preaching against satanic Pharisees (among others, but Pharisees are leading heretics); see Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

So the large and general philosophic battle going on btwn Christ and Pharisees is TRUTH VS. LIES.

Thus Christ demonstrates ETHICS, most revered by Christians and many others among people, which ethics follow fm his metaphysics, which (barely implicit) metaphysics features OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary basis of TRUTH--against the Pharisaic "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" which is thorough-going SUBJECTIVISM, extreme subjectivism.

Thus the philosophic battle is objective reality, basis of truth, vs. subjectivism, which subjectivism in extreme form is SATANISM, worship of death and lies. For note the subjectivist holds reality to be mere "construct"/product of mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--satanism. Q.E.D.

Thus satanists hold their present political power specifically by means of satanistic central-banking, a criminal enterprise which is literally legalized counterfeiting by which they print-up (and digitalize) currency, not real money which is gold/silver, out of nothing--and then charge interest upon it. See for expo; use their search engine.

But interest is just icing on proverbial "cake"--it would still work even if no interest was charged--the real problem is the (literal) counterfeiting--charging interest is mere side-issue used to distract/divert the debate.

Thus it's this central-banking by which satanists hold and maintain their impetus by which they persecute truth, Christianity, and all humanity which defends truth, whites understood as primary and traditional Christians. But actually, don't doubt, satanists, hence Jews, the leaders, are against ALL humanity ("Amalek") in general, against truth, reason, etc.

Satanists and Jews are most effective as they're premier COLLECTIVISTIC satanists/subjectivists, w. most effective "group-think," co-operating most effectively, as they are most committed, dedicated, organized, and cohesive upon their group-think.

Hence these Jews (a) dominate the satanist contingent among satanists in general, the satanist gentiles, though more numerous, yet more individualist, un-organized, and un-connected, and (b) then, the satanists altogether, including Jews and everyone else, intimidating and manipulating the un-organized, distracted, un-witting people in general, as we see.

Note further, this satanism only prevails generally within a "mature" and degenerate, late-imperialist sort of culture, the culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Spengler describing the corrupt culture declining fm the original founders, like among the Romans, for example, but also Americans too, who were at first brave, heroic, and honest--OBJECTIVELY-oriented (Aristotle) in general philosophy.

But now, the degenerate offspring inheritors of the original culture and heroes generations have become corrupt, especially pretending to subjectivism and "moralism," especially of non-existent "good-evil," as we see, non-existent "good" upheld over TRUTH itself as highest ideal. Thus we see the irony that satanism is founded upon lies and frauds, like central-banking, including idea there's such thing as "good," "good" now worst enemy of TRUTH (= Christ).

What now must happen?--there are now simply tooooo many fools, suckers, and goons, over-populated, among the "people" who "BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV" in this corruption and subjectivist delusion of "good-evil" including subjectivist idea that it (non-existent "good") can actually exist if only one "beeleeeeeeeeeeeeeevs," making themselves the false God, the supposed creators--satanism--even though the "people" imagine they're "good" in so "beeeleeeeeevin'."

Thus there must be strife and warfare, and that original Christian ideal of TRUTH, above all, must re-emerge. Presently too many fools imagine that idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'" is a virtue as they think mere "beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" can create reality in God-like fashion--as they've been taught it's "good" to so "beleeeeeeeeeev."

Note then the sublime purpose of Jews and satanists: they are the disease, like typhus and plague, that grows and spreads, which works to identify and eliminate the over-populated fools, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings among the people--and no "free-will" can possibly stop the process as reality is objective, determined (according to absolute cause-effect), and CYCLIC as Spengler noted.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

French writer still deluded, over-awed by USA, now become Jew S A....

Below-copied by ap first submitted and censored at comments,

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Good Gravy, Get A Clue: USA Now Jew S A, Satanic Murdering Monstrosity
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 18)

Durocher is unfortunately much deluded: USA has become Jew S A, totally cucked by Jews and satanism, mass-murdering even its own people w. poison vaccines and drugs, GMO foods and other poisonous additives, poison chem-trails, and toxic radiation, nuke as well as electro-magnetic. Too bad Durocher didn’t read “1984,” by Orwell–it’s happening–it’s here–WAKE UP, suckers.

Durocher praises the “Constitution,” but it was crushed and destroyed in 1860s, a satanic empire having ruled and metastasized ever since. Durocher ought to learn some REAL history.

Such then is inevitable, inexorable degeneration, corruption of CYCLIC “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler, Jew S A, once a Christian country, now satanic empire ruled and directed by Jews and other satanists, but the Jews dominating as Jews are FOREMOST satanists, in accord w. their filthy, satanic Talmud (see,, and

People have to save themselves and get a clue–we’re in grip of satanists, led by Jews, who are steadily killing and mass-murdering Americans and everyone as I noted. So people must make use of states-rights, nullification, and secession–as we seceded fm Britain in 1776–South, and everyone else, must rise again.

Note satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is created by mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator–satanism–thus Jews rule as they’re foremost committed satanists who practice a deliberate COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective group-think, Jews most organized, cohesive, dedicated, necessarily ruling, dominating, and leading all the gentile satanists/subjectivists who otherwise out-number Jews, these satanists in general then dominating and intimidating all the rest of the people.

Thus Christian movement must arise, Christ being TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence reality understood as necessarily OBJECTIVE, the criterion for such truth–radically opposing satanism/subjectivism and Judaism which now PLAINLY rules. Durocher needs to get a brain.

Thus that satanic instrument, the central-bank, which is literally legalized counterfeiting (see; use their search engine on the topic), giving satanists and Jews their overwhelming practical and economic power, must, most crucially be eliminated by any means necessary, soon as possible.

Durocher needs to get over his exhilaration and awe of Jew S A and start facing the hard satanic facts and reality; there’s no time to lose, his and our lives depend on it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Practical fighting against satanism, observations, circumstances, psychology, encouragement to victim....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Fighting The "Good Fight"--What Is Involved, Why And How--Hurray For Gilad
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 18)

Gilad: u along w. all Christians, and other humanity too, are engaged in a deadly struggle w. the foremost SATANIC force which controls the nation's CURRENCY (not real money) and banking.

So what is "satanism"?--it's extreme SUBJECTIVISM, reality held to be mere creation of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--satanism, literally--very simple, eh?--it's SOOOOO simple that people (perhaps even urself) too easily overlook it and the sublimity of it all.

For note Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth requiring criterion of OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality. And don't forget JOHN 8:44 where Christ "cops the case" of Jew SUBJECTIVISM,

"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

In other text renderings, the word "character" is left out, and it simply reads, "...he speaks of his own...," which surely seems to otherwise nearly explicitly denote SUBJECTIVISM.

And observe further, such SUBJECTIVISM is the very meaning and essence of "midrash" (interpretation), "Oral Law Tradition," and Talmud (see,, and for best expo).

It's simply notorious that Jews, collectively, consider themselves co-equal w. God, even in at least one case in the Talmud, over-ruling God's judgment, "my sons have defeated me."

So what, u may ask, exactly is it Jews use to so totally dominate the gentiles? Well, note many gentiles, numbering far more than Jews, themselves adopt subjectivism, hence satanism, in many cases rather un-wittingly. But Jews are most committed, dedicated, and COLLECTIVISTICALLY engaged in the "group-think" application of such extreme subjectivism, far more organized, cohesive, and incisively led than the often half-baked gentiles who are not nearly as well organized or even dedicated, Jews therefore DOMINATING and leading the satanists/subjectivists among gentiles, even though far out-numbered.

Thus we see the psychologic/philosophic/abstract aspect of the culture. The practical side is that Jews see to it they dominate the central-banking and fiat-currency systems so that they further apply their rule and domination--this is what u are presently feeling and experiencing as anyone does who becomes as public and hence obnoxious to the Jew/satanic establishment as u have.

Thus u must not withdraw or recede; rather, u must double-down and apply and exert to the utmost the Christian understanding and teaching--it's relatively easily done--simply compare urself to Christ (hence TRUTH) and his persecution and say why and how--it will be effective for many people.

Specifically, note the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics and traitors, as especially in USA who support terror-state of Israel--it's these sort of gross heretics, pretending to Christianity which so much enables the satanic element and Israeli terror-state.

For example, these JCs say Christ was "Jew"--which is un-true, "Jew" defined as follower of Pharisees and Talmud, Christ being Galilean descended fm Judeans, not Jew.

Perhaps most of all, note the great equivocation problem w. word, "faith," which properly only means LOYALTY, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," which beleeeeeeeeeevin' doesn't make anything true. One can beleeeeeeeeeeeev and beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev, but the facts and reality remain what they are. Pretending that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" makes something true is just satanism and subjectivism itself, making oneself God, the creator.

Christianity is about TRUTH first and most; NOT about mere "love," for "love" is something to be done for something else--like truth and honesty, reality and objectivity.

Good luck, Gilad; God is with u, as u're absolutely right--if u weren't doing something right, those satanists wouldn't be afflicting u so--like they afflicted Christ. But if u expose them, it will likely cause them to draw back, even though nothing is guaranteed. At least u'll know u're fighting the "good fight," the only fight, that MUST be fought. God-speed.

Ho hoho ho--What?--of course Jew S A has a culture--SATANISM--isn't it lovely?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Culture Of Jew S A?--SATANISM, Of Course, As Evermore People See
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 18)

Must disagree: we actually have a fairly strong Christian element here in Jew S A, though, unfortunately, so far, most organized are the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics, and traitorous scum, who push and support terror-state of Israel--the reason Israeli terror state rules--so far--it will change as it always does for those satanic Jews (which is redundancy--Judaism IS satanism--see below ref.s).

Another strong element is the satanic culture, such as it is, built upon extreme subjectivism, the idea reality is created by means of mentality/consciousness, making oneself God, the Jews dominating and leading naturally as they are most satanic (see,, and Also Jews are most COLLECTIVISTIC in their satanism/subjectivism, most organized, dedicated, and best-led.

But the Christian spirit will rally as more and more people see evermore plainly the actual, outright satanic nature of Judaism, Jews, and their suck-alongs who vastly out-number Jews, but not nearly as well organized. And things are NOT prospering here in Jew S A, the currency getting evermore weak and worthless, the debt getting greater--which all makes the satanists and Jews stick-out more plainly for what they're all about, the people evermore aware of the mass-murdering Israeli-terror state.

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jilles dykstra says:
December 19, 2018 at 9:41 am GMT

French culture does exist, there is no such thing as a USA culture

Jews place is biologic, sociologic, political, and economic, also psychologic--they're thematic and notable for understandable reason(s)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews: Foremost Satanists
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 18)

<blockquote>Make no mistake, I’m not trying to diminish the opprobrium directed against Jews; either Jews are a malignant group, or they’re our moral inferiors. Either way, we’re not talking philo-semitism.</blockquote>

Jews?--they're simply a disease, not essentially diff. fm black plague or typhus, who take-out and remove, kill, and eliminate the over-populated, excess pop. of gentiles (and Jews too).

For note Jews are foremost satanists, extreme subjectivists, holding reality is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, making themselves God, the creator--satanism. And this satanism is confirmed fm their filthy Talmud featuring "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah and everything else. See,, and

Thus Jews, foremost satanists/subjectivists, naturally dominate and lead the huge mass of gentile satanists and subjectivists, Jews being COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, leading group-thinkers, most organized, most dedicated, most committed, and cohesive. See also my note # 44, above, this thread.

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Svigor says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:54 am GMT

Make no mistake, I’m not trying to diminish the opprobrium directed against Jews; either Jews are a malignant group, or they’re our moral inferiors. Either way, we’re not talking philo-semitism.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Slimey, filthy kike tries to seduce the gentiles, so I just explained to him what a filthy satanist he really is....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews Simply Refuse To Accept Any Reality But Their Own Private "Idaho"
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 18)

<blockquote>For anyone who has read to this point, I have a question: why the obsession over Jews and/or Jewishness?</blockquote>

Why the "obsession" w. diseases like black plague or typhus or any other horrific, deadly anti-human disease? We humans desperately look for a solution against u Jew monsters. But consider simply our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus, for what he had to say about u:

"43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies."

Above quotes are fm New Test. Gosp. JOHN chpt 8, verses 43 and 44. U scummy, psychopathic filth, called Jews, even lie to urselves, pretending u just can't unnastan' us gentiles, can't understand Christ whom u murdered and gloat over having done it in ur filthy Talmud--see

But I'll say this about u Jew monsters: it's surely true that there get to be tooooo many, over-populated gentiles, as presently, I suspect, so u're the God-given, biologic device by which the gentiles are killed-off and culled-out. Otherwise, u Jew monsters, pretending u're God, REFUSE to accept any truth or reality apart fm what ur rabbis announce is the official Kosher truth, officially and ceremonially arrived-at in full accord w. Kaballah and Zohar, no doubt.

U can ck comment # 44, above, where I answer ur compatriot fm France on a similar question he asked me--interesting he had nothing to say about the answer I gave him, ho hoh oho

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Charles says:
December 17, 2018 at 9:46 pm GMT • 200 Words

An earlier comment stated that The Unz Review is the best English-language site, bar none. I mostly agree. Another point made was that Unz will publish anyone’s viewpoint, including essays on completely taboo subjects (questioning the Holocaust, race/IQ correlation, et cetera). He will also publish people who are antithetical to most of his own readership. This demonstrates his desire for facilitating true free speech, which is an idea long-abandoned in American MSM.

For anyone who has read to this point, I have a question: why the obsession over Jews and/or Jewishness? I know the standard answers will include international banking, influence in culture, over-representation in media, control of…you get the point. MY point is – when is the last time you saw a Jewish flash-mob overrun a convenience store? How many policemen have Jewish Lives Matter murdered? Granted, a Jew (Soros) indirectly or perhaps directly finances murderous, destructive groups in the USA. THEY seek the destruction of US society – that is a plain fact, if you pay attention to what they say and do. But “world Jewry” is not a monolithic entity; it is in fact the opposite. I will also say that if (a thing which cannot happen) the USA could emulate in some ways the State of Israel, the USA would be a lot better off.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Note always: hist. is CYCLIC, and it's good when people pause to consider, "where, when did things start to going wrong?"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Multi-Culturalism IS Satanism, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Well, whatever, but for sure, things DEFINITIVELY went wrong for Jew S A in 1860s, specifically 1861 when Lincoln the mass-murderer conducted genocide against the people, the morons of northern Jew S A (or very soon to be totally Jew-dominated) denying the sovereignty of the states w. right to secede fm the subordinate union, the union properly only the servant and agent of the states.

For remember: SOVEREIGNTY IS INALIENABLE, a basic principle, and union ONLY held "delegated" powers fm states which were duly withdrawn fm that union by the Confederacy (CSA).

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." -10th Amendment. Note secession was NOT prohibited--and couldn't have been, as states of the Articles of Confederation would never then have voted and ratified.

One could go back to 1830 when the psychopath Pres., Andrew Jackson, threatened courageous state of S. Carolina w. war if it attempted to secede or even to nullification of the grossly un-fair federal tariff--nullification, remember having been expounded by none other than Jefferson and Madison and practiced by various states several times.

One could go back to 1819 McCulloch vs. Maryland which entrenched the criminal enterprise of the central bank (BUS)--literally legalized counterfeiting.

Note in 1824 the Rothschilds bankers took over "vatican" finances, sucking the vatican into that horrific criminal "banking" conspiracy.

And don't forget the magnificent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, who and which posed the CYCLIC theory of determinist (absolute cause effect) history in which satanism (extreme subjectivism, making mentality/consciousness the God-like creator of reality--satanism) comes evermore to rule and control the world, in this latest case by means of moralism of absolute, God-like "free" will, beginning definitively w. Immanuel Kant, moving to absolute state of GWF Hegel, then to pure communism of Marx and the revival of fascism, etc.

Regardless, I'd say 1860s was decisive destruction of USA, now Jew S A, which became definitively imperialist in 1898, leading to League of Nations world dictatorship and present genocidal Agenda-21 and -2030 United Nations of today.

But people are waking-up--look at the "yellow vest" movement going-on now in Europe and France. I don't see how it's possible for Trump and his fans to deny the logic of the old Confederate principles of states-rights against the globalist genocide and dictatorship. All we need now is for more folks to grasping necessity and virtue of NULLIFICATION, states-rights, and real money of gold and silver. See

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dfordoom says: • Website
December 17, 2018 at 1:14 am GMT • 100 Words

If I could pinpoint where the things went wrong for the west – I would say it happened when they invented the idiocy of multiculturalism.

It happened before that. From around 1960 up to the early 70s you had the Pill, abortion legalised, divorce becoming steadily more socially acceptable, more and more women entering the workforce (which meant employers no longer had to pay men enough to support a family), the ludicrous expansion of higher education, the toleration of the drug culture, the toleration of homosexuality, the toleration of promiscuity, the beginnings of the tidal wave of porn, the collapse of all traditional social norms, the steady decline of Christianity.

The culture changed radically. It created the conditions in which ideas like multiculturalism could thrive. The people of that pre-1960 world would not have fallen for a dumb idea like multiculturalism.

Here's good condensed exposition on "Jew power" over the goyim....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews Leading Subjectivists, Satanists, Controlling Establishment Christianity
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Parisian Jew; regarding lend-lease, the facts speak--it doesn't matter what "polls" say, which argument of urs is mere version of fallacy of argument-fm-authority. I'm "proof," u say?--I stick to the obvious facts, and draw the clear, indicated conclusion soviets were beaten till resuscitated, rejuvenated, and actually primed by American aid and supply, especially of simple, basic food, and then the transportation.

Stalin and Russkies themselves URGENTLY asked for tanks and planes when Harry Hopkins first talked to them, so deficient they'd become, such losses they'd suffered. By end 1941 Russkies had already gotten 200,000 tons of American-produced supplies through the Brits (before Jew S A even officially got into the war)--Jewwy Wikipedia says they got 360,000 tons.

Jew "power"?--all u have to do is look at Israel, the "tail" wagging American (and everyone else) "dog." Jews obviously control finances and the world fiat-money and central-banking systems. But then HOW do Jew exercise that control? Note psychologically Jews control an extremely powerful segment of "Christian" population in Jew S A, called "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo), or "Christian-Zionists," about half of all evangelicals, perhaps numbering up to 40 million here who strongly support Israeli terror-state. Jews heavily influence and intimidate ALL establishment Christian churches throughout the world beginning w. "vatican" satanists and child-molesters.

But most of all, Jews are Talmudists (see, by definition, hence satanists, Jews being extreme subjectivists ("midrash"), which subjectivism holds reality is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, making themselves God, the creator--satanists. Further Jews are most COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, leading group-think practitioners, Jews most dedicated, most organized, most committed, most cohesive such subjectivists and group-think artists. Thus Jews control, lead, and manipulate practically all the other subjectivistic and satanists among the goyim who vastly out-number Jews--this satanism is crux of their psychologic power. And note satanism is also secular philosophy--extreme subjectivism--parallel to "religious" Talmudism--it doesn't matter if a Jew says he's "atheist." Thus Jews are most organized CRIMINALS and psychopaths, as we see in Israeli terror-state. Q.E.D.

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Parisian Guy says:

December 16, 2018 at 5:20 am GMT • 200 Words

U say, “…truth was known by everybody in Europe…,” but u just babble the typical Jew lies, and u give no references.

Quite recently, statistics had been published about the question “Who defeated the nazi?” It was a compilation of poll results in several years and several countries. It showed without any doubt that the majority, which was at first answering USSR, became gradually answering USA. And, as I said, it was noticeable, but not unexpected, that the opinion in each country was chauvinistically biased.

I have not recorded that paper, and I cannot give you the reference. My best guess is I saw it in Russia Insider, maybe a month ago. May be I’m not the only one here to have seen it.

Anyway, you are a kind of proof, by yourself, that the basic facts have been replaced in the memories.

BTW, I would like to know where is, according to you, the limit to jewish power. I got the feeling that you see no limit.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Who's presumptuous against freedom, humanity?--advocates of statism, omnipotent gov....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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What Are Real Circumstances Of Freedom?--Avoiding Omnipotent Gov., Heeding Reason, Honesty, Rule-Of-Law
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Digital: u're the one making "assumptions" and question-begging, buddy, don't doubt. U obviously never hrd of rule-of-law and sanctity-of-contract by which the middle-class has ALWAYS lived and thrived fm ancient times through Renaissance Italy, and then pre-1860s USA whence local and state gov. prevailed against the gross centralization and "globalist" statism which now seeks to consolidate for purpose of Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide.

And real patriots are ALWAYS "libertarian," including the German heroes of NSDAP, but who observed socialist "internationalist" and globalist circumstances then, not un-like today, and who determined upon perfectly justified martial-law resort for gov. preached by unc' Adolf, considering Germany was attacked and blind-sided by the Entente conspirators, traduced and slandered for responsibility of WWI by utterly corrupt Versailles treaty--so much forgotten in this day as I earlier noted.

Simplest history demonstrates most excellent security of world economy of the gold standard, including even after 1860s prior to world-gov. genocidal era beginning in 1914--triumph then of moralism-collectivism of Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Marx.

People KNOW they're in trouble when gross criminals, Jews, and satanists take-over, featuring literal legalized counterfeiting of central-banking, these criminals and satanic psychopaths preaching the very same sort of statist dictatorship and excuses as u do, though u don't have the wit to realize it.

For the libertarian ideal is to AVOIDING the very "macro-economy," as u put it, which can only be effected by omnipotent gov., as hist. has demonstrated. And the "fairy" u pretend to knowing all about isn't free-market, but rather the benevolent statist dictatorship u defend and extol, like the pathetic, patronizing fool u really are, eh?--u only kid urself, buddy--try to getting a clue.

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Digital Samizdat says:

December 15, 2018 at 5:31 pm GMT • 100 Words

Austrian School? Wow. Are we like the only country on earth where even the National Socialists are closet-Libertarians? Neo-liberalism sucks, and Classical Liberalism–alas!–is just a fantasy. Personally, I think a certain amount of state planning (and in some cases, outright state-ownership) is perfectly defensible, even necessary. Call it NS, call it Fordism, call it Ordo-Liberalism, call it dirigisme, call it what you like. It’s essential to keep control over the economy to make sure that, among other things, (((certain special interests))) can’t get hold of it and f*ck your people over.

Don’t ever assume that just because you aren’t running the macro-economy, nobody else is. Somebody will always be running the show. If you’re lucky, they’ll be drawn from your ranks and they’ll give a hoot about you and yours. I’d trust people like that much more than some ‘free’ market fairy.

It's "deja vu" all over again, eh?--ho ho ho o ho....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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U ALWAYS Knew It--Don't Lie And Say U Didn't
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 18)

All of this related above by Napolitano [u have to see the citation, above, and ck into it for this essay to make sense] has always been known and foreseen by "deep-state" and the Jews who are in the midst of it all, as usual.

BUT, note Trump is not without his defenses and resorts, like, fact he was/is operating against arch-criminals and traitors, the Demon-rats, and without doubt these Demon-rats are AT LEAST as guilty in other things as Trump. Jews/Satanists always knew it and loved it--BECAUSE now they get to manipulate things to their advantage. And things can always get to be all nice and patched-up, don't forget--all u need do is to promise the Jews a few things, never doubt--they'll make it all nice and good.

Thus now u KNOW w. absolute certainty more false-flags will ensue, for benefit of Jews, Satanists, and Israel, the object being to getting Jew S A into more war, Jew S A and it's abysmally dumb people, the goyim, suffering and dying for benefit of Jews/Satanists, naturally, as usual, of course.

And we really and truly ALREADY knew all of this long, long ago, truth be told--because this is how things are in Jew S A, the dog wagged by the proverbial tail, slave of Jews and Israel, as usual, as always.

But regardless, never forget--worst thing we can all do is to being anti-Semitic, u know; we must not observe or consider facts as to why practically everyone is anti-Semitic (even some of the semites), why our ancestors always taught us to be anti-Semitic. And don't forget the holohoax, u crude gentile vermin.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

satanism: a serious problem, product of hubris, subjectivism, CYCLIC course of history....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Problem Is Satanism
(Apollonian, 2 Dec 18)

Ralphie ralf--what happens when a "successful" civilization continues to reproduce offspring who don't have to work and fight as hard as the original heroes, founders, and pioneers? Do u think it would be similar to Romans?--the people suffer evermore HUBRIS (look it up). The civilization corrupts and "declines," according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

History is CYCLIC, and USA is now Jew S A, captured (psychologically) by the master exploiters of HUBRIS. Indeed, Jew S A is now positively SATANIC society. Ever hrd of "agenda-21"?--pop. reduction--that's what they're going to do, and stupid people are notoriously subject to victimization of that sort--it's what's happening, the people now submerged in cognitive dissonance.

Observe people are ALREADY being murdered on massive scale by means of legal drugs, like fentanyl and others, not to mention GMO foods, poison vaccines, poison glyphosate herbicides, etc., and now they're going to introduce "5G" electro-magnetic effects which are understood as quite destructive and harmful--but no one cares--and that's the penalty for not caring--U DIE, sucker--it's way of the world, only in little more elaborate guise. It may be "disgraceful," but never forget humans are sinners--it's way cookie crumbles.

Trick is how to extricate humanity, at least for those who might survive. One easy, obvious recourse is to get more anti-Semitic (anti-satanic)--which was magnificent religion, called "Christianity," given us by Romans and Greeks, and which served Western culture and people for well over a millennia. Isn't it genius how the Satanists have prejudiced the suckers soooo brilliantly against Christianity and anti-Semitism?

So WHAT exactly is Satanism?--well, it's really very simple: it's extreme subjectivism, idea reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself God, the creator. Cognitive dissonance is designed to divert people fm simple ideas and solutions. Lots of fools and scum are going to have to be culled, evidently, I'm afraid.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Ralph B. Seymour says:
November 14, 2018 at 3:47 pm

This is what the US has devolved into.
And the stupid population believes this foolishness.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Basic cultural problem is MONOPOLY, hence the criminal central bank (mere legalized counterfeiting), and this is NOT too difficult for the people to grasp--so don't forget it....

Get With The Program, U Dumb, Brainless Puke--Merely To Save Ur Worthless Lives, Morons: Basic Cultural Problem Is MONOPOLY, Hence "Conspiracy"
(Apollonian, 27 Nov 18)

Can't u over-populated morons see what's happening?--what's going-on?--u damn fools. What's happening is the steady, inexorable tightening of the screws, fools--the big MONOPOLY taking ever-greater control.

So the general program is the usual, typical "political-correctness," obviously--so what's that?--GLOBALISM, suckers--socialism--world dictatorship, thus Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction"). For that's what socialism is, morons--just as the kike novelist, Ayn Rand (look her up), noted (as in "Atlas Shrugged")--DEATH WORSHIP. So these globalists are going to "de-populate" the world, in case u haven't gotten the memo, ignorant fools.

In short, we can say we're up against raging, rampant SATANISM--death worship--but technically, don't forget, specifically it's extreme subjectivism, reality held to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God the creator, but this subjectivism being collectivized and thus dominated by Jews, Jews the most cohesive, organized, dedicated, collectivized (communistic) committed, and experienced, with a long history, subjectivists, theirs known fm the Talmud (see,, and as "midrash" (roughly, "interpretation'). Jews were and still are always most dedicated, effective communists, don't forget--they're proud of it too, always willing to admit it as in so many of their books and biographies.

Thus these globalist scum must have practical dictatorship--POWER--HOW then do they get it? Well, this practical power comes fm the power of MONOPOLY. Note the well-known Jews-media; then there are the Medical association of doctors/physicians, the Bar association of lawyers, etc. Don't forget "Big Pharma" corporations, also big Agra (agricultural) corps. Lately we've all hrd about the "tech" giants like Jewgle (Google), Jew-book (Facebook), and Jew-tube (Youtube), also Twitter.

All of these afore-mentioned monopolies are creatures of the TOP monopoly, the central bank, the US Federal Reserve Bank, which is literally just legalized counterfeiting (see for expo), putting out the practically endless fiat currency (not real money, of course).

Observe Ajax Jewns of being sued by various globalists and agents thereof whose lawyers are paid fm the central-bank's practically INFINITE reserve of funds which it merely has to print-out. Poor Ajax has to pay his lawyers out of currency which he himself CANNOT just print-up (or digitalize). Now u see HOW the globalists dictate, control, dominate, and manipulate--u can't beat them long as they have that counterfeiting machine, the central bank--and as long as the stupid people go along w. such criminal enterprise as legalized counterfeiting.

So u see, it's a literal criminal enterprise, central-banking, which controls our culture and the people within--that's why it is SATANIC, keeping the people terrorized, confused, demoralized, and befuddled, the people encouraged to fighting one another rather than being united against the master criminals at the top. That's why COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is always integral part of the corrupt cultural program, as taught in the schools, "tolerance" and "diversity," etc., not to mention socialism--which is death worship and suicide, the poor fools too stupid to grasp--thus the endless wars wherein the fools are willingly, even if reluctantly, sent to die and be killed, etc.

But again, the foremost problem, in concept, is obviously the big monopoly at work and operating, and it's something (monopoly) which most folks can understand--they know, at least generally, what it is and how it works.

So obviously then, we see the great merit in seeing this monopoly and it's operations as CONSPIRACY--and that's why the establishment does not condone this conspiratorial subject and theme, including serious discussion and consideration thereto, attempting so desperately, but steadily and insistently, in trying to intimidate the people beginning w. ridicule, but not limited thereto, and quite willing to use serious legal and legalistic means to stamping it (conspiracy suspicions) out of people's minds and public conversation.

Remember then, the satanist, criminal establishment has certain advantages it uses against the people, and these will be successful up to a pt., but note it's only going to MOST affect the weaklings, and it gets tougher to enforce their criminality as the weaklings and victims steadily die-out and become less numerous, relatively, the obvious criminality and satanic nature evermore blatant for the survivors to see.

It's very much a psychologic war of attrition in so many respects. It's like the Jew monsters always trying to stamp-out "anti-Semitism," but it doesn't work because Jews are scum and people see it and can't long deny it--it's a religion, and it's integral part of our dear Christianity--if u're not anti-Semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker, ho ho ho ho. And if u're not anti-Semitic, u're just not human or honest, pure and simple.

Thus we, the real patriots, can only do our Christian best, knowing we're going to lose many battles before the grim war can possibly be won--BECAUSE of the great number of willing fools, suckers, and goons which the satanists use so ruthlessly, especially at first, but which weaklings and inferiors tend to dying-out as they get used-up as the typical cannon-fodder, fighting the inane wars which the satanists keep starting and keep going, as described by Orwell in his great work, "1984."

Thursday, November 15, 2018

This amazing election farce is what satanic insanity gets for us--just toooooo much OBVIOUS corruption, fraud, lies, etc.--Trump MUST declare martial-law, have a do-over, sufficiently policed and over-seen, this time....

Demon-Rats And Globalists Have Reduced Election Farce To Absurd--Seriously
(Apollonian, 15 Nov 18)

This is ridiculous, isn't it?--globalists, including the Jews-media and Demon-rats have totally made a brainless mockery of the 2018 elections. To be more specific, the obvious major players in this idiot farce are (a) the globalists and Demon-rat party, including the top officers/officials, (b) the Jews-media, and (c) the utterly corrupt legal-system, esp. the judges, all having obviously taken huge bribes, etc.

It's now such a farce, the latest elections, NO ONE believes it's been fair, and Trump will look like the most brainless Jewwy flunky if he fails to (a) declare martial law, (b) arrest the ring-leaders (like the negroidal Snipes election commissioner of Broward County, Fla.), and (c) have a do-over, running fair elections w. adequate voter-ID provisions, etc. Otherwise it's a gross globalist/communist take-over, the very thing Trump is expected to prevent and oppose.

This is HOW stinking putrid and absurd things have come to, folks--martial-law is the only thing to be done to restore a modicum of sanity.

Of course we all know who is benefitted most by all this idiocy--THE JEWS, especially Israel (who control Trump, don't doubt), who else? But evidently, those scummy kike psychopaths have just gone too far for their cheating, fraud, and lying--having now fooled themselves to imagine anyone is supposed to take these latest moronic developments as within realm of plausibility.

The virtue of such martial-law is that it would solve lots of things if done right--Trump should take the opportunity. The legal system has grossly failed; martial-law is the only alternative.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Fetzer's blog taken down: gee, I wonder who did it and why?....

Fetzer's Web Blog Taken Down--More TRIBULATION(s)
(Apollonian, 30 Sep 18)

Well folks, the blog of James Fetzer, where I've been posting lots of neato essays and "comments" lately, has just been taken down, Friday, the 28th. Jewgle (google) which owns the BlogSpot system, like it owns Jew-tube, just says, "blog has been removed," not saying whether it was Fetzer who did it, or Jewgle. Fetzer hadn't posted any new blogs since the 23rd.

I don't know why Jewgle would take-down Fetzer's blog, though Fetzer has posted some dangerous stuff--"dangerous" to the Jew lies which Jewgle is built-upon. And I'm not sure why Fetzer himself would take-down his own blog when he had some fairly interesting stuff on it--some of it his own work.

So it's just more activity in way of censorship (a), and (b) "TRIBULATIONS" as of New Test. Book of Revelations that stuff like this, Fetzer's blog being taken-down, that inevitably has to happen. Fetzer's blog offered excellent topics I was able to comment upon providing material for publishing on my blogs. So now I'll have to look for some other blog, like Fetzer's, or I'll have to think up my own topics, darn it all.

For we need "tribulation," unfortunately, in order to get more people thinking, "tribulations" putting pressure upon the people in general, causing them to think and act--such "tribulation" being necessary facet of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in the course of CYCLIC history.

For note the stupid goons of Jew S A (used to be USA) need "tribulation" as inspiration, so to speak--and we haven't really been suffering much here in Jew S A, so "tribulation" is what is due--the more people understand this about "tribulation," the better off they'll be, the more serious they will become--I hope.

For we suffer gross, rampant SATANISM, suckers, and people must grasp the implications for exactly what satanism is, etc., the more and the sooner, the better.

That's great thing about "Book of Revelations": it reminds people there are "end-times" in CYCLIC history--not necessarily the total end of the world, but that we have down-turns in CYCLIC history, and for example, "Decline of the West," w. currency and economic collapse, etc.

And of course, we don't say Jews are first cause of such "decline" and "end-times," but they do and will have to be dealt with as they become prominent and dominant during such end-times, as we see, Jews being foremost satanists. See,, and

We have to get rid of Jews, and before we can do that we have to treat satanism and deal w. the legion of satanists, first among the goyim (like "Judeo-Christian" [JCs] heretics--see and for expo on JCs), which satanist goyim vastly out-number Jews, though the Jews lead them and provide that basic organization, etc.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Such is satanic situation/conditions--too many "idiots," morons, scum, filth, etc....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Over-Population Of "Idiots" Leads To Disaster, Wars, Etc., Need For Removal Of Such Idiots, Idiocy--CYCLIC Historical Process
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 18)

Yes, we humans are sinners, for sure--"idiots" too, too much of the time, just as Palacek indicates--and it seems to be a CYCLIC process, given inductive evidence.

And the great problem, of course, is when a culture (or "civilization," such as it may be) becomes SOOOOOOOO "successful," "victorious," and "prosperous" that it now produces an OVER-population of such "idiots."

Thus w. too many, over-populated idiots--also fools, scum, filth, and puke, never forget--the culture goes into and suffers "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Note the culture was earlier strong, genuinely victorious, productive, and prosperous due to the original generations who were brave and courageous, but also HONEST (more oriented to an OBJECTIVE reality)--unlike the scum and following generations who arose and now bring the former culture into the present Spenglerian "decline."

So what happened?--well, the corrupt following and later generations obviously suffer HUBRIS, the idea they've become like God, w. genuinely "free" will capable of changing reality, these corrupt generations now capable of becoming "good"--as opposed to "evil."

So in terms of philosophy, the original generations of that basic HONESTY, as of the Romans, for example, becomes the corrupt following generations of SUBJECTIVISM (notion that consciousness/mentality creates reality), fooling themselves, totally losing that precious quality of honesty--all in the vain quest for (non-existent) "good-evil" and especially moralism--as we see today w. idiot emphasis upon "tolerance" and "diversity"--because it's "good," u see.

And now outright criminals and murderers take-over the so-called "culture"--as we see today, the murderers being the enforcers, well-paid by the top criminals and frauds, esp. of central-banking (see for expo; use the site search-engine for specific terms).

Thus fm the original founders and heroes who began the civilization/culture, the CYCLIC historical process brings things through hubris and "decline" to the present satanistic (extreme subjectivism) pass--as during the Roman Empire which was briefly revived in early 4th century by Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, Christianity providing the antidote to the prevailing satanism/subjectivism of the time.

Of course, that rationalist Christian impulse didn't last long, and Christianity itself became submerged within gross horrendous mysticism, as we see in this very day, the "Vatican" being now overwhelmed and submerged by pedophilia and masonry, heavily controlled by Jews and satanism.

So what will happen now?--well, there's too many morons, scum, filth, and puke--too much satanism, etc., so we'll have to go through "tribulations" as of Book of Revelations "end-times"--but only "end-time" for present corrupt phase and CYCLE of hist.

We need to reduce population of Jews and satanists, Jews being foremost satanists, Jews most collectivist, organized, cohesive, and connected among satanists, w. most effective "group-think," etc.--see,, and

Thus we need states-rights, nullification, and secession, and REAL MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver. And never forget Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, means it is necessarily anti-semitic, anti-satanic (JOHN 8:44). Face-up to facts, u stupid scum; get a brain, and be honest for once in ur worthless lives.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Jews/Israel evermore apparent satanic leader and power behind "deep-state," throwing "globalist" "left" under proverbial "bus"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews/Israel Topmost Power Behind satanic "Deep-State"--Evermore Apparent
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)

I suspect Hodges, here, the shrink-author, rather over-analyzes things, even though what he says might actually be true. For note (a) the Democrats seem to be in some serious trouble, having now been caught red-handed, under their former maximum "leader," Obola, involved in serious crimes and conspiracies for DOJ (dept. Justice) and FBI obstructing justice, aiding and abetting a criminal, Clinton, manipulating and subverting an election, and actual treason against sitting President, among other serious offenses.

(b) So now we have Blasey-Ford just another, more credentialed, "Stormy" Daniels-type figure and distraction, doing little more than making additional shrill accusations, etc., in attempt to derail and discredit Trump who has definitively REJECTED "globalism" in favor of US national sovereignty.

For what these pathetic, stupid "globalists" fail to do is exposing Trump's own treason in favor of Israel-first, Trump now involved in illegal Syrian wars for Israel, among other things. NOTICE "GLOBALISTS" NEVER MENTION ISRAEL or Trump's Israel-first agenda which is actually quite plain and even admitted.

So we see rather definitively who exactly is really behind "deep-state" of "globalist" left--same Israel and Jews, these being satanic powers behind the primary weapon/instrument of tyranny and oppression, the criminal enterprise of central-banking (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting of practically INFINITE "currency," not real money.

And we see how well this distraction/diversion of "globalist" "left" and Democrats is working as people still don't grasp the profoundly criminal and satanic nature of the central-bank, though they do understand the "globalist" assault against national sovereignty, some of them even connecting the obligatory genocide of Agendas -21 and -2030. For SOCIALISM IS GENOCIDE, as we see and realize evermore.

Thus Jews/Israeli terror-state are willing to throwing "globalist" "left" under proverbial "bus" in order to maintain the desperate effort in keeping goyim distracted fm the TRUTH to effect, "it's Jews, stupid," Jews the actual and obligatory leaders of satanism (extreme subjectivism), Jews foremost subjectivists (making consciousness/mentality creator of reality, hence making themselves God, the creator)--see,, and for expo on Jew subjectivism ("midrash").

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Kavanaugh "crisis," indeed--WHAT a moronic charade, for goons, suckers, scum, and fools....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Kavanaugh "Crisis"/Charade: Entertainment For Morons
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

Note Jeffries writes, 2nd para.,

"The most troubling thing about Kavanaugh, to those of us who have bothered to investigate such things, is Kavanaugh’s role in covering up the death of Clinton White House counsel Vince Foster. Kavanaugh, as White House counsel under Bush, also sought to limit compensation under the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund."

So we see right off, all this idiot "Kavanaugh" crap is just a moronic charade put on by the Jewwy "left" "globalists" who advocate GENOCIDE of Agenda-21 and -2030 vs. the traitors of Israel-first and "neo-cons" of fake "right." Kavanaugh has done yeoman's work for both sides, Clinton and Bush.

And what a joke about the Russkie "collusion" and election-meddling, when everyone knows Israel controls American elections, esp. by means of "campaign contributions" and funding, etc., not to mention the Jews-media.

Who do these idiot kikes at the top really think they're fooling, after all?

Observe (again), how the "leftist" "globalists" NEVER NEVER NEVER pt. to Israel or Israeli influence, or how Trump is their (Israeli) obvious flunky/slave.

So we see WHO rules, dictates, dominates--Israel on top of everything--AND NO ONE SAYS A WORD--NO ONE--and if anyone did, it would never make it to the Jews-media. And if anyone did say a word about Jew domination, they'd be attacked first and most by the goyim flunkies, like "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalist scum who say Christ is/was "Jew," etc.

And note how all "Christian" establishment is Jew-controlled and -funded. After all, the very top central-bank institution, a downright criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting) which literally makes and controls all the "currency," not REAL money--see for expo--is controlled and run by Jews.

And NOTHING WILL CHANGE until US Dollar, along w. the economy, COLLAPSES--that's only time the goons, morons, scum, suckers, and fools, called "the people," who are LEGION, will begin to suspecting there's something wrong.

That's why patriot heroes must be ready, always preaching the anti-semitic creed and credo, exposing the Jews and satanists, satanists always led by Jews, Jews the foremost satanists. See,, and for expo on Jew Talmud.

What's "satanism"?--extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making subject to be God, the creator. Only under satanic conditions do we get such moronic charade like present Kavanaugh "crisis" and flap-doodle, for the entertainment of self-lobotomized morons of Jew S A, fatally addicted to non-existent (totally subjectivistic) "good-evil" and moralism, the horribly corrupt empire in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

"Conspiracy"?--not only proven, visible, admitted, but it's INTEGRAL part of Western culture, suckers (gad, but people are ignorant puke, aren't they?)....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Newsflash, Suckers: Humans Are "Sinners"--Subject To Conspiracy
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 18)

Someone needs to inform Palacek that "conspiracy" is already proven, evident, visible, admitted; just read David Rockefeller's memoir: (a) "David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

"In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

"| Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will.If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |""| David Rockefeller |" See

(b) The US central-bank, "US Federal Reserve" is a criminal fraud (by definition and nature), consisting of legalistically counterfeited currency, not real money, this "currency" forced upon the people by un-Constitutional "legal-tender" laws. See for expo.

(c) Further, note Christian New Testament is a story about CONSPIRACY of Pharisees and Sadducees to kill TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--integral part of Western culture and basic religion.

(d) Jefferson, et al., specifically cite conspiracy of King and Parliament against American colonists in the Declaration of Independence, in case u ever care to getting around to reading it.

So what, historically, has happened?--simple: humans are scummy puke, basically, never forget--they're "sinners"; always have been, always will be--this being basic Christian theology.

Thus humans suffer HUBRIS, individually and collectively, and we see corrupt following generations to American founders indulging in "bread and circuses," caring for little else, pretending they've achieved (non-existent) "good" vs. "evil."

So this hubristic state has now degenerated to full-blown SATANISM, presently, as evident and obvious, despite the flimsy window-dressing of establishment, satanified, false "Christianity"--like the present "Vatican," for example.

What is satanism?--it's simply, at root, extreme subjectivism, the idea that consciousness/mind creates reality, making the subject God, the creator--as we easily see now.

Thus Jews are foremost, collectivistic, organized subjectivists ("midrash") in accord w. their devilish Talmud (see,, and for expo), Jews dominating, ruling, leading, and manipulating even far greater numbers of gentile satanists and subjectivists, gentiles more stupid, "individualistic," and dis-organized. This large satanic network then rules, intimidates, and terrorizes the rest of brainless, complacent humanity, as we see.

So we simply need a Christian REVIVAL, resurrection of the original inspiration--against present charlatans and satanic heretics who've infiltrated, subverted, and now taken-over the "church" which had protected and guarded the people and culture against this satanization (extreme subjectivism) for centuries--up to and even beyond French Revolution, for example.

Primary, definitive, practical instrument of satanism then is the central-bank criminal enterprise which produces the nearly INFINITE funds which buys and corrupts all politicians, judges, et al. Central-bank further provides funds for monopolization of entire economy, including the Jews-media, as we see.

Observe history is CYCLIC as reality is objective, hence determined, according to absolute cause-effect. Thus, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the following generations fm original founders, brave, victorious, successful, and productive, become corrupt and hubristic (satanic), as we see, and now we come in for time of "tribulation," according to Book of Revelations, hence warfare, disaster, starvation, etc.

So now as currency and economy collapses, Jew S A must transform to real USA or be dissolved, the healthy states, much as possible, adopting states-rights, nullification, secession, etc., including re-instatement of REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

There's nothing necessarily mysterious for what is going-on and what has to happen. People just need to figure-out what's REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ), amen.