Sunday, December 16, 2018

Note always: hist. is CYCLIC, and it's good when people pause to consider, "where, when did things start to going wrong?"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Multi-Culturalism IS Satanism, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Well, whatever, but for sure, things DEFINITIVELY went wrong for Jew S A in 1860s, specifically 1861 when Lincoln the mass-murderer conducted genocide against the people, the morons of northern Jew S A (or very soon to be totally Jew-dominated) denying the sovereignty of the states w. right to secede fm the subordinate union, the union properly only the servant and agent of the states.

For remember: SOVEREIGNTY IS INALIENABLE, a basic principle, and union ONLY held "delegated" powers fm states which were duly withdrawn fm that union by the Confederacy (CSA).

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." -10th Amendment. Note secession was NOT prohibited--and couldn't have been, as states of the Articles of Confederation would never then have voted and ratified.

One could go back to 1830 when the psychopath Pres., Andrew Jackson, threatened courageous state of S. Carolina w. war if it attempted to secede or even to nullification of the grossly un-fair federal tariff--nullification, remember having been expounded by none other than Jefferson and Madison and practiced by various states several times.

One could go back to 1819 McCulloch vs. Maryland which entrenched the criminal enterprise of the central bank (BUS)--literally legalized counterfeiting.

Note in 1824 the Rothschilds bankers took over "vatican" finances, sucking the vatican into that horrific criminal "banking" conspiracy.

And don't forget the magnificent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, who and which posed the CYCLIC theory of determinist (absolute cause effect) history in which satanism (extreme subjectivism, making mentality/consciousness the God-like creator of reality--satanism) comes evermore to rule and control the world, in this latest case by means of moralism of absolute, God-like "free" will, beginning definitively w. Immanuel Kant, moving to absolute state of GWF Hegel, then to pure communism of Marx and the revival of fascism, etc.

Regardless, I'd say 1860s was decisive destruction of USA, now Jew S A, which became definitively imperialist in 1898, leading to League of Nations world dictatorship and present genocidal Agenda-21 and -2030 United Nations of today.

But people are waking-up--look at the "yellow vest" movement going-on now in Europe and France. I don't see how it's possible for Trump and his fans to deny the logic of the old Confederate principles of states-rights against the globalist genocide and dictatorship. All we need now is for more folks to grasping necessity and virtue of NULLIFICATION, states-rights, and real money of gold and silver. See

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

dfordoom says: • Website
December 17, 2018 at 1:14 am GMT • 100 Words

If I could pinpoint where the things went wrong for the west – I would say it happened when they invented the idiocy of multiculturalism.

It happened before that. From around 1960 up to the early 70s you had the Pill, abortion legalised, divorce becoming steadily more socially acceptable, more and more women entering the workforce (which meant employers no longer had to pay men enough to support a family), the ludicrous expansion of higher education, the toleration of the drug culture, the toleration of homosexuality, the toleration of promiscuity, the beginnings of the tidal wave of porn, the collapse of all traditional social norms, the steady decline of Christianity.

The culture changed radically. It created the conditions in which ideas like multiculturalism could thrive. The people of that pre-1960 world would not have fallen for a dumb idea like multiculturalism.

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