Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Patriots must stop, consider sad pass for things that one must support one group of scummy TRAITORS (Ajax Jewns, against more dominant, at least more PUTRID genocidalists....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Horrific Irony, Tragedy, Pushing Ajax Jewns (, Trump--Who Are TRAITORS, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 11 Sep 18)

I don't deny it's tactically useful, perhaps even necessary, to push Ajax Jewns ( for freedom-of-expression against Agenda-21 and -2030 genocidalists, the "globalist" "leftists," e.g., Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube. For at least such "defending" of the Israel-first Trump and Jewwy Ajax will impress the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) fans of Ajax as well as "libertarian"-flavored suck-alongs.

And don't doubt another aspect of Ajax's (and Trump's) treason is Jews, Israel, and "neo-cons" want censorship NO LESS than "leftist" genocidalist "globalists."

And such "defense" of Jewwy Ajax also riles the "leftists" too, like at CNN--so it's not entirely bad move politically and psychologically to supporting Ajax. Just don't forget the HORROR of the simple, obvious fact Ajax is Jew-friendly TRAITOR, along w. Trump--at least Ajax opposes the present war-mongering by Trump and neo-cons regarding Syria, Trump totally owned and controlled by Israeli terror-state.

And patriots must realize and face-up to HORROR of present position defending TRAITORS like Trump and Ajax in order to oppose the cannibalist genocidalists of the "left" and socialism, especially the power-mad corp. monopolists, as I noted. Observe now it's quite plain for anyone to see: SOCIALISM IS GENOCIDE--simple, easy to grasp.

For observe the complete and utter BANKRUPTCY of the "patriot" "right" which is now REDUCED to defending such scummy, traitor filth like Ajax. So crushed and reduced is the anti-satanic (hence anti-semitic) cause that now it's having to resort to mere supporting one group of Jewwy satanic TRAITOR factions--"Israel-first" of Ajax and Trump--against the genocidalist and corp. "globalists."

The real struggle, politically and culturally, is same TRUTH VS. LIES, objective reality vs. subjectivist satanism (reality created by consciousness/mentality), hence the REAL Christianity vs. satanism. And immediate conflict is REAL Christianity vs. the JC scum, liars, and heretics who support Israel-first and push non-existent "good-evil" and subjectivism of "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," esp. by means of idiot confusion of meaning of word, "faith"--which really, properly only means LOYALTY, not not not moronic "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'."

In truth, it ought to be easiest thing to opposing and attacking the JCs, exposing them for satanists they really are and have become, no less than queer-infested "Vatican," JCs pushing Israel-first and satanism/subjectivism of moronic "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

So it only indicates and pt.s-up the necessary "TRIBULATION" that real Christians must face and go through for a genuine REVIVAL/resurrection of the REAL Christianity--what it really means: worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all--above "love" or (non-existent) "good," or idiot "faith"/beleeeeeeeeeeevin'."

For otherwise, supporting that moronic, babbling hill-billy liar, Ajax, has got to be most distressing and disgusting, truly.

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