Saturday, September 22, 2018

Jews/Israel evermore apparent satanic leader and power behind "deep-state," throwing "globalist" "left" under proverbial "bus"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews/Israel Topmost Power Behind satanic "Deep-State"--Evermore Apparent
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)

I suspect Hodges, here, the shrink-author, rather over-analyzes things, even though what he says might actually be true. For note (a) the Democrats seem to be in some serious trouble, having now been caught red-handed, under their former maximum "leader," Obola, involved in serious crimes and conspiracies for DOJ (dept. Justice) and FBI obstructing justice, aiding and abetting a criminal, Clinton, manipulating and subverting an election, and actual treason against sitting President, among other serious offenses.

(b) So now we have Blasey-Ford just another, more credentialed, "Stormy" Daniels-type figure and distraction, doing little more than making additional shrill accusations, etc., in attempt to derail and discredit Trump who has definitively REJECTED "globalism" in favor of US national sovereignty.

For what these pathetic, stupid "globalists" fail to do is exposing Trump's own treason in favor of Israel-first, Trump now involved in illegal Syrian wars for Israel, among other things. NOTICE "GLOBALISTS" NEVER MENTION ISRAEL or Trump's Israel-first agenda which is actually quite plain and even admitted.

So we see rather definitively who exactly is really behind "deep-state" of "globalist" left--same Israel and Jews, these being satanic powers behind the primary weapon/instrument of tyranny and oppression, the criminal enterprise of central-banking (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting of practically INFINITE "currency," not real money.

And we see how well this distraction/diversion of "globalist" "left" and Democrats is working as people still don't grasp the profoundly criminal and satanic nature of the central-bank, though they do understand the "globalist" assault against national sovereignty, some of them even connecting the obligatory genocide of Agendas -21 and -2030. For SOCIALISM IS GENOCIDE, as we see and realize evermore.

Thus Jews/Israeli terror-state are willing to throwing "globalist" "left" under proverbial "bus" in order to maintain the desperate effort in keeping goyim distracted fm the TRUTH to effect, "it's Jews, stupid," Jews the actual and obligatory leaders of satanism (extreme subjectivism), Jews foremost subjectivists (making consciousness/mentality creator of reality, hence making themselves God, the creator)--see,, and for expo on Jew subjectivism ("midrash").

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