Sunday, December 16, 2018

Here's good condensed exposition on "Jew power" over the goyim....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews Leading Subjectivists, Satanists, Controlling Establishment Christianity
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Parisian Jew; regarding lend-lease, the facts speak--it doesn't matter what "polls" say, which argument of urs is mere version of fallacy of argument-fm-authority. I'm "proof," u say?--I stick to the obvious facts, and draw the clear, indicated conclusion soviets were beaten till resuscitated, rejuvenated, and actually primed by American aid and supply, especially of simple, basic food, and then the transportation.

Stalin and Russkies themselves URGENTLY asked for tanks and planes when Harry Hopkins first talked to them, so deficient they'd become, such losses they'd suffered. By end 1941 Russkies had already gotten 200,000 tons of American-produced supplies through the Brits (before Jew S A even officially got into the war)--Jewwy Wikipedia says they got 360,000 tons.

Jew "power"?--all u have to do is look at Israel, the "tail" wagging American (and everyone else) "dog." Jews obviously control finances and the world fiat-money and central-banking systems. But then HOW do Jew exercise that control? Note psychologically Jews control an extremely powerful segment of "Christian" population in Jew S A, called "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo), or "Christian-Zionists," about half of all evangelicals, perhaps numbering up to 40 million here who strongly support Israeli terror-state. Jews heavily influence and intimidate ALL establishment Christian churches throughout the world beginning w. "vatican" satanists and child-molesters.

But most of all, Jews are Talmudists (see, by definition, hence satanists, Jews being extreme subjectivists ("midrash"), which subjectivism holds reality is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, making themselves God, the creator--satanists. Further Jews are most COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, leading group-think practitioners, Jews most dedicated, most organized, most committed, most cohesive such subjectivists and group-think artists. Thus Jews control, lead, and manipulate practically all the other subjectivistic and satanists among the goyim who vastly out-number Jews--this satanism is crux of their psychologic power. And note satanism is also secular philosophy--extreme subjectivism--parallel to "religious" Talmudism--it doesn't matter if a Jew says he's "atheist." Thus Jews are most organized CRIMINALS and psychopaths, as we see in Israeli terror-state. Q.E.D.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Parisian Guy says:

December 16, 2018 at 5:20 am GMT • 200 Words

U say, “…truth was known by everybody in Europe…,” but u just babble the typical Jew lies, and u give no references.

Quite recently, statistics had been published about the question “Who defeated the nazi?” It was a compilation of poll results in several years and several countries. It showed without any doubt that the majority, which was at first answering USSR, became gradually answering USA. And, as I said, it was noticeable, but not unexpected, that the opinion in each country was chauvinistically biased.

I have not recorded that paper, and I cannot give you the reference. My best guess is I saw it in Russia Insider, maybe a month ago. May be I’m not the only one here to have seen it.

Anyway, you are a kind of proof, by yourself, that the basic facts have been replaced in the memories.

BTW, I would like to know where is, according to you, the limit to jewish power. I got the feeling that you see no limit.

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