Sunday, September 16, 2018

"Conspiracy"?--not only proven, visible, admitted, but it's INTEGRAL part of Western culture, suckers (gad, but people are ignorant puke, aren't they?)....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Newsflash, Suckers: Humans Are "Sinners"--Subject To Conspiracy
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 18)

Someone needs to inform Palacek that "conspiracy" is already proven, evident, visible, admitted; just read David Rockefeller's memoir: (a) "David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

"In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

"| Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will.If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |""| David Rockefeller |" See

(b) The US central-bank, "US Federal Reserve" is a criminal fraud (by definition and nature), consisting of legalistically counterfeited currency, not real money, this "currency" forced upon the people by un-Constitutional "legal-tender" laws. See for expo.

(c) Further, note Christian New Testament is a story about CONSPIRACY of Pharisees and Sadducees to kill TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--integral part of Western culture and basic religion.

(d) Jefferson, et al., specifically cite conspiracy of King and Parliament against American colonists in the Declaration of Independence, in case u ever care to getting around to reading it.

So what, historically, has happened?--simple: humans are scummy puke, basically, never forget--they're "sinners"; always have been, always will be--this being basic Christian theology.

Thus humans suffer HUBRIS, individually and collectively, and we see corrupt following generations to American founders indulging in "bread and circuses," caring for little else, pretending they've achieved (non-existent) "good" vs. "evil."

So this hubristic state has now degenerated to full-blown SATANISM, presently, as evident and obvious, despite the flimsy window-dressing of establishment, satanified, false "Christianity"--like the present "Vatican," for example.

What is satanism?--it's simply, at root, extreme subjectivism, the idea that consciousness/mind creates reality, making the subject God, the creator--as we easily see now.

Thus Jews are foremost, collectivistic, organized subjectivists ("midrash") in accord w. their devilish Talmud (see,, and for expo), Jews dominating, ruling, leading, and manipulating even far greater numbers of gentile satanists and subjectivists, gentiles more stupid, "individualistic," and dis-organized. This large satanic network then rules, intimidates, and terrorizes the rest of brainless, complacent humanity, as we see.

So we simply need a Christian REVIVAL, resurrection of the original inspiration--against present charlatans and satanic heretics who've infiltrated, subverted, and now taken-over the "church" which had protected and guarded the people and culture against this satanization (extreme subjectivism) for centuries--up to and even beyond French Revolution, for example.

Primary, definitive, practical instrument of satanism then is the central-bank criminal enterprise which produces the nearly INFINITE funds which buys and corrupts all politicians, judges, et al. Central-bank further provides funds for monopolization of entire economy, including the Jews-media, as we see.

Observe history is CYCLIC as reality is objective, hence determined, according to absolute cause-effect. Thus, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the following generations fm original founders, brave, victorious, successful, and productive, become corrupt and hubristic (satanic), as we see, and now we come in for time of "tribulation," according to Book of Revelations, hence warfare, disaster, starvation, etc.

So now as currency and economy collapses, Jew S A must transform to real USA or be dissolved, the healthy states, much as possible, adopting states-rights, nullification, secession, etc., including re-instatement of REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

There's nothing necessarily mysterious for what is going-on and what has to happen. People just need to figure-out what's REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ), amen.

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